Disclaimer: Harry Potter and associated ideas, characters, places and events are the property of J K Rowling.

The Creature follows the story of Hugo Weasley and his passion for magical creatures. The Creature is an idea I have been tossing around in my head for a few years and I have finally decided to write about it. The story is set during Hugo's first year at Hogwarts. Hermione is teaching at Hogwarts as the Transfiguration Professor, she is married to Ron and is still suffering the after effects of a war that ravaged their world terribly, although she is too stubborn to acknowledge it. The story will eventually be SeverusxHermione :)

Warnings – swearing, sexual intimacy, spoilers and more I am sure.

Hope you enjoy the story.



The Creature Is Here


"Alright yer lot! Look ere' an' pay attention. I shan't be say'n this more than once!"

Hagrid's booming voice vibrated through the crowd of first years who were happily chatting amongst themselves, excited for their first Care of Magical Creatures class. The noise quickly hushed to a low murmur and directed their attention to their Professor.

"Tha's a bit better! Yer all must be wonderin' what I ave in store for yer today then wouldn't yer?"

The first years bobbed their heads in unison excitedly. Many clutched their books in restricted anticipation while others rubbed their sweaty palms together eagerly. Hagrid beamed proudly at their enthusiasm. Over the years students had become more and more willing and eager to learn about magical creatures since the prejudice against magical creatures had depleted. After Voldemort's defeat the Ministry of Magic saw to revaluate how all magical beings engaged with each other, encouraging acceptance and brotherhood were some of the steps taken to ensure togetherness in a post Voldemort world.

"Yer excited lil' buggers aren't yer. Alright then! Today, we will be head'n in'ter the Forbidden Forrest to meet with yer Magical Creatures professor, Professor Firenze. Now I want yer all to know tha' the Professor is a Centaur. Can anyone tell me what a Centaur is?"

Several hands shot in the air, waving around eagerly to answer his question. It would be a miracle if anyone did not know what a centaur was, after all they were highly regarded beings in the Wizarding World. Hagrid considered who to answer his question and decided on a lanky red haired lad who had raised his hand quietly in the back of the crowd.

"Mr Weasley, tell me what yer think a Centaur is!"

Hugo Weasley, startled by hearing his own name raised his gaze to meet his uncle Hagrid's, "A centaur is a magical creature whose head, torso and arms appear to be human but has the lower body of a whole horse. They are indeed their own species and there is no evidence of them being a half breed of human and or horse. They travel in herds of ten to fifteen centaurs and are gifted in divination, healing and are overly spiritual beings. If I am not mistaken a herd resides in the Forbidden Forest."

Hagrid beamed at the young boy. "Too right yer are Mr Weasley! You'd make yer mother quite proud with an answer like tha'."

Hugo lowered his eyes embarrassed. He could not help his outstanding ability to quote a book. He blamed his mother. As Hagrid began on a tangent about the history of Centaurs a small pale hand slowly grabbed his own and gave it a squeeze. His gaze flickered to the side to see his cousin Lily smiling greatly at him. As slowly as she grabbed his hand she let it go and let her arm fall to her side. His attention changed her smile to a Cheshire grin and began, "Oh yes exactly like your mother, word for word!, she poked her tongue at him.

He grimaced at her, "shut up Lily, at least I know what a Centaur is"

"I know what a Centaur is! I have already met Professor Firenze, daddy introduced me to him a few years ago when we were visiting Hogwarts on account of James being in trouble with the Head Mistress! I think he set something on fire with an Incendio spell. Oh daddy was so very angry at him"

Hugo grinned at her, "James is a right git sometimes, what did he light on fire?"

"Mrs Norris I think, it was an accident though, at least I think it was"

Hagrid cleared his throat loudly, catching the attention of both Hugo and Lily they looked up to see him staring at them. "As I wer' sayin' when yer meet Firenze . . I mean Professor Firenze, yer are ter tilt yer head in respect an' ladies yer ter tilt yer heads aswell, now come on then form an' orderly line an' let's get goin' its almost time fer dinner!"

Hagrid led the children into the forest in an orderly fashion, pointing out the do's and do not's while in the forest. The first years chatted animatedly as they trudged through the forest floor. Mud clinging to the ends of their robes as it had rained tremendously the night before. After walking for somewhat five minutes they came into a clearing where a large Centaur was standing proudly. Lily was one of the first to notice and nudged her cousin in the back as they walked.

"Look Hugo! There he is. Isn't he magnificent?"

