I know... I haven't updated this story for about 2..3? Years wow thats probably a record for something and I just won it. I bet ALL of you thought that I totally forgot about this story even existed. There was a lot of things happening to my life. Family problems... College... Depression whatever. I was looking through emails and saw this veryyyyy old draft and decided I owe this to you guys since A LOT of you pm-ed me and left a comment that you want this finished. I am still very over whelmed for all the feedback and love I never thought one living soul with read this let alot all of you. I haven't done alot of writing recently so I am not going to assure you guys that it would have the same feel if ever I do decide to keep writing. So i started this story when i was 19? I'm now 22 a year out of college in a relationshit.. Ship thats whats new with me. Lol anyway I didn't do cuts to this one since ya'll deserve a lengthy read enjoy! ps: I don't have a computer anymore since when this story died my macbook died so pardon for the weird spaces and errors i'm updating this on an iphone fml

The statuesque blonde had her hands on her knees, her back arched trying to catch the air back into her lungs. Cold sweat rolled down her skin either from running around chasing gangbangers or running away from them but that familiar thug on her heart told her other wise.

It all felt familiar, the way her heart slammed on her chest to the place where she stood.

Loud and heavy gun fire was heard not to far from her which made her turn and look to see a handful of red dressed men gaining up to her.

She pulled out her gun quickly aiming it at her enemies but when she pulled the trigger it just clicked telling her that it was empty.

"Fuck." She cursed under her breath thinking fast, throwing her gun at one of the closer Morningstar henchmen.

The flaxen haired gangster ran forward she had no choice but to go back where she came from.

She ran down an empty and dark hallway well at least that was what she thought it was. Her legs where starting to buckle since it felt like she was running forever in this endless hallway but before she could jump into conclusions she found herself lying flat onto the floor after colliding with a cold metal door.

The female gangster picked herself up with her remaining strength, pressing onto the heavy door trying to push it open. An uncontrollable groan escaped her lips as she pushed it open like her life depended on it, like someone important was on the other side.

She was right.

Her pale blue eyes popped open upon seeing her best friend lying inside the cockpit bathing in his own blood.

Johnny laid on the floor trying to prop himself up against the planes controls, trying to keep himself awake.

"Johnny." She called him working her way to his side in a snails phase, the look of worry marking her face, her hands shook uncontrollably as she got closer to him now having a better look at him she saw that he was beaten to a pulp and a knife was sticking out his chest.

She took a hold of his hand gripping onto him tightly. "Oh God no." She heard herself say her tone trembled like she was crying.

"Boss." Johnny gasped trying to remain cool even though it was clear he was in a lot of pain he looked at the blonde kneeling beside him.

"I'm getting you out of here." She informed him now feeling the hot tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

He shook his head at her. "No."

She was tough as nails and she was used to losing friends sometimes even a dozen at once but this time it was different.

"What do you mean no? You are in no place to argue with me Gat!" She shouted at her right hand man like he was a rookie the verbally abused but the true was she was nervous she in the first time in years didn't know what to do.

"Get outta here boss, the saints need you." He cracked her a weak smile placing his hand on her thigh stroking his thumb on her jeans.

The leader of the third street saint looked at the saint with Asian heritage biting her lip feeling anxious as fuck.

"But I don't know what to do without you." She removed the pressure of her teeth bitting her tongue confessing to him not taking her eyes off his face.

His face light up a rare view she seldom saw it differ from the look he got when they were out causing havoc, she couldn't place a finger on it.

Gat's face soften as he looked back at her his hand making it's way on her's he clutched it tightly as if he was putting all his strength to do so as a hiss of pain escaped his lips as he held onto his side.

"In there!"

Both of the saints turn to look at the door where a handful of morning star henchmen made their way up to the cockpit hastily.

Gat slightly shifted in his seat bringing out a pistol, which he handed to the boss.

She said nothing but nodded taking it away from his hands, quickly pulling herself up ready to send these goons down.

The flaxen haired beauty made her way out the door, facing her enemies, greeting death in the face.

She looked over her shoulder one more time gripping a hand on the metal door behind her closing it so no one could lay a hand on Gat anymore. His eyes widen when he realized what she was doing, he even tried to get up from his position but couldn't.

