A/N Welcome to my new story this has been screaming at me for a while and finally decided to write it.

I want to say a Massive thanks to my amazing beta ant1gon3 for whom I could not have done this without.

Also to SoundShield11 who I had to ask advise from

Set in 1868 I have tried to keep to historic facts as much as possible but have of course made some up.

Please read and review but mostly enjoy.


Chapter 1

Japers POV

Not yet seventeen, I left my family to join the Confederate Army to do my duty for my country. I lied about my age telling them I was already eighteen. I was charismatic and did well flying through the ranks. The war was hard and many of my men were lost. But I was a good major and didn't put my men at unnecessary risk. I looked upon my men as my equals, my brothers.

I remember the day that a group of Native Americans came to our camp asking if we needed help. At first my men were suspicious of them but I could tell they came to help wanting to keep their own tribe safe from the war going far west as their tribe.

One particular man stood out from the others. His smile and warmth were welcoming. He would talk proudly of his family. Some days just Harry and I would head out looking for whitetail deer to keep our meat supplies up. Harry was an excellent hunter but, back at his home he was a fisherman and told me of the adventures he had over the years.

"Sir you are so young. You remind me of my own son, Seth. He is quietly stubborn and does his mother and myself proud but, I have told you all about my family tell me about yours," he chuckled.

"Harry please, we are alone call me Jasper. There is not much to tell. We are farmers, my pa works the land. I have a sister yet to see thirteen. And my ma well, let me tell you a little secret. She makes the best apple pie that side of Mississippi," I chuckled.

"My lovely wife makes the best fish fry in the whole of Washington State," Harry sighed. His eyes would water but shaking his head we continued on with our hunt.

At night he would come to my tent to discuss the following days activities. Normally we would end up talking about the legends of his people. They were a small but proud tribe. He told the story of the shapeshifters who would protect their people from the cold ones. I never understood who the cold ones were but, in all honesty to me, they were just a story. But Harry said them with true passion. I would dream of a giant wolf running through the forests with me running beside it. I never admitted this to Harry but I would continue to listen to his story when he again told me more. Harry was about to leave to return to his family. The tribe had come onto hard times and he was needed back home.

With promises to visit if I was ever in the area, we said our sad farewells but they had to be brief as I was going to take the women and children to Galveston where they would be safe. I watched him leave with fellow tribesman but not before I managed to slip some money to help with his family. We would never see each other again but knew I would never forget the kind happy man who I called my friend. With a shout we headed out on our journeys in the opposite directions.

All was going well until we arrived at Galveston when we did a count finding we had lost some of our women folk. I let the others rest while I went out to find them. We couldn't have lost them too far back as I saw none fall behind me.

I came across three young women who seemed to be lost but I couldn't remember their faces. Getting off my horse, I tipped my hat and greeted them as a the southern gentleman my ma raised me to be. I don't remember what happened next however but knew I thirst for blood. Not any blood but human blood. Maria changed me that night into a solder and I aided her in the creation of newborn vampires. They were blood thirsty brutes who were stronger than other vampires. We used them to fight the war so Maira could get her land back. We would destroy the newborns after they were a year as their newborn strength would lessen by then. So, I would destroy them while Maria went to get new victims to replace them.

Maira's sisters betrayed her so she had me destroy Helen and Lettie. I knew they were trying to overthrow her. They were her sisters yet she didn't blink an eye at their demise. I tore their heads from their bodies and felt all of emotions they had in that moment. Their fear along with hurt and anger at their beloved sister who had betrayed them. I felt every emotion that ran through them and it bewildered me. I was a monster yet I could feel their pain. This was not living yet it was not death either. I was at a crossroads. In a living nightmare, one that I saw no escape from.

I befriended a newborn, Peter. I convinced Maira to keep him alive as he was a asset to our army. However, when she wanted his mate, Charlotte, destroyed when she reached the one year mark I knew I had to leave. Peter was my friend and he loved his mate. One night we slipped out and never returned. After a while we split up promising to find each other one day.

