I guess I'm writing the kind of story I would like to read. Needless to say I have never done this before. This attempt only appears after a glass or two of wine! Might not be everyone's cup of tea but I'd like to give it a go.

This story basically uses the 50 shade characters but it's a different take. What if Ana isn't the confident girl who can stand up to Christian? Maybe life has taken a different turn. Here goes.

Anastasia Steele sits at her desk diligently working, distracted, fully absorbed in a task at hand. To some these tasks would be disappointingly dull but Ana welcomes the routine and familiarity of what she is doing.


In the few months I have worked at Grey Enterprise Holdings as an administration assistant I have come to welcome the daily tasks and routine. I don't enjoy change; it is an unwelcome visitor to my plain of existence. Some people thrive on this uncertainty but for me this visitor has been callous and merciless. And so, today as I leave I let myself smile inwardly, that a day has passed when I've known what to expect and nothing has unsettled me. I've come a long way, as hard as that is to believe, and although it might not be obvious to those around me, I'm still moving... despite my past I know I have a future.

I grab my jacket and exchange simple goodbyes with a few colleagues. I've kept myself to myself, guarded and suspicious, but still Clare and Toby have made an effort with me and as I leave for class I linger, talk and give what I can. "Off to class?" Toby asks. "Yes" I respond cheerfully. "We can't tempt you to drinks then?" Clare offers. "I wish, maybe next time", I respond. All the while knowing I'm unlikely ever to accept their invitation. Inviting as it sounds.

On the bus I pull out a few notes. I really should prepare better, maybe spend some more time in the library. Finals are fast approaching, I'm anxious and I use any spare minute to pour over my notes. When I first started studying I wasn't sure if I had what it took. I can't say I'm overly confident now but I've learned to believe in myself a little, at least in this academic setting. It's been a life line and one that I cling too.

When the class is dismissed I feel reassured, not confident but committed. This is something I enjoy and it's hard to believe that my night time, my night line, will soon come to an end. Actually, that might be a little dramatic because there are plenty of other course available, some of which I wouldn't mind looking into. This has given a direction to my life and a course that I'm not willing to abandon.

I get home, secure the door and have a light snack before turning in. Darkness is sometimes a comfort and sometimes a menace. Tonight it is absorbing me, welcoming me and I am a willing arrival. I turn things over in my head but the certainty of the day has soothed me and I eventually nod off. Not all nights end like this one and I'm grateful for the momentary release.

I wake, shower and head to work. I'm not sure if nature or nurture created my worrisome personality but it brings me to work early and most days this is beneficial – or at least neutral to my life. Today I enter the lift and find it already has an occupant. This gentleman was already in the lift when it opened at the lobby, having travelled from the garage. He is tall and quiet, yet intimidating. I shrink to the side of the elevator, wondering why my timing is always just off. Mr Grey is dressed in a dark, expensively cut suit. He is undoubtedly handsome but it's another worrisome fact that I acknowledge this. The lift ascended and after a few floors the silence is broken. Mr Grey utters, "Good morning". To which I respond with a sound resembling speech but not exactly comprehensible. When the lift opens I walk out with as much dignity as I can muster. I get to my desk and it is as if normal service resumes. I have come to rely on this desk, this computer, these people and surroundings. That's not a good sign for me. The longer it goes the more I will rely on them and the harder it will be to leave.

Over the next few weeks life continues on, much the same as it had been. I work and study and occasionally I pass Christian Grey. I've exchanged a few pleasantries with him. Lately I've managed to sound human. I've worked hard not to be so deferential, I can't deny that he has achieved a lot for someone so young but I don't feel that looking up to him in awe is appropriate. This morning I managed to squeak out the good morning before he had the chance – I'd say that was a result but it was borderline squeak so nothing to be proud of.


At first I didn't notice her. She makes herself small and does little to draw attention. I have a great number of employees, most if not all female staff and a few male are distracted by the surface – my exterior qualities. I've worked hard to keep a distance. My family know the loyalty I have for them, the love. Relationships, in the most abstracted form, are not something I easily cultivate. Yet this girl who stands aloof to me, who minimises her acknowledgement of me, is an enigma. Imagine my surprise when I start to notice this girl. Gentle, fragile, human. Where did she some from? Well at least I can answer these questions with the help of a phone call.

I hear about her background. How her mother passed away and she was raised by a step father. I hear an account of the upbringing and find it troubling. She has endured something, although official accounts only include unconfirmed rumours. One look at her has convinced me these are more than that. It seems certain that I should steer clear. I have my own demons to overcome, how could I possibly help another? But I already feel myself being pulled in.

Can I call this a beginning ...?