Gun fire soon went off but it didn't come from the boss it came from the attackers, sharp pain soon grew through her entire body but she still managed to fire a couple of shots before she fell flat onto the ground.

Everything went black.

It was all a dream, another nightmare she's had been having for months now every night a different version but it always ended bad.

She woke up with cold sweat rolling down her body even though she slept with no blanket on or a bed.

The blonde pulled herself up feeling like complete shit as her back ached and her head throbbing like there was a little drummer boy in there.

"Oh God." She groaned clutching her head as she sunk lower trying to hide herself from light.

The sun was out shining bright through out Steelport, warm breeze in the air summer was on it's way and everyone loved the idea of it as the citizens wear sporting tank tops and shorts but a certain gang leader felt the sun was out to get her and only her.

She sat in the passenger seat of a purple bootlegger, her feet resting on the dashboard and a pair of really heavily tinted sunglasses shielded her eyes.

A piercing sensation grew in her pocket, bothering her she pulled it out.

"8:15 A.M" It said on her phone in white font.

"These dreams are not healthy anymore." She told herself, wiping the sweat forming on her forehead.

She peered her eyes at the window checking the coffee shop were the car was parked in front of. A large crowd lined in front of the cashier all ready to receive their morning coffee, ready to start the day. Pierce was in the middle of the line, looking very tired and was resting his hand over the food display.

Both had a change of clothes from last night but still no sleep.

A yawned escaped her nude lips, her eyes watering and heavy. She felt tired but nothing she couldn't handle recalling once before that she used stay awake for forty-eight hours running after gangs but hey she wasn't the girl in her adolescence anymore.

"God damn it Pierce…" She rubbed a hand down the side of her neck, sitting up from her seat to check on her friend again.

Pierce was now in front of the line, holding it up actually now ogling over this attractive cashier who looked very uninterested and bothered by his presence but since he was a paying costumer she had no choice but to entertain him.

The boss rolled her eyes, shifting in her seat, stretching her hand over the wheel quickly honking on the horn for a couple of seconds just sitting in the car with her most believable poker face until every single person in a 20 feet radius turned and looked including Pierce.

She rolled the window down taking off her designer glasses not breaking her eye contact with him mouthing him to hurry up.

Pierce replied by rolling his eyes, grabbing the brown paper bag full of pastries and a tray of coffee, paid his bill and was off. Good timing too since the other costumers were growing restless, some even cheered as Pierce left.

"About God damn time!" The boss whined snatching the paper bag out of Pierce's hands quickly checking its contest with wondering hands and eyes, like a child on Christmas morning.

"Damn girl you are ruining my game, can't you be a good wingman and help me out?" The face of the saints replied to his boss handing her coffee, taking his seat behind the wheel.

"Look Pierce darling… my powers can only go so far I don't pull out miracles out my ass you know." She replied shortly nibbling on a chocolate glazed doughnut without a single act of poise.

He just snorted out an annoyed laugh, placing his drink in the cup holder before locking up and releasing the hand break.

"Well it's really clear that you're not a morning person." He shared taking his precious time cruising down the road.

"I like to change it up, get my bitchy-ness in check." The blonde batted her eyelashes at him now gripping tightly on her coffee lazily taking a sip.

"Can we open the radio?" A huge grin crawled onto his face turning to look at her for a moment with pleading eyes.

"Like I have a choice, make it count."

Pierce swiftly opened the stereo, flipping through radio stations like picking off flies.

A very familiar song came on but the boss couldn't make it out but the look on Pierce's face told her otherwise.

"I'm so sick of love song-"

"PIERCE DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" She cursed at him, her eyes as wide as the moon and the rage and fear in her voice was priceless.

He just laughed at her now swaying along with the music, he knew how to get on her nerves and he admits it was the most entreating thing ever.

She just sat in her chair, a hand covering her eyes letting Pierce enjoy himself while she drowned in hearing with his sour notes.

"Can we please get to Kinzie's faster? I think my ears are starting to bleed…"

"Aight." He replied nodding taking a sharp turn, which the boss didn't see coming, which caused her to let go of her coffee, pouring the hot beverage all over the floor and her lap.

She groaned feeling the sting of the drink.

"DAMN IT!" She cursed at Pierce throwing the now empty cup at him.

