Sorry about the lack of updates. Finals then I kept forgetting to update. But here it is! The final chapter! Enjoy!

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Dan, Chris, PJ, and Carrie were all sitting nearby.
PJ noticed first. "She's up." I began to sit up and winced, noticing bandages around my ribs.
"Hey, relax. How are you?" Dan said, worried.
I glanced around. "Uh, fine. I guess." I paused. "Where's Phil? Is he alright?"
"Yes, he's fine." PJ said resting a hand on my arm.
"What happened?"
"Phil didn't go into details but I arrived after he had called me. You were passed out on his knee and I drove you both here. The doctor did said you have 3 broken ribs and Phil's shoulder was dislocated but they are fixing it." Dan informed me. I became drowsy from the pain medicine and rested my head on the pillow.
"Tell him I'm-" I drifted off to sleep before I finished the sentence and when I woke up it was dark and they were gone. A note was left on the table.
Phoenix- it was getting very late so we all headed out. Phil came with us but he will be back tomorrow. –Carrie, Dan, PJ, Chris
The next morning I awoke to Phil sitting by the bed. He leaned over and gave me a hug. I tried to apologize but a nurse came and checked on me. I was allowed to leave and Phil and I returned to my flat. His arm was fine and the swelling on my cheek had gone down. Phil recapped what had happened when he arrived on the car ride home. We sat down on the couch and I turned to him.
"I am so sorry this happened." I said.
"No, it's not your fault!"
"I should have told you about the messages, but I was not expecting him to show up. I didn't want to believe he could interfere in my life anymore." Tears started running down my cheeks.
"Had he said he was coming?" He asked, wiping my cheeks with the sleeve of his jacket.
I shook my head. "I didn't think he could afford to get to Europe. He doesn't have a real job, but he said he had 'friends."
"Then you are not to blame. You just have to let me know if there is anything suspicious." I rested my head on his shoulder. We sat in silence. Gazing at the photos behind the TV.
"I love you, Phil." I mumbled into his sleeve.
"I love you too Phoenix." I lifted my head and took his face in my hands, pressing my lips against his. He moved a hand to my hip and I got up leading him into my room. We rolled onto the bed and he removed my shirt, tracing the lines of the bandages with his fingers. His shirt joined mine on the floor and soon we rolled under the sheets.
Phil pulled me close to him and I inhaled his scent that has become so familiar to me. I rested my head on his bare chest and listened to his heart beat thinking about moving here.
"Can we stay here forever?" He whispered into my ear.
"As long as I am with you, I don't care what happens," I paused as he kissed my cheek. "I love you Phil Lester." I said. This year has been a great change in my life and I never want it to end.