
Kaito turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, revealing a stark and modern apartment within. The majority is just one long room with a kitchen to the left and dining area to the right as one walks in. At the far wall there was a step down to a small sitting area filled with a sofa bed and bookcases. Near the door there is a small room jutting out into the larger space; an economical bathroom. The walls are white and the floors are a polished golden wood. A large window spans the far wall in the sitting/sleeping area and two skylights let in sun from the pitched roof above. It's the topmost – and cheapest – loft in the entire complex.

"Here it is," Kaito says, and holds the door wide open. Miku stands in the hallway, clutching a duffle bag and laptop case. She didn't have many belongings; everything of importance fits in those two bags. She gazes around the room, taking it all in, and hesitantly steps inside. She looks at Kaito expressionlessly.

"It Meiko's old place," he explains "she used to live here before her folks passed and left their house to her. She had paid off the mortgage, so" he shrugged and smiled. "We kept it in the family. Thought it might come in handy." The girl looks down thoughtfully and slowly steps further into the room, setting her things delicately on the floor.

"Are…" She begins in a small voice "Are you sure it's okay for me to stay here?"

"Of course." Kaito assures her. "Meiko gave the key to me because she's pretty much certain that she'll never need this place. Therefore, it's basically mine to use how I want." Miku nods but twirls the ends of her ponytail nervously. Kaito smiles encouragingly at her again and begins to lead her around the small loft, showing her the bathroom, the kitchenette, the sofa bed. She watches in silence.

"I don't actually think that's there's any food here right now." He admits blushingly after the tour and strides over to the kitchen cupboard. Inside there are a few packages of Swiss Miss and a jar of peanut butter. He closes it rather decidedly and purses his lips. "We'll go shopping soon." He thinks for a moment. "Make that tomorrow."

Miku smiles a little but most of her attention is focused on the large window overlooking the city. Across the street there is an old gothic style building and trees line the sidewalk. Pedestrians walk their dogs and chat around a small market down the streets as the sun sets. It's actually a nice part of town.

Kaito pads up next to her. "What are you looking at?" He asks quietly. Her head slowly turns and look upwards towards the ceiling; the skylights.

"Windows" is all she says, and Kaito understands.

Seeing the girl in front of him, staring into the sunlight like it is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen, fragile and shattered, he wonders when it happened. When did that affection, attraction, what you want to call it, between her and Piko turn into what it did? That union, the two of them together, there was supposed to be love there. There was supposed to be security there.

He gets a sudden shock of sadness, a need to comfort this broken girl. An embrace? A word? He would try anything, but those eyes that stare up at the light, bewildered by it, they so easily turn into mirrors of fear. How could he be sure that anything he tried wouldn't frighten her?

"Kaito?" Her words snap him out of his thoughts.

"What is it?" She looks at him and he sees the familiar twisting in her eyes that means she has to say something. "Whatever it is, tell me." he encourages her "I won't be bothered." She lids her gaze.

"…I don't know. I…" the blue spheres open halfway, reflecting the orange light that seeps into the room. "I think I'm tired."

Reaching out a hand, he gently touches her shoulder and leads her to the couch, crouching down next to her. "You should get some rest." He murmurs soothingly and stands. Her gaze follows, a strange almost confused expression on her face that he can't identify. A conflict grows inside him. He doesn't exactly want to leave her, but staying here doesn't feel right either. She might need to be alone at a time like this.

She settles the matter for him by nodding, posture slack. "I'll…see you around." She whispers.

"Yeah," he speaks softly, reaching out ever so slightly and touching one of her cold hands. "Goodnight." With a final check on all of the locks and appliances, he exits the apartment and strides out into the gathering twilight.

The snap of a door sends a jolt through her body. She looks to the entrance. That's right, he left. She breathes out a sigh, but finds that there isn't much breath inside her to release. Trying to calm the odd distress that suddenly picked up inside her, she looks out the window again. Windows. Light.


The light is going away. Falling beneath the horizon. Disappearing behind a door. Slowly, steadily, it went away. As if it had never been there.

She claws at the window, desperately trying to rip away the black that separates her from the light, from her sun. But there's nothing. Just the reflection of herself staring back frantically.

It's dark.

So, so dark.

A.N.:The End! What did you think? *Hides behind a desk* I'm kidding! I'm kidding! *Dramatic voice* This is only the begining! Keep your eyes peeled for the sequel, To Live in Forever,for the conclusion of this story. I'll have the first chapter out soon (meaning, in like two days).

After that's finished, I am also planning on writing the fanfics of all the other people in this story (RinxLen, LukaxGakupo, etc.)! I'll get them all done eventually...