"HEY! You're paying for my dry cleaning!" He flinched not taking his eyes off the road.

"Fuck I ain't you're paying for mine this suit's fucking tailored!" She screamed at him rubbing her tights in attempt to make them feel better.

Pierce and The boss made their way into Kinzie's warehouse, well Pierce was walking The boss was wobbling weirdly not able to walk properly since her pants where soaked.

She slapped Pierce on the back of his head, walking past him.

"I told you I'm sorry!"

"What the hell happened to you?" Kinzie asked eyeing the Boss's trousers if it wasn't for the dark color she's assume that the blond relived herself.

"Never mind me you got anything on our James Bond wannabe?"

Kinzie pointed at a tablet on her right retuning her gaze on her computer.

The boss took the pad into her hands instantly seeing the picture of Frank on it, it was black and white taken from a distance out in the open and without his consent.

"Born in England and moves a lot, when I said a lot I mean A LOT." Kinzie began stressing on how often he moved now turning to look at her guests, examining their reaction.

The boss nodded stepping back trying to sit down on a leather coach before Kinzie shook her head gesturing for her not to sit down anyway.

"I don't want sticky seats." She explained to her.

"Sure you don't…" Pierce laughed gesturing to a giant dildo bat on the far end of the room.

The red head and the blonde started at him until the smirk on his lips fell off his face.

"Sorry…" The blonde quickly stood back up.

"Anyway… has a few records but nothing major since seeing his a gun for hire an international hit man and boy this guy has a huge paycheck."

"Any idea if his in Steelport to kill someone?"

Kinzie opened a window on her laptop.

"I checked his contact, nope his on paid vacation."

A large grin emerged on the boss's face as she phased back and fort rubbing a hand on her chin flipping through this guys record.

"I wonder if this guy wants to broaden his resume." She smiled looking through his achievements.

"Can't wait to canonize this dude." She added.

Pierce and Kinzie looked up at their boss and then at each other.

"I doubt this guy will Seattle on robbing banks." Pierce added making his way beside the boss, taking the tablet out of her hands.

She looked at him for a moment sighing.

"We need more people who know how to wield a gun, who knows what they're doing."

A long pause grew between the two.

"We need a new Gat?" Pierce finished the sentence for her.

"I didn't say that." She replied getting flashes of the events in her dream.

He just sighed putting the tablet back on Kinzie's desk before attending to his friend.

"No, no I totally get your point the more help we get the better chances we kill these mothers." Pierce explained setting the tablet down, looking at his boss who was now facing the wall keeping to herself.

He stepped forward placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on I'm taking you shoppin' He offered trying to make her feel better, feeling that she was down.

"You're welcome to come if you want." Pierce turned to Kinzie who was doing everything but putting her attention on him.

"No, I'm comfortable in my clothes and I hate going out as we all know by now."

"Suit yourself."

"Seriously Pierce?" She groaned dropping herself onto the white leather couch eyeing the saints merch; everywhere.

"Is it bad to look good?" Pierce came out of the dressing room sporting the same white suit without the coffee stains.

"No… are we seriously wearing saints merch? It's like a drug pusher smoking his own pot."

"Is that a bad thing?" Pierce asked resting his hand on the armrest.

"A prostitute sucking his own dick?"

Pierce rolled his eyes, quickly grabbing at her, pulling her up to her feet.

"How about we put you into something skin tight and sexy?"

She shot him a look after looking down at herself.

"This fuckin' pants are two sizes small isn't that enough?" She told him crossing her arms.

"How about a dress?"

"How about no? I can't kick people in the face in a dress."

"Are you seriously going to go around all day with stained pants?"

"If it wasn't for your shitty driving I wouldn't be."

She rolled her eyes at him and made her way to the racks of clothes.

"I'm getting dressed because I want to not because you asked me to aight?"

She took a couple of pieces off the racks and took it into her arms, quickly turning to the dressing room without a peep.

Pierce took the boss's place on the couch claiming his territory rather quickly even helping himself to some girls, well attempted to anyway.

"Hey girl, how's it doing'?" He greeted a random costumer even titling his hat for her and as a response she just laughed at his face returning to her shopping like it was nothing at all.

