Lucy's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and I could feel the warmth of the sunshine on my face. I looked around and it looked like I was in the guild infirmary, Natsu was asleep in a chair in the corner of the room. I could feel I had a bandage around my forehead probably from those giant guys knocking me out. I lifted my right hand to see that my guild mark was still missing from the spot it usually was. I could feel the tears starting to gather in my eyes.

"Its okay Lucy we'll get your guild mark back." Natsu said walking over and sitting on the edge of my bed. "I'm just glad we were able to save you." He said smiling at me.

"Natsu…" I said shocked on how optimistic he sounded after last night. Tears started falling from my eyes. "Thank you so much." I chocked out between tears.

"Lucy don't cry. Everything is going to be okay." Natsu said as he grabbed my right hand. "I will never let anyone harm you ever again." He held me as I cried never wanting to let me go.

Its a short ending I know! But I just didn't know how else to end it! It was so sweet and touching I just thought it was a perfect ending! Thank you so much for reading this short fanfic! Hope you all enjoyed :D