Baby is just happy they don't get hit by a car getting back to the motel. It never felt good when she got hit by a car before, but she imagined getting hit in a human form would get her busted in a way even Dean couldn't fix. It also made her wonder what would happen to Dean if she did die. Foster care, probably, where he'd be separated from Sam and Castiel. The thought alone wanted to make her cry. There was no way she was going to allow anyone else to take care of her boys, especially when they wouldn't understand. She'd rather raise them all over again and never have the spell broken then die and make them spend even one day alone and afraid in the care of someone else.

The motel manager was waiting for them when they got back. He'd apparently been getting the little shards of broken lamp out of the tightly woven carpet. His eyes got huge like saucers when he saw them come in. Baby smiled at him gently.

"Thank you for having the door open. I wasn't honestly certain how I would be able to with the rugrats on my shoulders," she said. She basically plopped everything and everyone down on the bed. Dean and Sam giggled. Baby did to for that matter, since she basically had to throw herself down on the bed as well to get Sammy off her shoulders. She dragged Sam over and kissed all over his face. Love swelled in her breast and she just wanted to make her boys feel it too.

The manager cleared his throat. "Um, did you have a good day?"

"It was good," Baby said, dragging Dean and Castiel into her lap. Little Castiel snuggled into her chest like he was afraid she'd send him away if he didn't. She hugged him a little closer to try and make him feel better. It wasn't perfect, but she hoped he'd relax. Castiel, even as a child felt like he didn't belong to them. Sam and Dean might not feel like they belonged anywhere else, but they knew they belonged to each other and with Baby and that Castiel belong to them.

"I talked to my friend," he said.

"Oh," Baby said instantly. "Will he sell it to me?"

"Yeah, he should be by any minute, actually," the manager said. "Problem is he wants cash."

"Um… I don't have that much, not on hand anyway," Baby said. She looked down and saw Dean glaring at the man.

"What do you say I pay it, and add it to your bill?" the manager asked.

"I'll say you're a saint!" Baby exclaimed happily, squeezing her boys until Dean squeaked and she had to let them go.

The manager grinned, looking down at the boys who had already found the toy bag and were digging out their prizes. "So, I got to ask… the kids?"

"Mine," Baby said. "I raised them. They're not my sons by blood, but I raised them, so they're mine."

"Okay, okay," the manager said, holding up his hands. "So long as you didn't kidnap them."

"Shut up!" Dean said loudly. The manager's head snapped down like he hadn't realized the kid was there. "Don't talk to Mama like that! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" he hurled the first thing he could find at the manager, which was his McDonald's toy.

"Dean!" Baby said, grabbing him up. She held him up and looked him in the eyes. "No," she said sternly.

Dean instantly burst into tears. "They'll take us away if they think you're abusing us," Dean whispered.

"But I'm not," she said.

"Only matters what they think," Dean said, starting to sob. Baby hugged the boy to her chest and tried to soothe him. She wondered what he remembered from John. That was probably a thought form when Dean had been ten or older, but it must have gone all the way down to Dean's bones because he still was afraid of it. He was afraid of being taken from his daddy, he always had been. And now he was afraid of being taken from Baby.

Baby patted Dean's back and turned to look at the manager, who was rubbing the spot on his head where Dean's toy had hit. "Your boy's got quiet and arm," he said.

"I know," Baby said. "I'm sorry," she added. "I promise I'll explain, I will," she just couldn't bring up John with Dean tucked in her arms.

"It's okay. I'll see if Ed's shown up yet," the manager said, walking outside.

Baby sat down, still holding Dean in her arms. "Dean. You can't hit people you don't like, you just can't," she said, trying to be gentle in her tone, but firm with her words.

"He'll hurt you," Dean said.

"He won't, Dean," Baby said. She pulled Dean back so they could look at each other. "He's attracted to me, and he wants me, so he's being nice to me. But he's being nicer than attraction would warrant. He's just being nice because he can tell we need help."

"Sorry," Dean said quietly.

"It's not your fault that we need help, and it's not bad to need help," Baby said, stroking his cheek.

"Okay," Dean said.

"Now, you need to apologize to the manager, and you can't have your giant back until tomorrow morning," Baby said. "because you can't throw things like that, do you understand."

