Oh my god… How long has it been. TOOO LOOONNNNNNGGGG! I am sooooooooooooooooo sorry. I really am i love this story and I had it on the back burner for how long? To long. Well I am back and hopefully updating and finishing this story soon. SO here you go guys. I feel so bad ahead;slkjfasodijf

"Where do you live?" Jack asked me one day, "I mean you must live kind of far you don't come here very often."

"Ya I live in the woods more," I replied and plucked some grass out from near where I was sitting.

"That's neat, you're like survival woman!" Jack grinned taking some grass and throwing it in the air.

I laughed at him, "No I don't eat bugs or live in a tree." He chuckled, "So where do you live then?"

Hesitantly I answered, not sure of what I should tell this boy that I had only seen three times before, "Well I am not sure my mother would want me to tell you that…"

"Fiiiinnnneeee," He groaned and fell back into the grass. It made me smile and I crawled over next to him and laid down my head next to his. We both stayed there silently for a while watching the clouds pass overhead.

Jack smiled at me then pointed to the clouds, "Look at that!"

"Look at what?" I asked confused, "It's just the clouds."

Jack laughed and pointed to a cluster of clouds in particular, "Have you never looked at the clouds before? See when you use your imagination the clouds look like shapes."

I followed where his finger was trailing off to and grinned, he was right the particular cluster of clouds seemed to form a bouquet of flowers, "Flowers," I whispered.

Jack laughed again, "Ya! See you got it blondie!" Then he rolled on to his back, "Look at those ones," He pointed to another set, "Looks like a horse."

I rolled to my back and followed his finger again, "No it's a dog."

He turned to face me, "No it's a horse, like the ones from the kingdom."

My eyebrows knit together in confusion, "Kingdom?"

Jack pushed himself up, "Ya the kingdom, it's not far from here I hear there is a King and a Queen," He paused then exhaled deeply, "There was a princess too but she vanished a few weeks after she was born. I think she had blonde hair like you."

I sat up next to him, "Really? Is there a castle and lots of people? And a princess who looked like me… Are you sure you aren't making this up?"

Jack laughed, "No I'm not, I hear the castle is enormous, I would love to live in a castle some day. And you could be the princess there with me."

"Really?" I giggled feeling my cheeks turn pink.

"Of course," Jack smiled wrapping his arm around me, "Of course we will have to wait until you are at least 18, and that's like 12 years. But we can decide how extravagant our castle will be and how many servants we will have and what color it will be and how we will spend our money."

I laughed at the joy in his face, "You promise?"

"Miss Rapuzel, I promise that we will live in a castle some day and a whole room can be dedicated to you the princess. And when I make a promise your majesty I don't break that promise."

I smiled, "Ever?"

"Ever," He grinned and poked my side. The shock of the poke made me laugh and I did the same thing to his side. And we both sat laughing and watching the clouds for the rest of the day.


I looked out of the window and saw Jack and Flynn sitting in the grass, they were pointing to the clouds above. I let out a deep sigh as the memory of Jack and I watching the clouds filled me and then drifted out. They certainly were growing up so fast. They were ten now. A bit older than Jack and I had been when we first gazed at the clouds, but they certainly did love it. And now they had a little sister to share it with.

Emma, I named her after Jack's sister because she had a dear place in my heart as well. Emma had been born two years earlier. And she had brown hair and blue eyes. She was a beautiful little girl and her brothers took such good care of her. In fact now as I watched Jack and Flynn I could see her small little hands reaching up to the sky as the boys pointed out different shapes for her.

Clicking on the tiles made me turn, it was Eugene, he smiled and walked over to me, "What are you doing over here?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and set his chin on my shoulder, as I replied, "Oh nothing, just making sure the boys watch their sister."

"Hey you don't trust them?" He asked teasing.

"Of course I trust them," I replied, and then sighed, "Just mother instinct."

"You don't think something will happen to her do you?" He asked.

I elbowed him hard in the side, "No! I do not, don't you dare say something like that, I am just watching my kids."

Eugene pulled his arms away and gripped his side laughing, "Ok geeze sorry, blondie."

I started walking in the other direction and laughed, "Why do you still call me that?"

"What blondie?" He asked back taking in a sharp breath.

"Yes why, I am not even blonde anymore," I asked again turning to face him. His arms were crossed and an eyebrow was raised.

