Lyon arrived at a pub located in Magnolia. Again, he tried talking to Juvia, but she just brushed him of like a fly and went straight to stalking Gray, hiding behind a pole. When he walked in, he went straight to the bar. He sat down next to a blonde who had her head on the table. When he was about to order, the blonde lifted up her head.

"One more shot please." She asked the bartender. As soon as he left, Lyon turned to take a good look at the girl.

"Lucy?" he asked in disbelief.

"Lyon? Is that you? Sorry, my sight is kind of hazy." She replied. She shook her head. Lyon looked at her once more. Her hair wasn't in her usual hairstyle nor in pigtails, just plain straight. She had on a gray sweatshirt and a skirt with her new brown fuzzy boots. He always knew the girl as someone who would watch what she wore, but it didn't seem like it today, especially with her being in a pub.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Lyon asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, nothing much except getting rejected in front of the whole guild." She said. As soon as her shot came, she quickly drank it. He could tell that she was going to get drunk in any minute.

"How many shots have you had Lucy?"

"Around 2-20," She replied. Afterwards, her head fell against the table and she started crying. "All –hic- I wanted –hic- was for him –hic- to like –hic- me –hic- back." Lucy said in between sobs. Lyon started to freak out. He was bad at comforting girls, especially ones he didn't really know that well.

"Who? Maybe he does, but doesn't want to admit it?" Lyon said as he patted her back.

"Gray –hic- Fullbuster. Everyone –hic- knows he –hic- likes Juvia –hic- but won't admit –hic- it." She said. She turned to face him and started crying harder than before. "I'm sorry Lyon. I know –hic- you really like her." Lyon felt the color drain from his face. He couldn't believe that Gray liked Juvia back. He knew that he had lost the battle for Juvia's heart. He pulled her into a hug, knowing that girls took it harder at being rejected. Lucy stopped crying once she felt him wrap his arms around her. For an Ice mage, he was pretty warm.

"Don't worry Lucy. Here, want me to take you home? You seem to be pretty sober right now, not drunk." He said as he pulled away from the hug.

"I would –hic- love that." She said as she smiled at him. When she was about to take out her money to pay for the shots she had, Lyon stopped her and paid himself.

"Don't worry about it Lucy. You should save your money for some new clothes. I heard from Sherry that the winter line was going to be released tomorrow or the day after it." He said as he smiled at her. Lucy felt her face go hot and shock her head in confusion. She liked Gray, not Lyon. But why did he seem to have made her feel like she wanted to know him better?

"Thanks." She said as she got up. She almost fell for still being a bit drunk/sober at the time and Lyon caught her.

"Just hold onto me. When I got here, it started to snow and I don't want to make you slip on the ice." He said. She thanked him once more and held onto his arm as they went outside. As Lyon had said, snow had gathered up and snowflakes were falling from the sky.

"Lyon? Why did you fall in love with Juvia?" Lucy asked out of the random. Lyon looked at her, but saw that her focus was looking around the town. 'This must be the first time she sees it snow in Magnolia.' He thought. 'After all, she was gone for seven years.'

"I guess it must've been her beauty. I used to her rumors about a rain woman around the time you guys went missing and I've wanted to meet her ever since then. But something other than her beauty caught my eye. It must've somehow felt the connection towards her. Sometimes, I wish I was there when Phantom Lord attacked you guys. Maybe, instead of falling in love with Gray, she would've fallen for me." Lyon said. Lucy looked up at him to see him looking back at her. She blushed and looked away before saying something else.

"Well, I believed that you and Juvia would've made a nice couple, seeing as how you really like her and stuff. I'm sorry though, about the whole Gray and Juvia thing. If it makes them both happy, then I'm happy for them," Lucy said. She looked back at Lyon and gave him a warm smile. "I hope you find your princess one day Lyon. You really are sweet and caring, you just don't show it that much." Lyon looked back at the girl and felt flustered when she smiled at him. How could she be happy that the person she liked rejected her for another?

"And I hope you find your prince charming one day too." He said as he smiled back at her. She stopped walking when they arrived at a building.

"Well, I guess we're here. Do you want to stay over? It's the least I can do for you since you paid for my shots." Lucy said as she opened the door. She walked in and he followed after her. They walked up some stairs and went towards the right door. She opened it up and allowed Lyon to pass by first.

"You live here?" he asked her. She just smiled at him and went towards her bed. She lay down and sighed in relief.

"I'm glad Natsu and Happy didn't dare came here right now. Everyone seems to get in here, thanks to Mirajane having a spare key, which I have no idea where she got." She said as she buried her face into her pillow.

"Wow. So everyone must come here whenever they want to hang out?" Lyon said as he unconsciously stripped out of his clothes with only his jeans on.

"Lyon, your clothes." Lucy said as she looked up from her pillow.

"I can't believe I still have this habit. I thought I broke out of it last year." Lyon said embarrassed as he quickly put on his shirt and sweater.

