((I'm back, with another thing that dredged up from my twisted mind after playing Fall of Cybertron five times. For some reason, Optimus's encounter with ion vents in Chapter 2 reminded me of Church's little 'incident' with gravity lifts in RvB season 5. Then this happened. I will let you know, there is OOC and Cybertronian cursing. Be warned.

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers, yadda yadda blah blah etc.))


"There should be an ion vent nearby. See if you can activate it," Perceptor's words came over Optimus's comlink through a wash of static. The area around him was consistent of high ledges and torn buildings, all of which were too steep for him to climb or jump up to. Perceptor had an answer for that, luckily, and the Prime was intent on following it. He easily located a spare moleculon fuse, loading it into the ion vent controls. The nearby vents, which had merely been flat lifeless circles now, were glowing with a faint blue light. Optimus approached one cautiously, shifting hesitantly.

"So, I just step on i-" Optimus's words were cut off when he took a step onto the ion vent, which proceeded to shoot him up into the air, "-iiiiiit! Primus!" The Prime was thrown high above the area into the air and proceeded to fall the rest of the way, slamming facefirst into the path above the vent. "Oh, that was fragging slag," he cursed to himself, picking himself off the ground with a groan.

"Optimus, are you alright?" Perceptor asked, sounding worried.

"Alright? Alright?! Didn't you think it was a good idea to mention the part where I'd get thrown eighty feet in the fragging air by the slagging throwing thing?!" Before the Prime could continue chewing him out, the ground beneath him shuddered. He turned to see two Leapers standing on the path in front of him, advancing steadily. "Aw fraggit. Perceptor, I'm gonna have to call you back."