Please, don't lie to me…

Enjoy ^^

Naruto sighed. He and Sakura stood on the training field, waiting for their sensei. When their sensei said he found a scroll with an unfinished jutsu on it, he asked if they wanted to help him finish it they both were exited.

'When's Kakashi-sensei going to be here?' Sakura held up her shoulders and looked at the sky.

'I hope he's here soon, so we can see what's in the scroll.' Naruto nodded, he also wanted to know what was in the scroll. Well, they knew there was a jutsu in it, but their sensei didn't say what kind of jutsu.

'Yo' Naruto and Sakura turned around and were surprised when Yamato stood behind them. 'Yamato-taicho, where's Kakashi-sensei?' Sakura asked and Yamato smiled. 'He's in the hospital, and he said I had to fetch you two.'

Naruto gave him a 'tsk' and looked angry. 'His own fault for always being so late.' He said and crossed his arms.

'Why is Kakashi-sensei in the hospital?' Yamato looked at Sakura and his face turned sad. 'He said it was just chakra exhaustion, but I think it's much more.'

Sakura looked at Naruto. 'I think we should go and visit him, what do you think Naruto?'

Naruto widened his eyes. 'But then, who's going to help us finish that jutsu?' Yamato smiled. 'He also asked me if I could help you guys with that… if you don't mind.'

Naruto and Sakura had to admit, Yamato was a good shinobi, and he also has the ability to use 'mokuton' and he was always on time…

'Fine by me.' Naruto said and walked away. 'Naruto! Where are you going?' Sakura yelled. 'To the hospital of course!' Naruto waved and disappeared.

Sakura sighed in relief and turned to Yamato. 'Do you know what kind of jutsu it is Yamato-taicho?' Yamato shook his head. 'Kakashi-sempai wouldn't tell me, so I don't know either. Let's visit him too, before Naruto's gone again.' Sakura smiled and followed the Taicho to the hospital.

Naruto stood in front of the hospital desk. That stupid nurse wouldn't give him Kakashi's room number.

'Come on! He is my sensei!' He yelled, making the nurse angrier. 'Like I said, I'm not going to give you Hatake-san's room number.' Naruto send the woman a death glare and sat down on a chair. '

'Naruto, why aren't you with Kakashi-sensei?' Naruto looked up when Sakura and Yamato entered the hospital. 'That stupid nurse wouldn't give me the room number!' Yamato sighed and decided that he should ask the nurse.

Naruto was still angry at the nurse but he was glad she gave his sensei's room number to Yamato.

Naruto knocked the door and entered with Sakura and Yamato. 'Kakashi-sensei!' Kakashi looked at his visitors and gave them an eye-smile. 'Yo, Naruto, Sakura. Nice to see you.' Yamato sighed. Even after all those years in ANBU, he wouldn't recognise him.

'Kakashi-sensei, can you tell us more about the scroll?' Sakura asked and Naruto's eyes began to sparkle. 'Well, I found it in the library and I took it with me… after that, I bumped into you guys and after that, I got into hospital… I think.'

Yamato nodded. 'Kakashi-sempai, could you tell us what kind of jutsu is in the scroll?' Naruto nodded. 'Yeah, so we can do research and everything!'

Kakashi smiled under his mask. 'Well, I guess it was a kind of space-time jutsu, but I'm not sure. There would also be something like a sealing jutsu, since the scroll belonged to a sealing master…'

'A sealing master?' Sakura asked. She read a lot of books about them, and it was also confirmed that there weren't a lot of sealing masters in Konoha. And one of the best sealing masters was the Yondaime Hokage.

'Yeah, long story and not enough time.' Kakashi said and glared at the orange book on his drawer.

Yamato looked at Sakura and Naruto. Both of them were excellent shinobi, but he doubted if they would be able to complete a new jutsu that probably would be from one of the best sealing masters in Konoha history.

'The scroll's in Tsunade's office.' Kakashi sneezed, making his students look worried.

'Sensei, are you sure it's just chakra exhaustion?' Sakura said and Naruto nodded. 'Yeah, you seem pretty pale too'

Kakashi sighed. He couldn't tell Naruto and Sakura what happened, since he was on an ANBU mission. He told Yamato about it… Kakashi looked at Yamato, and have the man a nod.

Yamato understood what his sempai meant and placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder. 'Come on, let's get the scroll. Kakashi-sempai needs his rest too.'