I became a rogue vampire. No one bothered me as I made my way west. For some reason being drawn there. I had no place in mind I couldn't go to family as I no longer had one. Peter and Charlotte reminded me of Harry from the stories I told back when we first met and I remembered my former life. I made my way towards La-Push. I wanted to be destroyed. I couldn't handle what I felt when I killed my pray. The feelings were getting to me. When I was changed I gained a talent. I could feel and manipulate emotions of those around me. It was a talent that kept me alive for Maira along with my army experience. But, although I was dead, I still felt their pain. There had to be a way to free myself from this and the only way I knew how was to be destroyed.

Seth's POV

I loved the forest and would spend hours exploring the undergrowth. I loved watching the animals scurry around going about their daily lives. I heard a rustle in the trees and suddenly out of nowhere Jacob, our next chief, steps out. He stood an impressive seven feet; the biggest and strongest hunter in our tribe. His presence demanded respect. To me he was like a big brother and though he may look big and scary, he had the heart of gold.

"Seth what are you doing out here? Have I not warned you? The forest is not safe at the moment," he said frowning at me.

"Yes but, Jacob forgive me, if it is so dangerous what brings you out here?" I asked back smiling.

Jacob shook his head and smiled. He was a few years older than me and when my father was away he would take me out to fish and hunt teaching me the tricks of the trade. We spent hours fishing and talking about what life was like outside our tribe. Of course neither of us would ever leave our tribe. We were expected to look after our parents when they grew old. Jacob would have many babies to carry on the Chief's name. As yet, he had not met the right girl but when he did, she would be very busy producing him lots of babies. I too was expected to marry and have babies but all the girls of our tribe were either too old for me or too young. My cousin Quil was already with a wife in waiting. A baby no less from the next tribe over. I hoped my parents didn't find me a wife. I wanted to find love just like my parents did.

They met when they were children being in such a small tribe it was hard to miss each other. Father said that they were always playing and getting into trouble for not doing their chores. They got married when mum was only fourteen, something not unheard of back then. When dad saw mum after been away for over a year it was like the world had come to an end. They never said a word but their eyes spoke volumes. Even when dad has been away for just a few days that same look would burn in their eyes. That is the sought of love I wanted and hoped to get one day.

"Come on Seth lets get you home, it will be dark soon. Don't want to get in trouble with your mother now do we?" he said slapping me on the back making me tumble over.

I was small and skinny for my age. At fifteen all the other boys were tall and strong. But I was fast. Jacob was the biggest though with Sam Uly, my sister's soon to be husband, was next biggest. He was a good provider and loved my sister almost as much as my parents loved each other.

Then there was Paul, the meanest guy in the tribe. I avoided him at all costs. He was always one to pick a fight and god help anyone that got in his way. He was married now to Rachel Black, one of Jacob's sisters. I still don't know why she agreed to marry him but they seemed happy.

Jared was probably next biggest. He was the quiet one but probably the one that kept Paul tamer than what he normally would be.

Embry was the odd one out in our tribe. His mother was from the Makah tribe but said his father was from our tribe. The women folk didn't like her and called her a husband stealer. Embry had a close friend in Jacob otherwise, I think he would've been sent away when he was just a child. Then there was Collin and Brady they were the only two younger than me in the tribe. They like me were small but they were already taller than me.

"Jacob when are you going to take me out to patrol? You promised me when I was ready. Don't you think I am ready now?" I asked jogging to keep up with his long graceful strides.

"You will know when you are ready and believe me my friend, you are not ready. I wish everyday that you would be joining me but as yet the spirits have not granted this. Wait, your time will come. It is in your blood that you, like me and the others, will become a protector of our lands," his large hand rubbed the top of my head. Slapping him away I wave and run inside to my family. I heard Jacob's chuckling behind me as I shut the door to our house.

We were one of the few who had our own house. It was warm and dry like the white man. We did not live in teepees because our weather was too wet and rough. Instead, we lived in a longhouse made of planks. In the middle was the firepit that my mother was cooking on. On either side were the beds, off the ground, to keep us warm with the blankets my mother had weaved out of dog hair which we breed just for their hair.