"Well that is what color your hair was when I met you, and I feel like you still act like that girl," He smiled.

"Oh really?" I asked crossing my arms and leaning into my hip.

"Really," He stated in one sharp breath. It was just like when we had first met. That seemed to happen a lot actually. We would relive life the way it had happened when we met. Because to me that seemed to be all that we really knew of each other. I laughed slightly as he started towards me. Then he reached me set his hands on my shoulders and smiled. But instead of the casual happy smile that should have crossed me, instead I had to force a smile to come over my face.

Eugene looked at me puzzled, "Something wrong?"

I sighed and pulled his hands off my shoulders, "Just tired. I think I am going to go rest."

"You sure you are all right this has been happening a lot lately," Eugene was questioning me again. And I didn't blame him. I had been feeling very tired and weak as of late. I wasn't sure what was bringing it but it certainly was odd.

"I'm fine Eugene just need a little more rest is all," I pulled him close and set my lips on his a moment then turned to walk off, then I added, "Just make sure the kids are good."

"Of course," he called after me, "I promise they will be fine."


"Rapunzel hurry!" I called back to the blonde 11 year old trailing behind me.

"Why Jack?" I heard her pant as we continued to dash through the town.

"Come on it will be fun I promise," I shouted back laughing.

"That is what you always say," She was complaining now.

I rolled my eyes, "Sheese we are almost there, it will be fun." We had ran from the lake behind my house and out to the farthest edges of the town. Honestly I wasn't sure where we were going but I knew there was something worth it beyond the trees. There had to be. Rapunzel and I continued to run for at least 10 minuets, the houses and shops were far behind us now. We were into the woods. And I could smell something fresh. It was a stream. Perfect. I sped up a little even though my lungs were practically burning and dashed through one last set of trees. Then stopped.

"Jaaaacckkk," Rapunzel cried as she burst out of the trees and collided with my back. We both flew forward landing in a pile of pebbles near the edge of a stream. It wasn't so much a river because it just seemed to flow softly. It was peaceful and the water was so clear you could see every single rock that lie on the bed. I pushed myself up slightly so that I wasn't completely on my face and turned to look to Rapunzel, her hair had flown completely over her face.

I laughed and she groaned and sat up trying to find her way out of her hair. "You are so rude Jack," she snarled still untangling her way out of her hair.

"No I am not," I said reaching over and helping her move her hair. It certainly had grown since the first time I had seen her all those years ago.

"Yes you are," She said once her face was free of the blonde mess. She stuck out her lower lip and her green eyes grew large.

I rolled my eyes, and set my hand on her head, "Come on Rapunzel, it was fun."

"Running is not fun Jack."

"Yes it is."


"Well you get to feel the wind, and it proves you have freedom. That you can do whatever you want." I looked over to Rapunzel she didn't respond again instead she took a section of her hair and was pulling it straight through her hands. She looked sad again.

I leaned over and set my hand under her chin, "Hey what's wrong."

She looked up her green eyes settling over my face, "Oh nothing Jack."

"Really?" I asked her and moved closer so that I was sitting at her side.

"Yes really," she mumbled. We sat there a while watching the stream and listening to it flow downwards. The silence was nice, and it was nice to spend with Rapunzel. I hardly ever got to see her, so I savored the moments when we could spend time together.

"Hey Jack," Rapunzel asked suddenly.

I turned and looked down to her. "Yes Punz?" I asked her back staring her directly in the eyes.

"Can you promise me something?" She asked turning to face me a little more directly.

"Uh well you know Rapunzel when I make a promise I don't ever break that promise," I teased lightly.

She smiled, "Will you promise to be someone I can run to?"

"Wh-" I paused, then answered, "Yes Rapunzel I promise that I will be someone that you can run to."

She raised her eyebrows and grabbed my hands, "Really?" The question was almost a whisper.

"And Rapunzel when I make a promise I don't ever break that promise," I paused for effect, Rapunzel laughed, and I finished, "Ever."


There are some promises that I made Rapunzel that I regret more than others. I don't regret making them; I regret that I wasn't able to keep them. For instance the promise that I told her I would be someone to run to. I wasn't there to run to when she needed me most. When it turned that Gothel was not a good human whatsoever, if I hadn't gone off and drowned in a lake, I would have gladly stepped in the way to keep Rapunzel from that witch.

