Yep, i am back after like a 4-6 month break. But most likely not for long.

This fanfic was inspired by the song from The Script, Six Degrees of Separation. I had a feeling that this song nearly perfectly described Bade after the breakup.

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious, or The Script, or the song Six Degrees of Separation.

It all started to get questioned, right after that moment during Queries for Couples.

Jade and Beck were arguing that Jade didn't let Sinjin finish the question, because she didn't like dolphins, and wanted to skip the question. Sinjin got frustrated, and asked Jade just to pick A, B, or C.

"B!" Jade yelled.

Beck then yelled back that it might have been A.

"I don't care!" Jade screamed at the top of her lungs.

Then Beck, at first subconsciously, yelled "I'm not happy with our relationship!"

Everyone was in shock, and Jade of course, was the most shocked of all.

Jade was tore. She loved Beck, and the relationship, but however, she had to admit that the relationship was starting to slip out of their grasp. Who started the fighting in the first place? Was it Beck who finally let his emotions for once, get out of control? Was it herself who was bickering to Beck? Or was it both of them? Maybe we just need some rest. Jade thought as she was walking over to her car, trying to ignore Beck as much as possible.

But little did anyone know, that the very next day, would change both Beck and Jade, forever?

In the morning, Beck found Jade, and grabbed her by the arm, to the Janitors Closet. Jade knew what this was about, and she didn't want to discuss it. Neither did Beck, but the fighting needed to stop, or else they would lose each other.

For less than a minute, the two argued about them winning worst couple on Sinjin's game show. Jade complained that Beck was losing his mind over a dumb game show. Beck was complaining that they were voted worst couple, and the two other couples weren't even real couples. Then, Cat came in and they decided to ask her opinion on their relationship.

Unfortunately, Jade and Beck started to fight after a while, and they made Cat faint.

Jade started to walk out the room, and was starting towards her locker, Beck said that they needed to decide this sooner or later, and Jade decided later.

But this story might have ended better if they solved it sooner.

Later that night, Tori, Andre, Cat, Trina, and Robbie were playing a game of Poker, and they decided to not bring Beck and Jade, due to their fighting.

They had a feeling Beck and Jade would come, and they did.

Tori opened the front door, to see Beck and Jade. Jade having a look of concern on her face, and Beck having a more serious look. Things would only get worse from here on out.

"Oh great, it's-it's you guys." Tori said when she opened the door to the nearly destroyed couple.

"I told you. I told you, they would all be here." He told Jade as he was walking in.

Tori closed the door right after Jade was in the house.

Tori started to say "Listen, I-"before Beck interrupted her.

"Tell us, why you didn't invite us to play?"

Tori looked lost for a second. She didn't want to worsen their relationship, so Tori had to make up a story, so she didn't have to tell the truth. "Because…we were…planning your surprise party?"

Jade was confused, saying "What?"

Andre then knew that if Tori weren't going to say it, then he had to.

"Alright, we didn't invite you guys to play, because you two are always screaming at each other, and it makes everybody feel awkward. It makes Cat faint, and sometimes makes Robbie cry."

Robbie tried to say that he cried only one time, but Rex stated that it happened six times.

"See?" Beck said as he pointed to the gang, "We fight so much; even our friends don't wanna be near us."

"Tori's not my friend, I only tolerate Robbie, no one likes Trina, and Cat's basically a pet." Jade replied to that, making Cat 'arf!' like a dog.

"So…why don't you guys play cards with us?" Tori started to walk back towards the table. But the couple, didn't walk to the table.

"Look, I'm not going to be your boyfriend if we're just going to fight all the time." Beck started to say, hopefully, resolve everything that has happened.

"So you wanna break up?" Jade almost said, brokenhearted.

"No, I'm just saying…" Beck started to say, before Trina interrupted.

"You two, might break up, because, I'm not dating anyone, and I always thought that Beck and I would be the perfect…" Trina didn't finish that sentence because Jade just through a pillow at her, threatening her by saying that it would be a hammer next time.

Jade started towards to door, while saying "Come on Beck, take me to get some food."

Beck then finally said his thoughts. "I'm tired of fighting."

Jade stopped walking tight by the door. Was it all going to be over? She thought as she gave Beck, a little test.

"Ok, I'm going to walk out that door, and I'm going to count to ten."

"Don't forget three." Cat reminded Jade. "Some people forget it."

Jade ignored that, and continued. "If I get to ten and you're not out there, I'm going home. And we're over."

Jade opened the door, and walked out as she said the first number.

"I would never fight with you." Trina said, flirting with Beck, a little bit.

But Beck was too distracted by his thoughts to notice. He needed to make a conscience decision. Beck needed to decided, should he just not open the door, and break up with Jade, and live a peaceful life? Or, should he open the door, continuing to love Jade, and most likely continue fighting, possibly forever, and never be happy?

By the time Jade yelled five, he walked towards the door, and he just followed what he wanted most of all, Jade's love. But Trina jumped on Beck, so he couldn't get to the door, and possibly forever, lose Jade's love.

Everyone helped get Trina off of him, and after that, Beck grabbed the handle of the door and Jade continued counting.

But Beck's brain stopped him from opening the door. Do you really want this? His brain told him. Do you really want to continue fighting, until neither of you loved each other? I mean, look at Trina-and Beck looked at her-she's REALLY pretty.

Jade yelled nine, his brain stopped talking to him, and everyone was anxious on what was going to happen. Was Beck going to open the door? Or was he not?

"Ten!" Jade yelled with a slight hint of concern and worry in her voice.

The door didn't open, not even a little bit.

No, no, no, no, no. Jade thought in her mind. She got lightheaded. Beck didn't open the damn door, and they would stay together. Jade was now truly tore, about 300 times as tore as she was when she heard Beck say that he was not happy in their relationship. And he truly wasn't.

Everyone inside was in complete shock. Beck and Jade were no longer together. Beck was too late. And Beck then decided not to blame himself, but on Jade, for walking out on him. She shouldn't have done that, or neither of them would be heartbroken.

Jade almost opened the door, but she stopped herself. She made it clear that when she got to ten, she would go and home and they would be done. And he made it clear he didn't want to be with her anymore. They were done, over.

Jade left the house, feeling like her heart was ripped into a zillion little pieces of paper.

Beck decided to stay, and play cards with the gang, not minding Trina snuggling with him.

Beck at first was upset, but then, he accidentally did a dangerous move. He let his subconscious mind take him over, a month after the breakup.

Jade didn't let her mind do that to herself, because she knew that would happen, but little did she know that six degrees of separation would come and haunt her.

Let me quickly point out that this AU kind of in a way goes in production order that the Victorious episodes were in. So, The Gorilla Club comes after Tori & Jade's Playdate, so for the 'month after the breakup' line, just imagine that The Gorilla Club events didn't happen before The Worst Couple in this.