My mother was ready to tell me off when Leah came in crying and talking so fast we couldn't understand what she was saying. Mum shooed me out so they could talk privately. I happily left to see if father was coming in from his day of fishing. This was how we lived. We would trade fish with the white man.

I sat on the beach watching the boats coming in. The men were laughing, pleased with their catch of the day. I helped unload the baskets with the help of other boys from the tribe. I would go on the boats next summer but, I was still gathering with the women. Even after proving I could handle taking care of my mother and sister while my father was away I was made to stay on land. Chief Black came and quickly spoke to my father before father told me to take the fish up to market. Embry was walking past and offered to help me. He was one of the protectors of the tribe now and was respected by the elders. He and his mother were both respected and looked after.

"I will come to the market with you and walk you home tonight," he says picking up two full baskets as though they weighed nothing.

"Thanks Embry. I have not seen you around for awhile. How have you been?" I asked huffing with just my single basket.

"Fine," he said shrugging. I stopped and put the basket down. I had miles to walk and I hadn't even managed a mile without having to rest my arms.

Embry chuckled and picked up the third basket and started walking off. I had to jog to keep up. The fish sold well with Embry looking on and we were soon heading home with a good amount of supplies. Father would be pleased with today's haul. Once home, Embry waved me goodbye before heading to the forest. He would be protecting the tribe while we slept.

Inside, the elders were gathered and my sister Leah nowhere in sight. In the distance I heard the call of the wolves. The elders stopped talking and soon took their leave each saying I would be next. For what I had no idea but they all seemed happy that whatever it was would be soon. Showing my parents our goods they smiled and told me to eat before retiring for the evening. I tried to ask of my sister however, they were vague and said she would return soon.

We saw nothing of Leah for three days and when she returned she had changed becoming taller and leaner. Also, she was very withdrawn. She would sit in on her rugs and not talk or she would sleep. At night, she would slip out not to return until dawn. When I tried to ask where she was going she told me to keep my nose out of her business. A few days later I saw the man she was in love with and about to marry with our cousin. They were kissing and holding hands. Now I understood what was wrong with my sister. I couldn't believe that Sam would cheat on Leah. They had been friends since they were babies yet here he was with Emily, of all people, the one closest to Leah. Like Jacob and I being like brothers they were like sisters. Sam saw me and gave a wave yet I chose to turn and walk away. I once respected Sam but now all I felt was shame for the man I used to look up to. Emily was not to blame Sam was at fault, not her.

The day dawned bright and I headed out to gather wood for the fire. I went deeper into the forest than I normally went but, we had started running out of dry wood closer to home. The forest seemed quieter today which was unusual. I hummed to myself and thought I should find a place to talk to my spirit guide. It had been over a month since Leah had changed and I heard the word protector used meaning that she had become one. Normally, this honour was left to the men. Yet my sister was one of them and she didn't seem happy about it. My mother was forever making her new clothing. Leah had also cut her hair short just like the other protectors. It was unheard of for our women to cut their hair. Unless you were a protector, your hair was long. I was proud of my hair which reached my waist.

I sat and looked upwards. My spirit guardian had been neglected for so long and I asked for forgiveness and guidance. Why was I not like the other men in the tribe? Was I destined to remain the small one? Would I always be the gatherer? I wanted to go and be on the boats like my father. I could never find a wife with no way of supporting a family. Sitting in silence I waited for any sign but after a while I sighed and went to get up. I saw something move but decided it must of been some trick of the eye. Until I saw it again, and again. Whatever it was it was getting closer yet not close enough that I could see what it was. I went to turn to jump when a white man with red eyes stood in front of me. I went to shout as no white men came onto our lands. His cold hard hand smothered my mouth before I could open my mouth. I looked him in the eye and realised that the legions were true... there were cold ones.

"Is this Quileute land?" he asked his eyes never leaving my neck. I nodded my head in answer.

He released me and stood back with fear in his eyes. We both turned when we heard a howl and the sound of something large coming towards us. Grabbing me as though I was a twig, he picked me up and started running. I couldn't believe the speed we were going and wanted to close my eyes yet fear kept them open. For some reason I didn't believe this cold one wished me harm.

