A/N: Hello, and welcome to my first x-over published to this account! As this is just the prologue chapter, it's much shorter then my other chapters are going to be. Still, I think it suits us just fine as an introduction to the story.

I hope that you all enjoy, as I'll be eagerly awaiting on reviews, requests, and comments.

"Go get the damn door already, Pietro!" shouted Lance, from his spot on the couch. The knocking just got louder, more incessant, at his voice and the earth user found himself grimacing.

God, his head hurt. And that noise wasn't helping.

There was a cool breeze against Lance's face as Pietro zoomed by, and then the younger boy was ripping open the door. Light flooded his eyes for a moment, and Pietro narrowed them at the visitors.



Yeah, there was most definatly two of them standing there, though one was a few paces back and not really paying attention to what was going on. The other boy was grinning at Pietro, amber eyes wide and peering out at the white haired mutant from underneath dusty brown bangs.

"Pietro!" said the stranger, happily moving forward to wrap his arms around said boy.

Pietro went stiff at the touch, chin tilting up in an attempt to avoid touching the other boy's shoulder. "Who the Hell are you and why the hell are you touching me?"

He could feel the stranger freeze, and the second man, the good looking one with the strange vest and sharp teeth, started to laugh. "I thought you said they would recognize you, kid?"

With a huff, the first boy let go of Pietro and leaned back. His mouth twisted into a frown, eyes narrowing in - annoyance? Disappointment? Something that was unhappy and unpleasant. "I thought they would've. It ain't like I gone and dyed my hair or shit. I don't look that different, dawg."

Except that he did, he did look different. Longer hair that wasn't pale or dirty, pulled back into a pony tail. Bright eyes and a fuller face, with less shadows under his eyes or in them. Clothes that fit and didn't show off ribs or spine or stains.

And if it wasn't for that one word, then Pietro never would have recognized him. As it was, he found himself pulling back and staring.
