Sword Art Online

Chapter 1

The first of it's kind, an interesting little gem of a game called Sword Art online.

With the virtual reality craze in full swing with the release of the NerveGear, a highly advanced virtual reality helmet that allows players to access a virtual space without any clunky attachments, just pop the helmet on and you're done.

This is exactly why a certain avid gamer boy had to have it.

"it may have taken a huge chunk out of my trust funds…but it was worth it!" said a young blonde haired boy. As he ran up to his room he excitedly hugged his mother and father awkwardly while holding his NerveGear. "Now, son, we expect you to hold up on your side of the bargain, alright?" the boy's father , Hideaki Shirayuri, stated. The boy released his father from his hug and shook his head violently. "YEAH-YEAH-SURE-I-PROMISE-BUT-RIGHT-NOW-I-GOTTA-GO-TRY-THIS-OUT!" The boy spoke quickly.

His mother sighed, "sometimes I think all you care about is video games!" "I swear, they are going to be the death of you!" his father added in. the young boy sighed heavily "you guys will never quite understand will you?" The boy jokingly said.

His parents laughed, seeing their son all worked up over some stupid helmet was amusing to them.

The boy quickly turned towards the stairs to his bedroom. As he started up them he looked back at his parent. "SO, what are we having for dinner?" he asked. "it's a surprise!" his mother answered. "Well, I'll see you when it's done."

The boy ran up the stairs, Before he reached his door he heard his father shout out to him. "Son," his father paused for a long time. The boy stood still, one hand on the doorknob one on the NerveGear box which was becoming quite heavy. Listen dad, Whatever it is you want to tell me, can it wait? This is getting quite heavy!" his father nodded and started to walk into the living room. His mother walked away into the kitchen the boy could vaguely smell food but he wasn't sure what it was.

The boy turned and opened his door into his room.

Meanwhile the boy's father sat down on the couch and sighed heavily. he grabbed the newspaper and quietly stated "Happy Birthday Shunkei."

Seeing his somewhat dimly lit room was refreshing to him, the rest of his house was quick brightly lit and he was used to the dark. Opening the NerveGear box and quickly reading the instruction manual which he promptly threw onto his desk Shunkei started to set up the NerveGear.

Hooking it up sent small tingles down his spine, Virtual Reality, it still seemed so far away and yet here it was, staring him into the face. He slowly slipped the helmet onto his head feeling his hair instantly clump onto his head.

"Initiating NerveGear Scanning and Adjustments." A Robotic voice spoke out inside the helmet. Instantly Shunkei felt a tingling sensation throughout his body as the NerveGear scanned his entire body. "Scanning complete, Would you like to create a profile? Without a profile you cannot continue with the NerveGear Setup. If you already have a profile please insert it into the USB 5.0 slot on the left side of the Helmet."The Robotic Voice stated.

Create A Profile?



Shunkei scanned his eyes over the options. "No." he spoke.

A new text box appeared. "Are you sure?"

"yes." He spoke.

A new text box read. "Do you already have a profile?"

"yes." Shunkei spoke again getting quite annoyed.

Inserting his flashdrive into the NerveGear it instantly found his profile"Shunkei." The Computer voice said.

Silently thanking his friend for letting him use his NerveGear to create his profile beforehand and letting him have his Flash drive,

"Link Start!" Shunkei exclaimed with audible excitement, and just like that, his brain was disconnected from the real world and redirected by the Nerve Gear into a Full Dive. Instantly Shunkei felt a cold wind take over his body as a strange tunnel of lights and twists soon overcame his vision. Within seconds he felt his body go numb only to be replaced with the sensation of falling. The tunnel seemed to go on forever, constantly twisting like something out of a movie

'I think I'm going to be sick!" Shunkei thought to himself.

Shunkei's body started to tingle all over, when a loud chime signaled that the connection was perfect .

'Complete Upload, Complete!'

'Checking, Complete!'

'Body Type Upload, Complete!'

'Sensor Test Results, 100%'

'NerveGear First Time Setup Complete!'

'Loading Game:Sword Art Online…'

After seconds of waiting, Shunkei saw the title of the game of his dreams.

Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン

'Log in/Register?'

Shunkei lifted one hand slowly, shocked at how natural it felt to move within the virtual world, and touched the Log In button.

'Language: 'Japanese'

'Account: ***************

'Password: ******

Creation Character:

Original Character data: BlazeStarter, still available.

Would you like to use it?



Enter Now?

Shunkei Hovered his hand over both option (yes, no.) wondering if what he planned to do once he got into the game was right.

"I may break it, but they're in the game's code, should I still do it though?" he thought to himself, hearing his voice echo over the fantasy style music was slightly unnerving as if the game itself could hear him.

"What am I worried about I could just pass them off as special weapons, but I'm not a beta tester, I could be spotted and called a….AW SCREW IT! HERE I GO!"

Without further thought, shunkei pressed the yes button.

The Music flourished as the title words flashed white, a female, mystical sounding voice boomed. "WELCOME TO SWORD ART ONLINE!" Shunkei felt his heart race, "Here I go!" he shouted as the world started to materialise around him.

Well as my first official Delving into the Sword Art Online Universe i guess i should say that even though the world didn't quite appear in this chapter because i wanted to set up the story more and show what i imagine as a very long and tedious process of settin up the NerveGear, And the whole setting up the NerveGear sequence was what i like to call *Padding* for my story, *Weak Trumpet Fanfare* so yeah the next chapter i hope will feature some action if i can think of it. The weapons in the summary are something i thought would always fit with the mythos of Sword Art and i figured "why not add them myself!"

The Next chapter will deal with how he gets them and such and it will feture Kirito and hopefully will be out either tommorow or sometime during next week.

See You Later!