"The river is the treaty line you, cross that you will be safe," I shouted so he could hear me.

Suddenly, I saw wolves running towards us getting closer with their teeth bared. The cold one jumped as though we were flying crossed the river. The wolves came to a sudden stop as though a solid wall stopped them. They began to pace back and forth snapping and snarling. The cold one slowed down once they were out of my sight.

"I'm going to be sick," I groaned.

The cold one stopped suddenly and put me down stepping back at inhuman speed. I leaned forward and tried to catch some air. In the distance I heard my name being yelled out. I stood straight and turned to see the cold one leaning on a tree glaring at me. I looked him over. He was very beautiful. Never would I consider another man beautiful. He raised an eyebrow and pushed off the tree walking towards me slowly. I gulped and tried to step back. I didn't want to die here not this way.

"I won't harm you little one. But tell me are you the son of Harry Clearwater?" he asked.

"Yes, I am Seth Clearwater ! How do you know my father? Also you speak Quileute!" I asked relaxing because he knew my father so could not be a bad person.

"We were in the army together. He told me of you and how proud he was. Also, he taught me some basic words. I came to be destroyed by those wolves but I couldn't let them hurt you little one," he gave a smile only to show his very white sharp teeth.

"They are our tribe's protectors, they wouldn't hurt me. The legends must be true. What is your name? You know mine yet I don't know yours," I said turning to the shouts of my name.

"Forgive me little one. My name is Jasper Whitlock, at your service. I think you should go before they send out a search party for you," he said suddenly disappearing from my sight.

I start running to the border to see the protectors standing there yelling at each other. It wasn't until Jacob looked up that everyone stopped yelling. Jacob came to the river and went to walk across to get me when Sam held him back. Shoving his arm away Jacob walked across and pulled me to him. He gave a cough and screwed up his nose. Looking back at the others, he gave a nod. He picked me up in his arms. Half way across he ungraciously dropped me in the water. The water was freezing and I took in a mouthful of water. Next second his large hand grabbed me and pulled me up.

"Sorry about that Seth but you stunk," he chuckled as I coughed spitting out water.

My arm was grabbed and Leah was hugging me against her. I was shivering but she was nice and warm. She picked me up against my protests which she ignored. The rest didn't move and we headed home at a fast pace. I was already feeling like I was going to be sick and Leah was not helping me. I gave a groan and before I could warn Leah I was sick all over the both of us.

"You okay?" she asked setting me down as I emptied the rest of the content from my stomach on the forest floor.

"Leah, I'm fine. Please let me walk now," I moaned.

"What were you doing so far from the others, Seth? Haven't you been warned before to stay close to the others?" Leah snapped.

"Leah do you remember father talking about a pale face called Jasper Whitlock?" I asked as we slowly made our way home.

Leah didn't say anything for a while deep in thought.

"I think he was the one that gave father extra money when he returned home. Why do you ask?" she asked.

"Nothing I was just wondering if you could remember him. So he was a good man then?" I asked.

Before we could answer we were greeted by none other than Billy Black himself coming out of his home. He asked me to follow him as he entered the chief's house. The place was full with elders all whispering and looking at me. My father came to my side and turned my head looking at my neck before pulling me into a hug. Muttering his thanks to the our spirit guides.

"Father what is going on? The legends are true, there are cold ones and you know one," I whispered as the other elders talked amongst themselves.

Father pulled me to the corner out of earshot of the rest of the elders. He placed his finger to his lips to keep me from talking. Giving a nod, order was brought by Billy Black. Jacob entered and stood at the door looking menacing. I wanted to laugh because he really wouldn't hurt a fly. He gave me a wink when the elders lit their pipe. Jacob waved me to go outside with him while the elders got down to business. Once outside, Jacob dragged me to the forest and told me to sit down and trust him. Nodding, I sat on a fallen log and watched Jacob strip. I looked anywhere but at him.

I hope you have enjoyed don't forget to review :) Thanks