"My damn game is off today…" He slurred to himself dropping his shoulders now looking at the floor frustrated and just on cue the dressing room door swung open along with Pierce's jaw on the floor.

She came out, milky toned legs first before anything else like her sex appeal came into the room 5 minutes early and that outfit was giving everything justice.

The boss now sported a skin tight black cropped turtle neck, a hip hugging high waisted pencil skirt in the a dark purple color and a matching leather jacket draped over her arm.


He flashed her a proud smile even applauding her making the room look.

She just gave him a tired look before pulling out her phone yet again looking like teenage girl awaiting her boyfriend's texts.

"Can we hit the road? I got me some recruiting to do."

Pierce gave her a teasing smile as he pulled himself up draping his arm around her shoulders.

"What?" She asked annoyed.

"Is this all for your new boy-frwend?" Pierce asked as he unconsciously stared at his boss's behind seeing since her skirt was hugging her 'assets' extra tight.

The blonde quickly pushed him away in a mighty fashion sending him at least a few feet away.

"Fuck off Pierce." She managed to let out not really in the mood for his games well not at least anymore he just managed to hit his goal for today, he could start again tomorrow.

The boss took the keys off the creamy white coffee table and headed out with or without Pierce.

"Yo Boss hold up!"

The two managed to end up in the high-end part of the city where the business men lurked with their tailored suits, briefcases in hand and sleeked back hair in tow.

"I'm sticking out like a sore thumb here." The boss shared checking the address on her phone for the 10th time.

"A purple suit would also do that." Pierce commented.

"Are you asking for me to punch you? All you have to do is ask."

He shook his head to and leaded her to a very tall and modern building.

A bellboy stood out front greeting costumers, opening doors for them.

He bowed his head upon seeing the two saints, smiling quite largely upon seeing the boss.

"So whats the plan?

"We are busting in there even it means dragging him out of here in a laundry bag."

"Well that's always your favorite."

She rolled her eyes at him.

"Kinzie what floor?"

"50 you need a keycard."

"Or I can hack the elevator for you."

"Thank you…" The boss replied sarcastically in her normal tone.

The elevator doors dinged open letting the two step off.

They readied their guns just in case.

The elevator doors slid open to the designated floor of Frank's loft.

The smell of soap and the feeling of steam filled the floor and soon enough a British man soaked smelling like the shower exited the bathroom just sporting a towel wrapped around his waists.

The boss stared unconsciously before clearing her throat.

"May I help you luv?" Frank asked un phased by his guest.

"I'm here with a once in a life time offer." The boss quickly retorted un-glueing her eyes off his perfectly chiseled abdomen and made her way down the small marbled steps leading to the spacious living room.

She threw herself onto the L shaped sectional couch casually waving her gun as she rested her killer sky high boots on the stone coffee table.

"You're not trying to steal my property are you?"

"No not really… wow this world needs less smart ass talking people." She turned to Pierce.

"So how did you find me so quickly?"

"Well you have to give me some slack." She smiled at him forcefully.

He just shrugged. "Remind me to cut the tips I give."

"noted." The boss replied uninterested propping herself on his couch.

"Now what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"You ever wanted to be a gangster? Well at least for the meantime?"

He took a second before answering just examining this woman now sitting on his couch.

"Yo man… can you please put on a God damn shirt?" Pierce spoke up sounding really bothered by the fact that frank was parading in just a towel.

"Is it bothering you mate? Apologies." He smirked walking to the back of the loft then coming out with a suit in tow draping it on the living room couch undressing in front of the two.

Pierce quickly looked away but the boss didn't seem to mind.

"I'm always up to making a few friend while in town."

"and I'm always up for having more people commit homicide with." The boss replied now tracing her perfectly polished stiletto nailed fingers down the barrel of her golden pleated gun.

"I feel like this is a start of something beautiful." Frank shared now putting on his blazer now joining the two in the living room.

"Let me properly introduce myself, Frank lerwick."

"Pierce." Pierce huffed asserting his dominance as the male Alpha which Frank ignored then turned to the Blonde.

"She doesn't like to give her name… trust me." Pierce informed sounding a bit like A teachers pet at the moment.

"What do I call you then?" Frank asked offering his hand

She smirked flicking her wrist as if she was royalty.


To be continued...