"Yes," Dean said forlornly.

Baby kissed the top of his head. "I love you so much Dean. So, so much. Nothing you can do will ever change how I feel about you."

She wasn't certain he believed her, but she knew he wanted to. She knew because she knew Dean. And she hoped one day Dean would believe her, because Dean knew her too, knew her better than anyone else.

There was a knock on the door and Baby looked up. "Ed's here," the manager said.

"Thank you," Baby said. "Dean has something to say to you." She kept her grip on Dean so he couldn't try to squirm away which he was already trying to do. He still didn't like the man. The manager's cheek was still red.

"Oh?" the manager said, seeming a bit surprised.

"Dean, what do you have to say?" Baby asked.

"Sorry," Dean grumbled and looked away. Baby smiled at the manager. Honestly it was probably the best even she could coax out of her.

"Apology accepted," the manager said. "Shall we?" he asked, holding the door open.

"Come on boys," she said. She looked over at Castiel and Sam who'd probably been a minute away from an argument over play plots. She was glad for the interruption because she did not want to have to try and make sense of their argument.

She herded her kids out to the parking lot where a large, clunky, grey Crown Victoria Oldmobile sat. She screwed up her nose a bit. It really wasn't well cared for. She could tell already that she was going to spend the afternoon tuning it up, or having to take it to the mechanic, since she didn't have any of the tools.

Ed was a guy with a mullet but a big smile and he seemed nice enough. "Damn, you're hot."

The manager blushed. "Ed! Jesus!"

Baby laughed. "I know, right?" she asked with an easy grin. That got both guys blushing. Maybe they'd accuse her of using her feminine wiles to seduce men into giving her gifts. And maybe she was, but it worked.

"Anyway, Mike said you wanted her," Ed said.

"Come on boys," Baby said, loading the three into the back seat. The seats were plush, which Baby approved of. Her boys would sleep there easily.

"So, the A/C and kicked out a while ago, but the window still work, and the heat's fine," Ed said.

"How's the transmission?" Baby asked.

"Serviceable," Ed said.

"I bet," Baby muttered. "And the brakes?"

"Had Tommy at the autoshop check them, one thing a car needs to do is stop, right?" Ed asked. "I had the brake pads changed a few months about, but I haven't used her barely sense."

"Is Tommy the one I'd see about getting her fixed?" Baby asked.

"Yeah, I mean," Ed said with a shrug.

"Have you mostly done the work on her yourself?" Baby asked. She popped the lid open, and went looking around under the hood of the car. That really made her nose wrinkle. "Dean, Sam, Cas! Be good!" she said, hoping that would stop them for a minute at least while she checked things out.

"Anything you're looking for in particular?" Ed asked nervously.

"Nothing I can't fix," Baby said, shutting the hood. "If I have the proper tools, which I don't. So, Tommy's the one to see… Mike?" she asked looking at the manger. "Where's the mechanic's?"

"You got the map I gave you earlier?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Baby said. "Can you watch the boys for half a minute?" she asked. "Boys, be good for Mike. Don't make me fuss at you," she said and rushed back to the motel room. She found her map and the boys new toys. She got the McDonald's ones for Cas and Sam, but picked up the books she'd gotten for Dean. She had to keep them entertained somehow.

When she came back she found Sam and Dean and Cas having a staring match with Mike and Ed.

"I can't leave you boys alone for a minute, can I?" she asked, tossing her bag into the front seat.

"No," all three boys chorused.

"Funny, I don't remember dressing you with sassy pants this morning." She smiled a little when the boys giggled. She handed Mike her map and a pen she'd found inside. Mike circled the Mechanic on the map while Ed handed the little key ring over to Baby.

"It's not a mile from here," Mike said.

"Thanks, you're both dearhearts," Baby said. "Okay boys, load in the back. We're going on an adventure to the mechanic."

Herding them into the backseat and buckling in the three squirming children was actually a feet. She knew she'd have to take them to lunch soon. Maybe someone at the autobody shop could direct her to a good place. She hoped anyway. When the boys were buckled in she climbed behind the wheel and turned the car on. It rattled something awful, but she was getting that fixed, or finding a way to fix it herself. With that thought she rattled the car out of the motel parking lot and down to the mechanic.