Credit goes to Disney and "I Won't Shoot. Not This Time" Fan art by batlover800

Sergeant Calhoun moved away from the cybug. It stalked his prey, coming closer and closer.

She tossed her gun away from them. She refused to shoot. Not again.

She didn't know what she wanted. It could eat her and just be done with it, or she could trap it and see if there was a cure. The arcade was at stake. It had already gotten out of her game; who knows the damage it could inflict.

But she refused to kill it, herself.

Continuously backing away from it, she tripped backwards. She groaned in pain and sat up.

The bug took more interest in her. He moved closer.

She heard its raspy, inhuman voice. "Tammy?"


She couldn't count on it to just eat her and move on. The bug would recognize her. He would realize what he was doing. And he would make this much harder.


"Yes, Felix?"

"What...happened?" The blood lust in his eyes went away. Momentarily, he was human. Human to her.

"You were eaten."


The silence was tense. Felix was pulled between his killer instincts and his love for the woman staring at him. He felt immense pain everywhere in his body; especially in his head. He felt his brain slice in two, and, to his horror, he felt his control slipping away.

He barred his teeth and clawed at her, scratching her face. The blood dripped down her armor, but she never wiped it up.

"" He croaked, his eyes becoming baby blue. "Tammy!"

"Don't worry about it," she breathed. "It happens."

He nudged her gun towards her. "Shoot me."

She shook her head. He whined. "Please! I can' this. You're get hurt. Shoot."

"You'll die."


His voice was getting raspier. She refused to move. "I can't...control...myself...much...longer."

"I love you, Felix." She didn't acknowledge the tears streaming down her face. Most would think it was an internal battle on what she should do. To shoot or not to shoot; that is the question.

But she knew the answer the minute the cybug turned it's head and she saw his cap.

She felt like a coward, but she already murdered Brad.

She wasn't making the same mistake.


He never finished.

His instincts took over, and he lunged. She screamed as she felt his razor sharp teeth tear apart her legs, her chest, her arms, and then finally...she was gone.

The cybug whipped it's head around, the blood on his razor teeth flying everywhere.

The hunger drive died down, and the baby blue eyes returned.

"Jiminy...jaminy!" He rasped from the shock and pain, realizing what he had done. He panted and hung his head, feeling the pain well up in his chest. He attempted to hug himself, but his pinchers made it virtually impossible.

If a cybug could cry, he would be drowning in his tears.

He didn't have much time to mourn. He heard voices and cocking guns.

He lethargically turned is head to see three men- Jefferson, Kohut, and Stevenson- all point their guns at him.

"Fix-it?" Jefferson breathed, lowering the gun.

"Shoot," Felix replied.

"I think Sergeant Calhoun would want to see this, first." Kohut stated, lowering his gun, too.

"She won't...mind. I promise."


Felix flapped his wings and barred his teeth, growling, hoping they would put him out of his misery.

They did.

To explain the whole "it vs. him" thing I had going on, Felix was "it" when he let his instincts take over, and "him" when he became more in control.