A/N: Last chapter, guys! I 'm pretty happy with how this turned out. I tried to end this on a super happy note, so contrary to the very dramatic last couple of chapters, this is a happy one. Of course, it's going to end happily, though! Beca and Chloe always have to end up together. :) So here is chapter 9! I hope you like it. If you have any questions or feedback, leave a review, or send me and ask on my tumblr. .com

Chloe Beale was beautiful. She was the kind of beautiful that could make Beca forget how to breathe. They could be in a hyped crowd full of people and she could still spot the flawless red hair, bright blue sparkling eyes, and lively smile that belonged to her. But, they weren't in a crowd. It was only the two of them in the gym, looking each other directly in the eyes from across the room. Chloe sat with her knees brought to her chest. Her face looked pale, except for her cheeks and her eyes, which were flushed. She had been crying, and she was an emotional wreck, but God, she was beautiful.

The both of them didn't say anything, and the silence was nearly maddening. Beca had, what seemed like thousands of thoughts running through her mind, as she realized that she had no idea what she was planning on saying to her, so she just began to speak, hoping that it would make a comprehendible sentence. Her entire body was shaking.

"I didn't go to dinner with Jesse." Beca exhaled, for the first time, in what felt like minutes. She watched as Chloe looked at her with a blank stare.

"Is that good or bad?" Was all that Chloe responded with. They both looked confused.

"Well, I just broke his heart and left him after agreeing to be in a relationship, Chloe, what do you think?" Chloe unwrapped her arms from her knees and put her feet on the ground. She rubbed her palms across the fabric of her jeans that covered her thighs.

"You didn't leave him because I told you to."

"No, but you still made me do it."

"And, just exactly how did I do that?"

"Because when I'm not with you, I'm thinking about you. I think about your face, and I think about how you always smell good and I think about the stupid jokes you make that make me laugh anyways. I never stop thinking about you, and I want to know exactly what the hell you did to me to make me this way." Beca genuinely looked upset. She didn't realize just how much she loved Chloe until she vocalized it. She also didn't exactly notice that tears had begun forming in her own eyes until one started rolling down her cheek.

"What, so you think you're the only one that has had feelings all this time? If you asked Aubrey how I felt about you, she'd go on a rampage because she's sick of hearing it!"

"Well then why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't you?"

"You know exactly why, Chloe!" Beca nearly shouted. "You know it better than anyone. I shut people out. I have always shut people out. It's always been my easy way out. But when I met you, you completely wrecked all of my walls. I could tell you anything in the world, but I couldn't tell you this. I told myself from the beginning that if I messed things up with you, I would never be able to let it go. I waited to see if you were interested in me at all, but I never saw it." Chloe sighed. She stood up and walked towards Beca. She kept a reasonable amount of distance between them, afraid of triggering Beca's anxiety in any way.

"Okay. Just answer me this. Why Jesse?"

"Because he was there. I went to him after we won to apologize for what had happened between us. I had no idea that he was going to kiss me. He thought that that was my way of saying that I finally wanted to be his girlfriend." Beca's head dropped down until she was staring at her feet. "I never wanted to be with Jesse. All I've ever wanted was to be with you. You make me happy and comfortable and nobody else has ever made me feel the way that you do."

"And I never made my move with you…" It pained Chloe to know this information. She wanted Beca. She's always wanted Beca, but she never wanted to take the chance of losing her. "If I would have just known, you have to trust me when I say that I would have, but you're right. I know how you are, Beca. I knew that you were comfortable with me, but there was always a point where you still cut me off, and I didn't want to overstep that boundary." Beca looked back up at Chloe. Half of her felt confident and the other half of her was sure that this entire thing was just a silly dream and none of this had happened from the beginning. The confidence quickly overpowered that feeling and Beca realized exactly what she needed to do, not only for herself, but because Chloe deserved to hear it.

"Okay, look, if you want me to tell you how I feel, this is it:

"When I met you at the beginning of the year, I didn't even want to be here. I was forced to leave home to come to college and I was miserable. I'm not sure if I ever told you, but the only reason that I went to the activities fair was to get away from my dad. I didn't want to join any kind of groups, but when I saw you… I don't know… Something just made me walk over to you. You looked so– beautiful." Beca chuckled slightly and looked down at her hands momentarily, but she looked back up to Chloe's eyes, assuring that everything she was saying was confident and sincere. It felt good to say what she was really felt. "I completely forgot that I was at Barden, and all I could think about was you. But when I started talking to Aubrey, I remembered, and I just wanted to leave. But all I could think about was you. Meeting you was the best thing that ever could have happened to me. You made me feel loved for the first time in a long time, and you made me– fall in love with you."

Beca didn't recognize what she had said, until she said it, but she didn't regret it. But Chloe stayed silent for a while, and it kind of scared her.

And then she smiled. And she grabbed Beca's hand and pulled her in to a hug. It was warm and comforting, and it was something that the two had needed for quite some time now.

"I know that you have trouble with showing others how you feel, but that was perfect. And since I got what I wanted from you, you deserve the same in return."

She pulled away, still holding Beca in her arms. She held her sides, looking in to the shorter girl's eyes, and smiled.

"Beca, I've been in love with you since the moment I saw you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I literally thought you'd never ask." Beca smirked. This moment was perfect. Everything was finally right. She was with Chloe, in the way that she has always wanted to be with Chloe. They both knew everything and they both were happy. Chloe's right hand moved from Beca's side up to her cheek and dried the stain left by the tears that were previously on Beca's face. Her hand slid to the back of her neck and pulled her in to a kiss.

Yes. This moment was definitely perfect. She knew that it was take time to repair the damage that she had caused to Jesse, if she could figure out a way to do that, but for now, she was with Chloe, and she knew that whatever happened, she would have her by her side. And that was all that mattered.