Never Look Back
Chapter One

I know I should stop believing that I'll be kept safe, and that the world would return to normal, or that I would go back to my house and sit on my couch curled up with one of my books. I needed to stop imaging that I would have my hair up in a messy bun and some warm pajamas; then I would drink some tea and cry over the ending of a book with the thoughts of never wanting it to end. I would proceed to sleep in a warm bed and feel safe and sound instead of sleeping and running away at the drop of a hat.

I was grateful for all the books I had read about finding food; gathering and hunting. I had been on my own for almost half a year since the world had gone to shit. I took what I could carry; or rather what was important for survival, except I had taken a few books that I held dear to me along with my things. In my pack resided a few pairs of clothes, some food, ammo, water, and my books; it was enough for me to live off of for half a year now.

Everyone was changing now; I sure wasn't how I used to be that's for sure. My once clean skin was dirty a lot unless I found a river to wash up, but I didn't want to waste too much soap. I still brushed my teeth, but only a small amount of toothpaste and mouth wash was for special occasions. That was only the physical aspects that were occurring. I felt a ruthless need to survive, and I found myself killing walkers without a second thought. The humanity that I clung to was disappearing and it scared me. I believed there more bad people than good people; human nature was scary.

I had a hunter's knife that was strapped to my thigh and a hand gun in my right boot. I didn't know much about them till about 6 months ago when my dad bought me one for my 19th birthday and wanted me to take lessons; I was sure as hell grateful for that present now. I kept a bow in my pack as well and the quiver was next to it; I was prepared for everything.

I had a slight feeling something was going wrong with the world when everyone started acting different, and then the fevers hit and random people were dropping like flies only to reanimate and come back from the dead to eat everybody else. If this was a governmental experiment gone wrong or by the hand of god, no one knew because no information was passed to us. The government did start bombing cities when the attacks first happened. They told people to go to cities like New York, Cleveland, and Los Angela; then they would fly over with their helicopters and drop bombs on the cities killing everyone. They died almost instantly which didn't help since the bastards ended up reanimating and becoming walkers.

This just made trouble for the rest of us who were stuck here without anything. I was down in Columbus, Ohio when it happened. My parents had been in Cleveland and I went to go after them until they told me to stay where I was. Then I saw it on TV, and the first bomb was dropped, so I headed south with a few friends till we were split up because of walkers.

I heard moans and quickly drew my weapon holding it steadily until I heard the moan again and a few curse words; it must be a person since walkers didn't talk. I carefully moved through the trees silently, and I peered over the brush to see a man bent over the river edge washing his face and arms of dirt.

I felt weird watching him, but he was strangely fascinating. He mumbled to himself and started stripping off his clothing, and I felt my face heat up with a blush that I'm sure covered my face and neck. I wasn't used to seeing a man like this especially one that looked good like him.

I covered my mouth and kept silent when he walked into the water with just his grey boxers on. He began washing the blood off of himself and went under the water. He was down there for a while and I was a bit worried; I was about to make a move when he came back up and scrubbed at his hair getting grime and god knows what else off of it.

I looked up the hill to see a walker falling quietly down the hill. He was walking slightly but mostly tripping over itself, but how had the walker managed to not moan and make a noise? If he didn't smell it then it must be freshly turned even though the skin looked slightly rotten, or he could have been used to it, the smell that is.

The walker got increasingly closer and the guy didn't budge or move. Finally, the walker was about to enter the water, which I'm not sure if they could swim and never seen one try before. I grabbed my knife and walked out of the brush; I quickly threw my knife and it zipped through the air past the man right into the walkers head. The guy looked around and his eyes went wide seeing the walker fall over dead in its track.

"Aye!" he turned around and yelled at me. I quickly dropped down to the ground and covered my eyes, surely looking like a red tomato. He knew I had been watching him; I'm sure of it.

