Hello again, I know those of you that are looking for the sequel to Trust are eagerly awaiting it. Sorry this isn't it :( Not yet. I got a little inspiration the other day to write a crossover piece and do Jack and Rapunzel. This is my version of their past. I made it a little different that what happens in the movies, particularly Tangled. It is a little sad and it is gonna be a few chapters. Initially I had wanted to make it one story, but then it got really long. So I split it up. This part is from Rapunzel's point of view. It will change in the next chapter but enjoy.


"I can remember meeting him for the first time. His smile, his eyes, everything it just stuck to my mind like glue. He was one of the only people I had ever been able to laugh with. One of the only people who was able to make me smile just from the things that he said. Or the way that he was able to turn everything… What was the word he always said? Oh right…



"Rapunzel this is the only time alright, stay by my side," Mother glared at me as we walked into the town the sternness evident in her voice.

I just nodded, hardly able to contain myself. This was the first time ever, that I was able to leave the tower. Finally Mother had let me come along on one of her trips into the small town in the woods where she got some of our necessities for the weeks to come. This was all very new for me and not because I was only six, but because unlike most children my age I had never been to the outside world before. I only got to watch it grow and change outside of my window.

"Easy Rapunzel," Mother groaned and gripped tighter to my hand. I hadn't even realized that I was bouncing like a ball along side of her. The excitement and suspense was just killing me. Though if any other person were going to this town, they would know it was nothing to be excited about, I just couldn't believe I would be seeing other people. And new places too.

Finally after what seemed like ages the forest opened and we were in the small town. My eyes grew wide as I watched all of the people bustle about carrying different supplies and tools. Some had animals in wooden crates and others were walking with their children. The children. There were so many of them running and playing. Several of them looked like they were my age and I desperately wanted to run and play too. But a larger hand around my own reminded me that I was only here to travel with mother and see but not touch.

We walked around the town keeping close to the homes and my eyes wandered this way and that. Several times I tried to push the stupid hood Mother had made me wear off of my face. I wanted to feel the sun kiss my cheeks and the wind blow through my hair. But mother pushed it back down and looked at me sternly.

At last we reached the house that Mother was looking for. It was small and was near a little pond and it went off into another forest. A woman was outside hanging clothes on a line tied from the house to a nearby tree. She spotted us coming and folded the small pair of pants she was about to hang over her arm and walked over to us.

She greeted Mother with a smile, "Hello again dear, here for your eggs?"

Mother just smiled, "Yes thank you."

The woman's eyes lit up as she looked down to me, "Ohh this must be your daughter?" She knelt down to my level and looked into my eyes. I couldn't help but smile at her.

But I felt mother's grip tighten on my hand and she spoke a certain tightness to her voice, "Well yes her name is Rapunzel."

"My that is a lovely name," She said smiling to me and then she asked, "How old are you dear?"

Happily I answered, "I'm six." Instantly I knew that Mother was going to be mad at me for actually speaking to other people. But it didn't bother me much; besides what was she going to do to me in front of this kind woman.

"My your so big," grinning the woman put a hand on my shoulder, "I have a son he is eight, I bet the two of you would get along wonderfully."

Mother irritated and pushily replied, "I am sure they would," She glared at me when the woman wasn't looking. "Now about the eggs."

"Oh right," She replied standing up and motioning for us to follow. Then she looked back to me, "Jack should be along any moment honey you can wait here for him I am sure he would love to meet you."

"Ok," I chimed happily and let go of mother's hand and looked out to the town hoping that I could pick out the boy before he got here. Mother was mad I could tell. But after a few moments she went along with the woman and left me alone to wait.

I walked lazily around the laundry basket and looked at the clothes inside. There were several white shirts and tan pants. I only assumed that they were the woman's sons. What was his name she said? Oh right Jack.

A thought struck me. Looking nervously around I glanced for mother. She didn't appear to be coming so I grinned and grabbed the edge of my hood. With a deep breath I pulled it off. Soon I was grinning ear to ear. The sun was on my face and the wind was blowing my hair. It felt wonderful. To actually be out in the real world and experience it for the first time was amazing.

A voice snapped me out of my trance, "Who are you?" I spun around and there was a boy standing not that far away from me. He looked like a bit of a mess. The white shirt that he was wearing was covered in dust and dirt and his brown hair was sticking out at odds and ends covered in dirt as well. He was wearing black pants and they were pretty messy too. Then I noticed something odd. He wasn't wearing any shoes. Like me.

"I'm Rapunzel," I finally replied and looked up to his face.

