As usual I don't own anything!

Chapter 5-Shopping

Serenity kept nodding off throughout her classes the next morning. She had too much on her mind and had been unable to sleep the previous night. I wonder if I'll ever be able to feel completely rested during the school year she thought tiredly as she changed into her P.E. uniform. This can't be healthy. Friday can't come soon enough.

"Are you all set for today?" Tea asked as Serenity met her on the track. Serenity racked her brain for what "today" could be.

"We're going shopping with Mai remember?" Tea sighed as Serenity's face dawned with the realization.

"Sorry Tea I completely forgot! I didn't even tell Joey!" Serenity had started to blush.

"That's ok. All we have to do is mention Mai and all will be forgotten", Tea giggled. "She's picking us up after school and we're going to the mall."

Serenity grinned as they jogged, happy for a chance to be with the girls and hoping it would help her relax and get her mind off of things.


Serenity sighed as she walked into Economics, grateful the day was going by fast. She risked a glance over at Kaiba, thinking of the way he placed his hand on her waist, not even 24 hours ago. He didn't even look up from his laptop, causing her to relax. She shook her head, trying to focus on what the teacher was saying.

After class was dismissed, Kaiba walked out without sparing Serenity a glance. Is he mad at me for last night? Serenity wondered, biting her lip. I should apologize. If he's mad that'll really make working on our project together awkward. Serenity hurried into the hall after him. However, unable to find him, she walked slowly to her Calculus class.


After the last bell rang Serenity and Tea ran to Mai's car, excited to have some girl time. Serenity looked at the older girl, wishing she could be as confident and sexy, instead of just adorable.

"Are you trying to get us killed?!" Tea shouted. They had arrived at the mall in record time, thanks to Mai's lead foot.

"What? We made it didn't we? You're fine now let's go shopping!" Mai shrugged her off while Serenity just giggled at the two.

They went store to store, trying things on and talking. Mai bought a new mini skirt and Tea bought some jewelry, but Serenity was just happy to look at everything.

"Come on Serenity! You have to buy at least one thing!" Tea pushed as they sat down at the food court for a snack.

"Tea's right you know. You work hard and you never do anything for yourself." Mai agreed before popping a fry into her mouth.

"I haven't found anything I really need or even wanted yet. Which I'm not really worried about that either", Serenity said smiling.

"Ugh you're hopeless", Tea groaned. "What if Tristan or Duke asks you on a date? Do you even have anything to wear?"

"Why would they ask me out?" Serenity asked clueless.

"It's obvious they like you", Mai said. "And as more than their best friend's little sister", she finished, cutting off Serenity's protest.

"Do you like either of them?" Tea asked, getting closer to Serenity.

Serenity raised both of her hands as a defense and started shaking her head. "They're nice and all but I'm not really interested in either of them. They're my friends and that's it", she replied.

"That's too bad. But that just means we have to find you a cute outfit to make all of the guys stare!" Mai and Tea exclaimed before dragging Serenity off to the rest of the mall, forcing her to try on clothes.

"G-guys I-I don't t-think I can c-come out l-like this!" Serenity called from the dressing room, embarrassed.

"You have to! Or else we'll drag you out!" Mai smirked.

"F-fine." Serenity opened the door slowly. She had on a mini jean skirt and a teal tube top that had two gathered lines on the front that ran right down her breasts. She had a matching cropped jean jacket to cover herself, making her slightly more comfortable.

"You look hot! You have to buy that." Tea and Mai gushed.

"M-maybe", Serenity stuttered, knowing it was a lie. All together the outfit cost $56, which wasn't a lot, but it was more than she was willing to spend.

Serenity changed back into her school uniform sighing. I wish I had the money to buy this. Not like I'd wear it. But just the fact that I'd have something like this might make me more confident. Serenity looked at the outfit more closely. She decided it wasn't slutty, just not what she would usually wear.

Serenity exited the fitting room and spotted Mai and Tea tearing through clearance racks across the store. She started to put the clothes back where she got them from when she heard a voice behind her.

"What? Puppy needed two jobs?" Kaiba said coldly.

Serenity turned around, unable to meet him in the eye. "N-no, I-I'm shopping with M-mai and T-tea. What a-are y-you doing h-here?"

"Mokuba wanted to go shopping. You don't have any bags." He stated. "Can't afford anything?"

"I-I just didn't f-find anything I w-wanted" Serenity replied.

"What about what you're holding?" Serenity said nothing to this, so he continued. "So you're going to buy it?"

"N-no, I d-don't need it." She said softly, going to put it back. He snatched it out of her hands and started walking to the register. "K-Kaiba it's too expensive. I-it's fine. R-really" she said, grabbing onto his arm. He didn't even look at the price tags before practically throwing them at the cashier. He handed the bag to Serenity.

"I expect to see you in that sometime." He stated before turning to walk away.

Serenity grabbed his arm yet again. He turned and waited before becoming frustrated with her silence. "What? I don't have all day to wait on the likes of you."

Serenity gathered up all of her courage before asking "Why?"

"Why not?" Serenity bit her lip at his reply.

"Well thank you. You didn't have to do that but I appreciate it. And I am sorry about last night." Serenity said, proud at her lack of stutter.

"Hn. You didn't stutter once." Kaiba said, grabbing her chin to force her to look at him. "I like it." He said before releasing her and turning away.

"Don't worry about it. See you tomorrow pup." And then he was gone. Mai and Tea ran up to her a few moments later, oblivious to what happened. They were only happy that she bought the outfit, unaware that she technically didn't. They left the mall, Mai and Tea chatting and laughing in front of a silent Serenity who was unaware of the blue eyes following her once again.