Elven Miko

Summary: Kagome, elven Princess of the Pure Woods, has had enough of her father waiting for the Fellowship to end the Orc's war. She was an able bodied warrior, healer, and priestess. And she planned to help no matter the consequences.

AN: AU, Inter Connected Drabbles

Kagome glared at her father her sky blue eyes narrowing into slits. Her petite hands were curled into fists at her side. "If you will not aid them I will." Her voice was low and cold. A lesser being would have flinched back from such a tone.

Her father merely stared at her, his face passive. "You will do on such thing. Calm yourself and return to your duties. Such talk is not becoming of a lady of your standing." He turned to leave yet was stopped by her hand shooting out and grabbing his dark green cloak. He slowly turned to face her, his own dark blue eyes narrowed.

"Daughter you tread dangerous ground." She merely let go of his cloak and looked up at him, her raven black silken locks shifting with the movement.

"I am going to help the fellowship of the ring, with or without your approval father." Her voice was calm as she stared up at him. She would not be swayed on this subject, she already had a travel pack ready.

He growled low in his throat but knew her mind could not be changed. She was so much like her late mother. "You will have no home to return to if you leave." He knew the threat would not deter her yet he had to try, she was his only child and heir to their tribe.

She turned on her heel in one fluid motion her dark green cloak shifting around her jostling her bow and quiver. "Then so be it, long live the king." With one last jab at her father she took off in a light sprint hoping to catch up with the heroes who would no doubt save middle earth.

Each step took her took her farther and farther from her family, her people, and her birthright yet her steps did not falter. How could she be next in line to lead her people and not take action when it was needed? If the humans fell to the Orc's it would not be long before they turned their sights on anyone who was not an Orc.

Such was the cruse of power, even one taste of it and people often went mad and scrambled for more. Not caring who it hurt.

Sad eyes watched form the trees and foliage, hidden from view, as their princess left them. They knew it was in her nature yet it still pained them to see her go. They could only pray to the God tree that she would return safely…