"That's a fun name, " He said walking closer to me his beautiful brown eyes shinning. "My name is Jack. Jackson Overland Frost."

"What does that mean?" I asked not sure why he had added all the extra words to his name.

"Uhh it's like a full name…" He tried to start to explain but he saw the confusion in my eyes and stopped. He glanced over to me and leaned on one foot obviously trying to get a look behind me, "You have long hair."

I felt my cheeks heat up for some reason; it was weird that had never happened before. Maybe I was getting sick. I just laughed, "Ya my mother won't let me get it cut."

"That's no fun, or maybe it is," Jack shrugged walking around and sitting down in the laundry basket in front of me, "I wouldn't know I have never had long hair before."

I giggled and looked down to him. He smiled back to me. I liked him. He was the nicest person I had ever met and I wished that I could spend more time with him.

"So you come here a lot? I don't think I have ever seen you with the other kids?" He asked picking at a thread that was popping out of the laundry basket.

"No," I replied shrugging, "This is my first time. Mother never let me come here before… She says the world is full of bad people. And that it's dangerous."

The brunet laughed at me, "Dangerous?" He laughed again and I crossed my arms over my small chest and glared at him.

"Well that is what my mother says," I stated sticking my nose in the air and closing my eyes.

He smirked, "You'll never get to have any fun if you don't go places."

I relaxed and looked back down to him, "What do you mean?"

"I mean you will never get to see what the world is really like," He stood up and spread his arms out wide, "The world is full of places to go and people to see. And you will never learn to live or have any fun if you can't go anywhere. You should tell your mom that."

I leaned back on my heels and smiled at him. The idea actually didn't sound that bad, what if I did tell mother to let me have more fun in my life? What could she do about it? "Maybe I will," I replied and looked back to the boy in front of me.

"You promise?" He asked holding out a hand. I hesitated. He gestured for me to take his hand so carefully I set it in his. "Do you promise me Rapunzel that you will talk to your mother?"

I grinned, "I promise." He raised an eyebrow at me, "Trust me Jackson Overland Frost, when I make a promise I don't break it. Ever."

"Ever?" He asked squeezing my hand.



I can remember telling mother the words Jack had told me. At first she was resistant to letting me go out to see the town. But finally I was allowed to go out. But only with her of course. I met with Jack several times. We became an inseparable duo and whenever I went to town he always ran to greet me.

His mother had a daughter. And Jack loved his new baby sister. She was beautiful and I loved playing with her and watching her grow up. She was lucky she was able to be free and run through the grass everyday.

Unlike me…


"Why don't you ever wear shoes Jack?" I asked the brown haired boy sitting next to me happily eating an apple as he watched his younger sister run about in the field before us.

He glanced over to me and smirked, "Why don't you?"

I would have come back with a comeback but then I realized he had a point. He laughed at the frustration in my face. Sticking my tongue out at him only made it worse, he leaned back and laughed even harder.

"Your awful Jack," I grumbled throwing a punch at his shoulder.

"Hey easy will ya blondie?" Jack said pushing me away and rubbing his shoulder. But inside those brown eyes of his I could see that smile. He was fooling me, like he always did. Smirking he looked back over to me, "Why don't you ever come out of that tower more often?"

At the words I could feel my mood drain and I saw Jack's face fill with regret as he took another bite out of the apple. Quickly as I could though I replied, "Oh my mom says it is dangerous out here and doesn't want anything to happen to me."

Jack just nodded and looked out to his little sister, she was four. Jack was 13 and I was 11. He dropped the apple to the ground and looked back to me, "I know how you feel. My mom always makes sure that nothing happens to me or her," He gestured over to his little sister who was currently pulling dandelions out of the ground, "But if you never go anywhere or do anything, how can you ever learn to just have a little fun?"

Sighing I pulled my knees up to my chest and set my chin on them, "I don't know Jack, I wish I could come out more though and have… Fun."

Suddenly Jack stood up and held out his hands. I looked at them confused and he raised his eyebrows and put his hands closer to me. Then I understood and placed my hands in his own. Pulling me up he smiled and looked me in the eyes, "Rapunzel I promise you, one day we are going to have all of the fun in the world. We are going to do whatever you want; I will take you wherever you want to go. We can see what you want to see."

I grinned and squeezed his hands tighter, "You promise?"

"I promise. And when I make a promise I never break that promise ever," I raised an eyebrow at him and he grinned, "Ever."


