Chapter 12

Hello my subjects I am back from the grave of writers block and have brought you this wonderful new chapter of the story, a vampire's bite! Oh before I forget, you all know Fire-ninja-Yamakaza right? Well if you don't...Do you live under a damn rock!? Hehe, well said person has written a different view of the story for Jessica, her character. It is way better than mine so far though ._., but it doesn't have that much reviews,favorites,follows, ect. So if you don't mind checking it out, it would be greatly appreciated by myself and the lady, or man mentioned before. ….So professional! Oh and I need help sending things to a beta

DISCLAIMER!: I do not own a single ounce of characters,plot,or storyline of the Resident Evil franchise,it belongs to their rightful owners Capcom.

A Vampire's Bite

/Blaine's Pov ( 3rd person )/

Blaine paced the confines of his office. Holding his chin in thought. His eyes narrowed in annoyment. Several lower class vampire's stood before the man,visibly fear.

" I give you ALL!" Blaine snarled, " One simple,and I mean SIMPLE! Task!",several of the vampire's flinched as he hissed the word 'task'.

They feared their master more when he was like this. I mean the man could snap anyone of them in half with a flick of his wrist. Pushing a strand of his snowy white main from his face, Blaine reared back to face his subjects. " Give me one good reason why I shouldn't snap you all in half!" He snarled and grabbed one poor undead soul by the throat.

"Ack" He groaned as his master squeezed his throat, blocking his windpipe. Snap. The mans neck was broken and his body was thrown across the room. Gasps erupted from the many vampires as their master turned towards the wall. " Get out, before you end up like him" he snarled and slammed his fist down upon the desk, " NOW!". The room was soon free from any other soul, besides Blaine's. Baring his teeth he growled, " Cell you better have succeeded!" he snarled and leaned against his desk. Pressing his thumb to the pager he called for candy, he had made another mess.

/Chris's Pov/

Chris had managed to regain somewhat of his posture after his 'meeting ' with the mystery man. Gnawing on his lip, he walked out of the family room and made his way towards the bathroom. opening the door, he pushed his way in front of the mirror. His chocolate brown hair was a tangled mess and his eye's were clear with worriment. Running a hand through his hair, he released a low sigh. This was out of control, all he wanted to do in his life was become a pilot for the army. Now he was stuck being the mate of some vampire prince. It's funny how your life can change so suddenly. The soft padding of footsteps could be heard coming from down the hall. Tensing, he let out a whimper, Could it be that guy again? Has he changed his mind and was coming back to take him away! No he couldn't leave! Grabbing a... well there wasn't anything for him to grab, so he got ready to throw a punch when the intruder entered. The footsteps came closer and closer until they rounded the corner and walked inside. Pulling his arm back, Chris landed a hard punch to the face of the culprit. With a thud he or she fell to the floor.

" Ow what the hell Chris!" oh shit...that wasn't him...

" S-sorry Jess"

"mmm!" she growled and stood up from her spot on the ground, holding her chin. She looked pissed. Well he did just hit her square in the jaw.. " What's your deal!?" she grumbled and pushed me into the wall, rubbing her chin as she gazed into the mirror. Her cheek had a faint red blush where he punched her, and he instantly felt horrible. She was a girl and well he just hit her, who wouldn't feel horrible after doing that?!. Placing his hand on her shoulder, he gave it a gentle squeeze. " Hehe sorry about that.." he apologized and gave her a half smile, but forced it away when she glared at him. " Whatever, now get out I gotta pee" and Chris was shoved out of the room and the door slammed into his face. Mouth parted slightly, he shook his head, " Now comes the hard part, deciding" He mumbled and made his way through various halls. Should he get the scroll? Will the man keep his promise?

All these thoughts raced in his mind. pushing a door open, he found himself in the study. When he got there, he didn't know. How he got there, he didn't know. Shelves were lined up and down the walls of the study. A faint orange glow came through the window, it was nearly day. Walking towards a desk which was situated in the middle of the room, he traced his finger along the surface of the wooden surface. He stood behind the desk, staring down at a book. It had what looked like Egyptian lettering drawn along the cover and over the pages. Now he wasn't an expert on Hieroglyphics, but he could tell when they were important. Placing his hand onto the cover of the book, he opened it and a faint light immersed the room. Leaning forward to get a better look, he squinted his eye's. The symbols began the move and change. Going from their unusual pattern they now spelled out a phrase.

' Thy who seeks peace, shall seek in darkness. The bringer of madness, the bringer of light. A newborn son shall be conceived at the time of pure light. Trickery and madness ensure, but bliss awaits. Bound by blood, the mate shall perish, and be reborn into a parent. The mist will shroud thy judgement, but soon will fade and show the truth'

As he read the poem, a bookshelf moved from it's place, and revealed a spiral staircase, lit by flickering torches.

Turning around, Chris made his way towards the passageway. Stepping inside, he hit a pressure plate and the case blocked the exit again. Sealing him away. " Huh" he gasped and pounded on the wall, but to no use. Turning back to face the dark hall, he swallowed and began going down the flight of stairs. Not knowing what awaited him.

Ok so this chapy sucks I know, but it came out like this and if you don't like it, just don't say anything harsh. Like you raised, if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all! XD anyway, R&R!