Hugo looked ahead of the line. He saw the Centaur stamp his foot in greeting. He was much larger than he had seen in any book, he had long white hair thrown carelessly over his shoulder and the most astonishing blue eyes Hugo had ever seen. Although the Professor seemed happy to meet the new first years, he had a look of wary on his face. This was not without reason however for if you looked closer at the centaur he had quite the burden resting on his back. Slumped over him was the most ungodly looking creature Hugo had ever seen in his life let alone any book he had ever read.
"What the hell is that thing on his back?"

Lily looked at him questioningly and turned to look at Professor Firenze, "Oh dear! What is that thing?"

Hagrid led them all into the clearing and counted heads, "Alright yer all accounted for. Now everyone this is yer Professor, Professor Firenze. I want yer ter one by one come up and introduce yerselves if he deems yer suitable for class we'll continue the lesson."

One by one the students came up to Firenze, introduced themselves and tilted their heads. Professor Firenze smiled at them and extended his front hoof forward and bended the other in a respected greeting towards each student. Soon came Lily's turn, she confidently swayed in front of the Centaur and tilted her head forward in respect.

"Hello professor, it is lovely to meet you again, my name is Lily Potter"

"Ah yes, daughter of Harry Potter, he is a good friend of mine and holds a noble heart, I expect great things from you in this class. I am honored to properly meet Harry Potter's daughter Lily Potter."

Lily beamed at him and turned to allow Hugo to stand up and introduce himself. Hugo wandered up hesitantly and inclined his head forward but before he could speak he was interrupted by Firenze,

"You are Hugo Weasley, son of Ronald and Hermione Weasley", Hugo looked up to see the Professor stare intensely at him, his vibrant blue eyes scoring his very soul, he licked his lips which had suddenly gone dry.

"Yes sir,"

Firenze studied him for a moment. "It is a pleasure to meet you Hugo, I am aware of your parents and of course your sister Rose, they have all proven to be capable of many great things. Can you do great things?"

Hugo blanched and took a slight step back but Firenze only continued to intimidate the boy. A low moan elicited from behind Firenze as the body he was carrying shifted uncomfortably. He jostled his back, causing the creature to hiss in pain. Firenze turned back to Hugo.

"Every creature in the forest has a purpose and a right to live in peace. Your mother recognised this and is a strong advocate for the rights of all magical beings, Hugo."

Firenze rolled the creature off his back and let it slump to the ground with a terrible thud. It uncoiled from itself and Hugo could further inspect the strange creature. It had the body of a large dog, about the size of a large grey hound. It was jet black and its fur shone in the afternoon sunlight. Its neck however seemed to had been strangled and stretched for it had to be at least a metre in length. Hugo released a slight gasp as his gaze along its neck settled on its snake like head. Its scales melted in to fur along its jaw line, its mouth was curled into a grimace, revealing dog like fangs larger than that of a real dog. Looking back down its body its tail extended the length of itself, covered in furry scales. It was surreal.

At this point Hagrid stepped up behind Hugo to investigate the creature.

"Professor, what on earth have yer got here?"
Firenze looked from Hugo to meet Hagrid.

"I am not sure Hagrid. This creature has been a recent addition to the forest. I know not where he comes from or why. Although I do know he does not belong. He has been causing trouble for a pack of were dogs on the northern side of the forest and has for the last time been discovered injured. Alas he is no longer welcome in the forest. I brought him to ask for his sanctuary for the alternative is his death. I speak for the good of the herd and the forest not of my own accord."

"Well that's unfortunate, aint' he an interestin' feller" Hagrid bent down next to the creature and touched a scaled surface.
"His scales are so soft, almost like fur, what creature is this?"

"That is something I cannot answer my friend. It has been lovely to meet you all but unfortunately it is getting late and I only have enough time to meet you all and drop off the creature. Next time I shall take you further into the forest and show you a gathering of Cornish pixies". With a last look at Hugo, Firenze galloped back out of the clearing and into the dark forest.

"Wait!" Hagrid yelled out in vain but Firenze had already disappeared. "Damn centaurs, so bloody vague." The first years slowly approached Hagrid and the creature, intense curiosity flowing from student to student. "Well then I guess class has finished early fer today. Let's get this bugger back to me hut. Now I don't expect any o' yer ter know but . . . does anyone know what this creature is?"

No one said anything. Hagrid looked questioningly at Hugo who stared listlessly at the creature.

To be continued. . .


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