I know Jack wanted more than anything to keep that promise. I know that more than anything he wanted to take me to see the floating lights that I had always told him about. He said even he never had got to see them from the city surrounding the castle, but just afar from his home. Even for him it was his dream to go there and watch the lights gleam. We both had dreams and hopes. But as the years went by, he never took me to see the lights.

He had promised though… Little did he know it would be one he never would complete.


"Jack you know that ice isn't thick enough yet," I stated walking through the snow back to his house a pair of skates were in my hands.

He grinned, "Punz, I told you so many times before, you have to learn to have a little fun."

I loved when he used that nickname, it made me smile, "Yes I know Jack." I rolled my eyes and bumped my shoulder into his.

He laughed, "Trust me! It will be great fun."

"For you," I remarked in disgust, "You know my mother will be done by now and she won't let me stay for any longer than she doesn't want to be here."

Jack sighed and wrapped his free arm not holding the strings to skates over his shoulder, around my own shoulder, "Punz you are 15 you have to stop letting her rule everything you do in your life."

He stared at me and I looked down to the skates in my hands. I knew they weren't my size I got them for Emma I knew she would be able to skate with Jack and I would never be able to have the fun that Jack always talked about. He didn't know about my mother and who she really was… But I let the thought slip my mind and I forced a smile to him.

He stopped me and walked in front of me, "Hey it's alright." He stuck his free hand under my chin and lifter my face to his eye level so I was staring right into those beautiful brown eyes, "I know things will change some day, just like I promised."

I smiled at him, "I hope your right Jack."

He just smirked and grabbed my hand and towed me back to his house. When we got there he ran up to his little sister who was sitting back faced to us braiding the hair to her doll. She shrieked as Jack scooped her up in his free arm and spun around several times. Yelling she demanded him to put her down. After a few moments of teasing her he finally set her down. She spotted me and ran over and jumped up and down.

"Rapunzel look at my new doll!" She held the doll up to me she was a pretty doll white cloth made her face and black strands made her hair. The doll was wearing a blue dress and the doll had green buttons sewn on for eyes.

"She's lovely," I said bending down and looking Emma in the eyes. "I have something for you."

"What?!" She grinned and hopped up and down in front of me. I held up the skates and eagerly she grabbed them and ran over to Jack, "You're taking me skating?"

Jack laughed at her, "Of course silly!" He ruffled her hair before she ran inside going to get her mom. Jack walked over to me as he watched his sister run into the house.

"Promise me that you will be safe?" I asked setting a hand on his shoulder.

He just smiled at me like he always did, "Rapunzel, please stop worrying."

"Please just make sure that you two will be okay?" I pleaded gripping on to his arm a little tighter.

He rolled his eyes and the stood before me and held out his hands. Gladly I took them in my own. He cleared his throat and smiled, "Rapunzel I promise that Emma and I will be safe while we go skating and we will have plenty of fun. Both of us will return and be okay and you can see us tomorrow. If your mom lets you come over again. And when I make a promise I never ever break that promise," I raised an eyebrow at him, "Ever!"


I can remember getting the news a week later of what happened to Jack. He fell through the ice saving his sister. Mother never let me leave the tower again. I never saw Emma again or Jack's mother. As time would have it, I never actually left the tower again until two days before I turned 18.

A boy, Eugene, came and we left my tower. He took me to see the lanterns. Something Jack had promised that he would do. Eugene and I went on adventures. Something Jack had promised we would do.

I fell in love with Eugene. Maybe for the same reason that I fell in love with Jack. I never told Jack I loved him or that I liked him that way. But I did… I loved Jack so much. His brown eyes, they were just like Eugene's. They were my favorite part of him. They were that part that you could never ever forget.

Soon enough Eugene found out about my powers and he ended up saving me from my "mother." He nearly died and I thought that I was going to loose the love of my life twice. However I saved him. He took me back to the family that I really belonged to and I married him.

Seems like a wonderful life. But in truth I missed Jackson Overland Frost. From time to time I would think about the boy who had promised that he would be the one to take me places. He would come home safe and show me the world. Sometimes when it snowed I felt like I could feel him. Maybe it was because he died in the cold. That I will never really know for sure. But I know I loved him I know that he left and I know that he is never coming back.

And every year on his birthday I go to the village that we met. I talk to his mother and his sister. Then I go out to his grave and I leave a little note. Every year this is what it reads:

"Jackson Overland Frost, I promise to love you forever and for always I promise that you will always be in my heart for the rest of my days. I promise to never forget you. Jack when I make a promise I never ever break that promise…


yay! What do you think so far? Comment/review if you like it. And don't be shy to point out errors I will fix them :)