Forewarning, I left this story wide open only because I'm not sure if I'll pick it up again. As of right now, I have no plans to do it only because I've invested in my Angels and Saints stories and have no ideas for what would happen next in this story, although I would like to continue if only to include The Saviors in the story line.

I'd really just like to thank HermioneandMarcus, HaloHunter89, MAR76, Maddy120296, vexingvixen7, histoirejolie, Leyshla Gisel, VealMaster, and various others for giving this story the time of day and being such avid readers and reviewers. Thank you all so much!

They reached the gates sooner than they imagined. Carl broke into a smile as soon as the gates came into view. Danielle couldn't help but smile. Poor Carl hadn't had much of a childhood of late and it was nice to see him smile.

Aaron yells something up to the men manning the gate and slowly the gate opens. Rick pulls in with the other vehicles close behind and they all park in a line. Heath and Aaron exit the truck and they help Scott to his feet, helping the man into a nearby building. Shortly after, Rick saunters up to Daryl and they talk briefly before approaching the rest of the group.

"Aaron says he has to talk to their leader, Douglas. He has to interview us, one-by-one, before we are allowed to stay." Rick explains.

"What kind of interview?" Hershel asks.

"He said they have to assign jobs and housing positions. The questions just help in the process."

"That's not sketchy at all." Jed murmured.

The group stood around their cars, waiting for clearance to see Douglas and taking in their surroundings. They had power. They had water. They had supplies. There was shelter. In short, it was paradise.

Soon, Aaron comes into view. "Rick, He'll see you now." Rick followed Aaron to a modest looking house. "Answer all his questions honestly, even if you think you shouldn't. He's waiting for you."

He said simply, stopping at the door. Rick opened the door. The house seemed empty. "Douglas?" he questioned, walking through the house.

"Weird being in a house after all this time." An unfamiliar voice said. "One that isn't ravaged, looted, or burnt." Rick turned to face the man. "I'm Douglas. Douglas Monroe. It's nice to meet you."

"Rick Grimes." He said plainly, stepping forward and extending his hand.

"Aaron says good things about you and your group."

"What exactly am I here for?"

"To talk. That's all. Have a seat." They both sat down at a nearby table, directly across from each other. "Make no mistake, most of the reason you're standing before me is based on what Aaron's observed. He watches people for a long time before approaching them with an offer. It's amazing how much you can tell from a person based on how they act when they don't think they're being watched. This community had been around less than a year. I was on my own for three months. How long has your group survived?"

"14 months by our count. It could be a little inaccurate."

"Remarkable. We need more people like you. To survive out there on your own for so long, you're equipped to take on almost anything. What did you do for a living before all of this?"

"I was a police officer."

"Well, that settles it. You're our new constable."


"Having your group in our mix, I believe that puts our capacity at over 60. We'll need someone to oversee disagreements, keep order."

"That's how this works? You say what we do and we do it?"

"No, it's open to discussion. I assume you enjoyed being a police officer."

"Don't get me wrong. Constable is fine."

"Good. The other part of our deal is that aside from being fed and protected, you get your own place to live. We're in the middle of expanding and I'm afraid we wont have enough homes for all of your people. Some of you will have to share."

"That won't be an issue. Coming from where we have, we're more than used to it. Our group is mostly compiled of families. Couples and parents with children."

"Excellent. Well, Rick, that will be all. We're done. There will be a tour and a meet and greet at dinner. I'd like to talk to your people before we do home assignments. Welcome to the community. "

And there we have it, guys. I feel like this accurately sums up Season 4 if it went by the comics, leaving it with a cliffhanger for good measure. Like I said before, I wanted to leave this in a happy ending while still leaving room for a sequel if and when the mood strikes.

That all being said, I have started a new Daryl fic that should now be posted for your viewing pleasure. It's called Second Chances, if you're interested. It's not Daryl and Danielle, but it's something kind of similar, with a slight twist. I hope it's a worthy substitute for Safety Not Guaranteed.

Reviews are encouraged and appreciated!