"It's alright. I'm used to it since Gray does it all the time," Lucy said as she giggled. She went over to her closet and pulled out some blankets and a pillow. "You can sleep on the couch if you want. I'll go change into my pajamas so I'll be right back." She said once she handed him the stuff. She ran into the bathroom and shut the door. He quickly put the stuff on the couch and tried to make it as comfortable as he could he was surprised that just twenty minutes ago, she was crying over Gray and now she acted like nothing had happened. What if she wasn't drunk nor sober? After all, he didn't know who strong the shots were. He sat on the couch and ran his hands through his hair. He liked Juvia right? Why did it seem like Lucy was better than her somehow? Could it be her personality? Ever since he met her on Galuna Island, he kind of felt attracted to her, but he was the bad guy and she was the good guy, plus, he was also to busy trying to suppress Ur that he forgot about her the minute he left. Was he falling in love with her? It couldn't be. He told himself he'll always love Juvia, no matter what. Once Lucy came out of the bathroom, he was fast asleep on the couch. She covered him up with the blankets and went into her bed. 'Lyon is different than I thought. He's pretty attractive hen he blushes.' She thought to herself before she drifted off to sleep. 'Lyon.'

Lucy woke up due to the sudden drop of temperature. She got up and saw Lyon's breath and saw him shivering a bit. 'It must be pretty cold, even for an Ice Mage.' She walked over to her closet and brought out more blankets. She was glad she had stuffed up a lot seven years ago since she had heard it gets really cold at night in Magnolia. She fixed them on her bed and walked over to Lyon.

"Lyon. Lyon, get up. It's freezing. You can sleep with me in my bed. I don't want you to get sick." She said as she shook him. He got up, still sleepy, and walked towards her bed. When he got in, he felt pretty warm and fell asleep again. She got the remaining blankets and set them on her bed also. She got into bed and fell asleep also.

~Next Morning~

Lucy awoke due to hearing voices in the room. She opened her eyes to come face-to-face with a sleeping Lyon with his arms around her waist. She shook him awake and once he realized what he was doing, he blushed and let go.

"Lucy, why is Lyon here?" Natsu asked.

"She likeeeessss him." Happy said as he flew in front of the two.

"Get out!" Lucy screamed as she pushed them outside her place. She closed the door and fell to the ground. "I'm sorry about that Lyon. They do it all the time and it gets me frustrated." Lucy said and she brushed her bangs aside. Lyon nodded like he understood what she was going through when he was completely lost.

"Say Lucy, thanks for letting me stay the night," He said as he got up. "I've got to go back to Lamia Scale before Sherry freaks outs. You know how she is, a bit overprotective, even if she's getting married." Lyon told the blonde. She nodded her head and got up from the ground.

"Hey, before you go, may I treat you to breakfast? You know, it'll make me feel less guilty about the whole you paying for me and breaking down in front of you?" Lucy said. Lyon thought about it and agreed. Lucy squealed with excitement and quickly changed in her bathroom. Once she was done, she dragged Lyon almost across town before they arrived at the café. They both got a seat next to the window and waited until the waitress arrived.

"Hello. May I take your order?" The waitress asked Lucy.

"Hey Eli! I would like the usual please?" Lucy said as she smiled at the waitress.

"I'd like some coffee and some eggs and bacon." Lyon said as he handed back the menu.

"Okay. It'll arrive shortly. Nice boyfriend you've got yourself Lucy." She winked before she left. Lucy started blushing and Lyon started laughing at her.

"Oh, shut up Lyon!" Lucy said as she covered her face.

"So Lucy, you come here often?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah. I'm a regular here so they know what I pretty much want during breakfast and lunch." Lucy said as she looked around.

"Are you alright?" Lyon asked her.

"Yeah, just mad at Eli and her joke." Lucy said as she pouted.

"Well, I think you look cute when you blush." Lyon admitted before he realized what he said. This made both of them blush and look away.

"Here you guys are! Enjoy your breakfast." Eli said before she left. Afterwards, Lyon and Lucy started talking about their guilds.

~20 minutes later~

"Hey Lucy?" Lyon said as they arrived at the train station. Lucy decided to go with him, seeing as she liked being around the boy presence.

"Yeah?" she asked as she looked over at him. His train had just arrived and he wanted to tell her something before he left because he honestly didn't know when he would see her again.

"I really like you." Lyon said with a blush. Before Lucy could reply, she felt his lips on hers and gave in. she kissed him back and before long, they broke apart.

"I like you too Lyon." She said. He went onto the train and before it took out, he called out to her.

"I hope I see you soon Lucy." He said. The train had just signaled that they were departing and he went inside.

"I hope I get to see you soon too Lyon."

I hope you guys like this LyLu one-shot! If you guys really enjoyed it, please review && I might turn it into an actual story with more chapters(:
Thanks for reading!