This is my first faction.

I hope you'll like it and I'll just say that i have no ill will towards any vocaloid. I hope I'll be able to give everyone their happy ending.

"You may begin." Meiko called.

All her students quickly flipped their tests and began to write down their answers as fast as they possibly could. Meiko was known for being a tough teacher who was ruthless when it came to tests, and with a twenty minute limit on a seven paged paper, her students couldn't help but hurry.

But she had been joking about the twenty minute limit. She had planned to give her class the whole period to work on the test. It seemed her class didn't understand her sense of humor.

Meiko sat behind her desk and kept a watchful eye for cheaters. There was always one student who thought they could get away with cheating without her noticing. As she scanned across the room she noticed a certain spiky blonde head cautiously looking at at his sleeve and back at his test paper.

She sighed. Not again.

Meiko grabbed a piece of chalk and swiftly flung it across the room, hitting the blonde boy square in the forehead.

"AHHH." He screamed before falling to the ground.

"Len." Meiko yelled. "What have I told you about cheating?"

"Wh-what? I wasn't cheating."

"Pull up your sleeves." She ordered.

He looked down to the floor in shame.

"If you're not going to do it. I'm going to assume my suspicions were correct."

"I'm sorry."He pleaded. "I won't do it again."

"Out of my classroom."

He glared at her and cursed before leaving her classroom. Meiko was unaffected by his words, but sister Rin blushed in complete and utter embarassment.

"Back to your tests people. We've already wasted two minutes." She said, and with that the class had completely forgotten about the incident.

Meiko started out the window. She knew she didn't have to watch out for anymore cheaters. They were all afraid to receive Meiko's wrath. She watched the cherry blossoms blow in the wind. The schools third floor classrooms had the best view of school ground, she could see everything that was going on. Meiko smiled at the thought. As long as she was up here, nothing could get past her.

Speaking of which, she noticed a student climbing over the school gate. As annoyed as she was, she was impressed. The gate was over ten feet tall, and impossible to climb over. Well apparently it wasn't impossible anymore. Meiko squinted to get a better look at the trespasser. Her face fell as soon as she spotted the person's long teal pigtails. It was Miku. Her student.

It wasn't that she didn't like the girl, she was just too strange for her―for anyone to understand. She never talked, she didn't seem to have that many friends either, she didn't even attend school that often, and when she did, all she'd ever do was look out the window.

A few months back, Meiko had done a background check on Miku. She wanted to see if there was anything wrong with the girl's household. Nothing had come up. She had a sweet looking housewife for a mother, a wealthy businessman for a father, and a honor roll brother who attended an all-boys private school outside the prefecture. In other words, it was the perfect family. Meiko never understood why she would ruin that.

Meiko had given up on her long ago. What was the point of caring for her if she didn't even care for herself?

After a few minutes Miku came through the door with an undoubtedly bored expression on her face. It made something in Meiko twinge. Out of all her expressions, she hated that one most of all. It made want to scream: "Why do you come here when you don't want to learn anything!"

All eyes were directed back and forth between the two girls as they just stared at each other in silence. The class braced themselves as they waited for Meiko to snap. After a long unbearable minute Meiko stood up and handed Miku a test. "You're late. We've already started the test." was all she said before taking her seat.

The class watched in awe as Miku also took her seat. After a while Meiko decided to glance at Miku, just a quick one, she thought in hopes of assuring herself that Miku wasn't all bad, that she actually took her education seriously. She slowly turned her chair away from the window and almost snapped.

Miku's test paper was flipped over to the blank side. Instead of doing the work she was supposed to do, she uncaringly looked out the window. Meiko's heart lurched. She couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to yell at her, but she couldn't. There was something about her student that shut her up. Something Evil.

Meiko shook her head. If she didn't set her straight she would be portraying inequality among her students. It was a quality she hated to see in teachers, and she definitely didn't want to have that awful quality in herself. "Miku. If you're not going to do the test, I advise that you please leave my classroom." Meiko said hoping her voice didn't shake.

Miku gave her a blank stare before leaving her classroom. Meiko sighed in relief she closed the sliding door behind her.

The sun was setting when Meiko left school. She was exhausted. After a long day of work she decided a much needed beer would help ease her stress. She decided she would purchase a case or two from the convenience store not far from here.

Just as Meiko was about to enter the store, she heard odd noises echoing from behind her. She turned around finding nothing out of ordinary, so she passed it off as her imagination and walked through the entrance. She browsed around the convenience store for a while, looking at celebrity exploit magazines and the latest issue of Shounen Jump before purchasing three cases of her favorite beer. She left the store and stretched her back preparing for the long way home. As she began to walk, she heard the noises again. She stopped to listen. It sounded like arguing.

She looked around feeling somewhat curious as to where she could find the arguing pair. She wasn't so stupid to pass this off as her imagination. Meiko paused to listen for the source of the noise.

She walked over to an alleyway by the connivence store. The arguing grew louder as she approached the small space. It was there did she find two males fighting. "You better behave yourself at your new school." A dark haired man with glasses growled.

"Who are you to tell me what to do. You're not my teacher anymore." Spat an azure haired boy with a cotton blue muffler. She eyed it wondering who would wear such a stuffy thing in this warm weather.

"Hey, stop your fighting." Meiko said intervening.

They stopped arguing for a moment to turned to their intruder.

What do you want hag?" The blue haired boy yelled.

She snapped. "Hag!? Why you little brat―"

"Who are you anyway?" The glasses-wearing man asked.

"Huh? Oh I'm just a bystander."

The glasses man walked out of the alley's shadow revealing an unexpectedly handsome face. She almost blushed, until he gave her a look. it was a look she didn't like. It reminded her of all the authoritative figures during her Yankee days. Yes, they shared the same look. All seemed to be looking down at her.

"Well Ms. Bystander, I suggest you leave."

She threw her arms up in defeat. "Whatever." She said walking away. "You try to help someone and they end up treating you like dirt." She said under her breath.

Walking home she thought about that rude pair's argument. They seemed to have a former student-teacher relationship. The brat seemed to transferring to a different school. More like he was kicked out. He was probably a troublemaker. Surprise, surprise. that she thought about it, her class would soon have a transfer in her class. Could that boy be it? She shook her head. No way. That'd be too much of a coincidence.

The next morning Meiko sat at her desk in the faculty office grading the remainder of yesterday's test papers. Her class average had definitely gone up from the test. She was proud of her students. Now, if they only studied when they weren't pressured into failure, again this was another one of Meiko "jokes" to help break the ice between her students. It seemed this only brought the opposite effect.


She snapped to attention. "Yes Vice-Principal Yamagi?"

"Your transfer student has arrived today."

"Ah, he's come today? We'll I guess I'd better go introduce myself." Meiko said putting her favorite marking pen away. She left her seat and followed the Vice-principal into his office. Inside a tall blue haired boy with matching eyes and long cotton scarf worn around a black button down uniform stood in front of her.

She blinked. No. It couldn't be. Not that brat from yesterday.

"Good morning." The boy said flashing a princely smile. "My name is Kaito Shion. Please take care of me."