But I was dumb I fell through the lake. Which again I told, rather promised, Rapunzel I wouldn't do. Which is unfortunate because yet again on my list of things that I could not do for that girl, I couldn't stay alive for her.

It was on days like this that I hated when thoughts of my past ran through my head. Most of the time I wished they would go away. But other times, like now as I was watching Rapunzel quickly dash away from Eugene to her bedroom, I cherished those little memories. And other times when I saw her kiss Eugene I wanted nothing more than to forget everything.

Casually I floated into the castle and followed Rapunzel as she dashed away from Eugene after she was certain that he wasn't looking. This was concerning for me. I had seen Rapunzel on multiple occasions now run off to her room and lay on her bed. For long periods of time. I never could understand why, it just started happening after her daughter Emma was born.

Today though Rapunzel didn't make it back to her room. I watched as she gripped the wall just outside the hall to her quarters and grasp her side. I flew so fast to her side trying to do anything to figure out what was wrong. I cried out to her. She didn't say or do anything. She didn't cry out in pain. She just gripped her side.

Her face though was full of the emotion of excruciating pain. Rapunzel was a fighter. I remembered that so well. She fought every time I saw her. She fought to catch up with me, she fought to stay happy, she fought to keep her dreams alive and she fought to stay alive. And now in the pain of whatever was happening inside her, all she did was slide down the wall as the tears slid down her face.

She set her head against the wall and let her hands rest over her stomach. Her breaths were deep and labored. Every muscle in her face proved how hard she was trying to stay composed. How hard she was trying not to yell out in agony. For a while I wondered why. Then I figured it out. It was Eugene, she didn't want him to know. He had done so much for her and loved her so, and she was so kind. She didn't want to hurt him through the hurt that she was going through. When this thought ran through my head I felt my heart strings pull.

"Punz," I whispered softly and set my hand under her chin, "Hey what's wrong?" I felt tears forming in my eyes at the thought of the memory of the two of us running. How her green eyes had shown no tears but brought so much pain. She coughed a little and a soft sob came out.

She wept quietly a moment. Then took in a breath through her nose and opened her eyes, "Why?"

"Why what?" I asked for her.

"Why do I run?" She asked.

I was taken aback by the question, but I responded smiling slightly and let my thumb trace the freckles on her cheek, "Because it proves you have freedom."

"I am finally free Jack," She whispered and the tears fell from her eyes faster, "I am finally free and may- maybe I finally get to see you…" Her voice was cracking and fading. And in that instant my heart shot through my chest. I sprung up and could feel the panic spreading like fire.

What do I do? Rapunzel was facing something horrible and it seemed to be killing her. A thought ran through my head. What if it was what the queen got before Rapunzel was born. Whatever that was had nearly killed the queen. If that was the case there was one person I knew that was hope for Rapunzel.

I flew into the depths of the castle calling out and firing snow at random objects. No one seemed to be around though. And no one heard my cries or noticed the snow. The panic was making me sweat and I grabbed my hair in frustration. What was I going to do?

Quickly I flew back to Rapunzel, she was lying there her breaths so quiet. Tears fell out of my eyes, I had no idea I was holding any back. I grabbed Rapunzel's hand. It didn't fall out of mine.

"Rapunzel listen to me," I cried, "I promise, like I have so many times before. I promise this time to keep this promise to never break it. I promise Rapunzel I will get you help. You are going to live, you are going to see your children grow old. You are going to have a life. I promise." I took a moment to let the tears fall out of my eyes and I tightened my grasp on her hand, "And when I make a promise Rapunzel I don't break that promise."

I looked up to her and I felt my heart stop, her eyebrows were raised, as I mumbled the word, "Ever."

PS sorry if formatting is weird this dumb site messed it up when I uploaded!

Ok now that I am back in action with this story. What do you think? Kind of fast into oh god for Rapunzel there. But eh that is how I was feeling. Hopefully again I update more often I want to finish this story. I really do, I know how it is going to end, sometimes I get stuck in the middle and just have literally no motivation. So I hope this chapter was worth that way to long wait. (It probably wasn't) God sorry guys. If any of you are still around to read this *hugs violently* Thank you. As always tell me what you think and feel free to point out errors. :)