Naruto and Sakura nodded. 'Kakashi-sensei, make sure you get better in no time!' Naruto said before he left. 'Of course, I wouldn't want to miss you guys finishing the jutsu.' Naruto nodded and closed the door.

On their way to the Hokage-tower, the three shinobi saw a kid being bullied.

'Hey! You there, stop that!' Naruto yelled and hurried himself towards the kid. 'What if I say no?' the bully said while he stomped the kid in his stomach.

Naruto gritted his teeth. He knew a shinobi couldn't threaten a civilian, but he also wanted to help the kid. 'Because you're hurting the kid' He said.

The bully laughed. What did that idiot know about it? The blonde teen looked like an idiot with his whiskers and hitai-ate… Hitai-ate? He looked at it. 'Shit, then he must be a shinobi…'the bully thought.

'Now, are you going to say sorry to that kid or not?' Naruto said when he noticed the bully became afraid of him.

The bully nodded and looked at the kid he bullied a moment ago. 'Ehm… Sorry, I'll leave you alone for the rest of my life…' He said and ran away.

Naruto kneeled down and looked at the kid. He had a few scratches and a nosebleed. 'Are you all right?' Naruto asked. And the kid nodded.

'Thank you for helping me.' He said shyly. 'No prob! Sakura, can you heal the scratches? Or his mum will have a heart-attack.'

Sakura nodded and walked towards the two boys. 'Let me help you.' She said and began to heal the wounds with her chakra.

'Thank you…' The boy said and smiled. 'Ehm… what's your name?' He looked at Naruto with big eyes and waited for the answer.

Naruto grinned. 'My name is Uzumaki Naruto! And I'm gonna be hokage someday!'

The boy's eyes began to sparkle. 'I'll go tell my mum about you! She'll be so happy! Thank you!' He yelled as he ran away.

'Naruto, Sakura, you guys did a good job.' Yamato smiled and thought about what the boy said. 'But Naruto, you know what's going to happen when he tells his mum right?'

Naruto realised what the boy said. 'Ah… yeah, but I helped him… and I feel good about that.'

He said and got up. 'Come on Sakura-chan! We still have to pick up the scroll at Tsunade-no-baa-chan's office!'

Yamato knocked on the door and heard a reply that sounded like they could enter.

'Tsunade-baa-chan!' Naruto said and looked around searching for the scroll. 'Where's Kakashi-sensei's scroll?'

Tsunade smiled and looked at her visitors. Sakura and Yamato still stood in front of the door while Naruto was looking around. 'It's in the library upstairs.' She said and looked at Yamato.

'Kakashi let you handle it?' Yamato nodded and replied that he was the best to help the teens.

Tsunade gave him the key and the three went to the library.

'Okay, she said that it's somewhere on a table…' Sakura nodded and looked around. 'Well, tables enough…'

The room was full of books and scrolls that laid everywhere. There also were a few tabled and a lot of empty ramen cups.

'Who the hell can eat so many ramen?! It's almost like I've been here!' Naruto yelled while he picked up a cup. 'Not to mention the expire-date in these. I mean… Come on! 16 years ago?!'

Yamato hold up his shoulders and began to search through all the scrolls on one of the tables. He suspected that Tsunade just threw the scroll somewhere.

'Yamato-taicho, how come there are all these ramen cups from 16 years ago are here?' Sakura asked when she threw one in the trash-bin.

Yamato guessed because it was the Yondaime's library… and nobody has been here since he died. But he decided to say nothing.

'Yamato-taicho! Sakura-chan, I found it!' Naruto yelled after 10 minutes of searching.

The scroll was huge. It was almost as big as the scroll Jiraiya carries with him. The outside was orange and it had a seal on it.

'Shit, there's a seal on it… how can we open it?' Naruto asked and looked at Sakura.

'How should I know Naruto? I'm not specialised in these kind of things!' She replied and looked at Yamato.

The man inspected the seal and nodded. 'Let's go to the training grounds, We don't know what would happen if we do it wrong and this isn't really a nice place…' He said as he looked at the messy room.

Naruto and Sakura agreed and a few minutes later they stood on the training ground.

'Ready?' Yamato asked and Naruto and Sakura nodded. 'Let's open it…'

AN: Yo, I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter, I'll try to finish the second chapter soon. And I'll also try to upload it as fast as possible ^^