Disclaimer: I don't own these wonderful characters even though I wish I did.

Lily's Secret

"Truth or dare?" Marlene slid off Sirius's lap and grinned. "Sounds fun."

"Fun, yeah." Sirius groaned slightly, shifting uncomfortably because he was really getting into that snog. "Got a bottle, Prongs?"

"Yeah." James nodded, pulling Lily down to the floor where the sixth years were gathering into a circle. "The one we emptied last week." He glanced around the common room, noticing it was now empty besides their group before pulling an empty bottle of firewhiskey from his robes.

"How was that snog, Lily?" Alice teased, knowing there was no way Lily would spill in front of the other marauders.

"Quite nice, thanks." Lily laughed, blushing slightly. "What?" She asked from the shocked looks from the group. "Everyone here was going to find out anyways."

"Right." Marlene laughed. "You can fill us in on the juicy stuff later. Who's going to spin first?" She asked, looking around the group.

"I will!" Alice piped up, leaning over and spinning the bottle. She grinned as it landed on Lily. "Truth or dare, Lily?"

Lily groaned slightly, knowing whichever she chose would be something completely embarrassing if it were Alice dishing it out. "Dare, I s'pose." She sighed, thinking she might be able to get another snog out of James with it. She soon realized she was wrong when the most evil smirk she's ever seen appeared on Alice's face.

"Mary, Marlene? Remember Lily's little scandal last year?" She laughed and Lily went pale as the other girls laughed and nodded.

"Please don't, Alice." Lily begged, already blushing madly.

"James will love to hear this one, Lily dear." Marlene laughed evilly. "She's not as innocent as you all think."

"I think I'd like to hear this bit." James grinned, wrapping an arm around Lily. "Go on, Alice."

With further protest from Lily, Alice grinned again. "I dare you to tell him what you did, Lily. Everything you did." She smirked.

Lily groaned loudly. "Do I have to?" She looked at Alice pleadingly.

"Unless you want to walk around with chicken feathers all week, Evans, and I'm not too sure Prongs is into that." Sirius laughed, speaking of the rules of Wizard Truth or Dare. "Go on. We're all just dying to hear this."

Lily groaned again and took a deep breath, staring at the bottle in the middle of the group. "Fine. Last year, about mid-April, I went up to your dorm to return a book to Remus. I heard the most obnoxious singing coming from the bathroom, and I went to investigate..." She started.

The marauders roared with laughter and James blushed. "My singing is not obnoxious!" He defended.

"Huh? I know, love." She patted his hand. "I meant it was rather loud and off key, but it was adorable." She kissed his cheek. James seemed to be okay with this and nodded, his blush fading as Sirius urged her to continue. "Calm your knickers, Black. Honestly, keep your boyfriend in line, Mar." Lily shook her head.

"Quit beating around the bush, Lily! Get on with the story!" Alice laughed.

"Fine." Lily huffed, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "So I pushed open the door slightly and stepped in..." She paused for a moment, turning completely red. "And I saw James...naked...in the shower. The end." James turned slightly pink and opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Marlene.

"Oh no, Lily." Marlene laughed. "That's not the end! Tell them what you did. It's part of the dare."

Lily groaned again. "Fine. So I stepped closer to get a better look." The marauders wolf-whistled and Lily glared at them. "And I may have watched him shower for a bit."

"Tell James what you did while you watched, Lily." Alice laughed.

"I may have buried my fingers in my knickers slightly..." Lily muttered, turning redder than her hair. The entire group burst into laughter, except for James who raised his eyebrows and grinned.

"You should've heard it!" Alice laughed. "When she came back to tell us her eyes were huge and she said "I just saw James naked! Merlin his abs! He had to be at least eight inches!"" She laughed. "I'll never forget it!"

"Evans!" Sirius laughed. "We thought you were innocent! When did you get so dirty!?"

"Nine, actually." James winked at Lily. "You could've made my life and joined me, y'know." He kissed her cheek.

"Shut up." Lily blushed, playfully shoving him. "I can't believe you made me tell! That's so embarrassing!" She groaned.

"It's actually quite hot, Lils." James blushed slightly, tugging at the collar of his shirt for some air. "I..erm...have to go to the bathroom right now." He stood up blushing more.

"Got a boner, Prongs?" Sirius snorted. "I'm sure Lily would be more than happy to help you with that." He teased.

"Shut up, Black." Lily blushed even more, throwing a pillow at him and tugging James down.

"I really need to go, Lily." He blushed, trying to get away.

"Later." Lily kissed his cheek, spinning the bottle and laughing at the look of shock and excitement on James's face.

"Dare." Remus said immediately as the bottle landed on him. Not only was it an honorary Marauder rule to pick dare during a game of truth or dare, Remus couldn't risk letting his secret out, so he always chose dare by default.

"I dare you to go kiss the girl you fancy and ask her on a date." Lily grinned. James was trying to move her hand closer to his crotch slowly.

Remus turned red and looked around.

"Go on, Moonpie." Sirius grinned. "Excellent dare, Evans. We've been trying to get him to ask her out for ages."

"Thanks, Black." Lily laughed. "i have a fairly good idea of who it could be." She glanced between Remus and Mary.

Remus blushed again and scooted closer to Mary, gently kissing her on the cheek. "Go out with me, Mary?" He asked, blushing slightly.

As Mary opened her mouth to answer, Sirius slapped Remus on the back of the head. "That wasn't a kiss, Moony! Snog her like you mean it!"

Both Remus and Mary blushed as the group chanted "Snog! Snog! Snog! Snog!" Remus glanced at Mary questionably, tugging at his collar slightly.

"Yes." Mary finally answered, nodding and leaning in.

Remus let out a sigh of relief, pulling Mary onto his lap and kissing her deeply, earning a loud cheer from the group.

"Alright you horn-dog!" Lily laughed finally. "Excuse us you lot, we have some business to attend to." She stood up, holding out her hand to James.

"I was not suggesting anything, Lily." James defended, standing up and taking her hand. "You can't seem to keep your hands off me. If anyone here is horny, it's you, Miss Lily Evans."

"Don't push your luck." Lily snorted. "You're the one with the raging boner, I could just sit down..."

"No, please don't." James begged. "I'm sorry, Lily!"

Lily laughed and leaned up, kissing him deeply and pulling him upstairs to his dorm again.

"Earth to Moonpie, spin the bottle before your lips fall off and you can't give out a dare." Sirius snorted.

"Oh leave them be, Sirius. You're just jealous." Marlene laughed as Remus pulled away for a breath and span the bottle.

Author's Note: I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I completely forgot about this story! Hopefully I'll have time to update my fics weekly, but I'm not completely sure. I hope you enjoyed it. Who should we hear from next?