"I'm sorry! I saw the walker and couldn't let it get to you…" I trailed off remorsefully. This was probably the worst first impression that I've ever had in a very long time since my freshman year in high school when I ran into a huge guy and dropped my books all over the steps. Especially since I wasn't always a thin little thing and I had curves; I was what some people considered plus size. I still hadn't lost my curves or my ass even though the apocalypse hit.

"Ye' were peeping? Eh, thanks for te' walker, didn't hear et comin," he mumbled the last part and I peeped through my hands to see him walking out of the water towards his clothe,s but he didn't get dressed and just sat down next to me in the sun. I covered my eyes back up not wanting to offend him anymore.

"I…I haven't seen another person in at least five months. I'm so sorry but I was just traveling and I was in shock to see another person...alive that is," I finished the last part quietly and I felt his hand on mine; he pulled them down so I could see him.

"Relax Girl. Ye' Act like imma shoot ye or sumfin," he had a southern accent and it was pretty nice; comforting even. He looked rather silly too, just sitting next to me in his boxers.

"I haven't been round people in a very long time," I told him and gave a small smile trying to at least appear friendly.

"How long?" he asked, that had perked his interest.

"Five months I think, like I said before. I've been on my own for that long since the whole thing started. I had a few friends travel down here with me for about a week until we were separated," I told him and when I heard a rustle in the bushes I turned around quickly and got up so quick I felt my head rush. I held my gun out and saw the man grab his crossbow.

"If I say run then you run north, okay? Tell em Daryl sent you," The man muttered and I held the gun tighter relaxing my arms so I didn't miss. I glared at him slightly, typical, he didn't think that I could take care of myself; stupid southern boy.

"I can hold my own," I told him quickly.

Three walkers came out of the brush and instead of alerting anymore of the bastards, I grabbed my knife that the man had dropped off next to me; I guess his name was Daryl. I quickly made quick use of my knife and threw it into the walkers head while Daryl shot down the other two silently. We both walked over and grabbed our choice of weapons. I wasn't about to lose my knife again.

"What's yer name?" he asked and started over to all his clothes. He started pulling them on over himself, and I must have been a bit distracted since he had to whistle to get my attention again.

"Like what yeh see?" he smirked and I knew I was red as a tomato; really stupid southern boy.

"I'm Chelle Rheims," I ignored his last question and just wrapped my arms around myself.

"I'm Daryl Dixon," he held his hand out for me and I took it lightly, his callused hand was rough against my skin and I welcomed the contact. He leaned down and held my pack out to me which I took hesitantly. He went to go get his jacket and the rest of his supplies before starting towards the north like he had said. I stood their awkwardly and started walking back east in the opposite way that I was coming.

"Rheims! Where yeh goin?" I heard him shout and I just pointed at myself and he nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Eh, east I guess?" I replied.

"Yer comin back with me, let's get movin Rheims, cus I don't got all damn day," He yelled and snapped his finger pointing to the ground. I must have looked confused because he rolled his eyes and started walking again; I guess saving his ass from a walker was an invitation back with him. I ran as quickly as I could and bumped into him along the way, but he just turned his head slightly and went back to walking.

It was a comfortable silence and he grabbed my arm a few times to keep me from falling over. Even though I could use a weapon, it didn't mean I was the most coordinated. I would just smile up at him and he would shake his head. Finally we came closer to a clearing and I realized he was limping slightly.

"How did you get that?" I nodded down at his leg.

"Got shot a couple a weeks back, and it hasn't healed right yet," He said and I nodded. I looked off past the clearing to see a house, a farm house at that, in the middle of the clearing with a barn and what looked like an RV with a few other cars. Tents were scattered around the yard.

There were more people even! He must have been in a group with them and was out there just to clean himself off. I was so giddy at the thought of being around people again that I must have made a squeak because his head whipped around so fast.

"Yeh a mouse now?" he said looking amused.

"No, I just haven't seen people in a while. This is the happiest I've been in a long time," I said and he just threw his arm over my shoulder as we approached camp; I guess telling the others I wasn't a threat. Here I was with a man I barely knew, but he treated me kindly and that was all I could ask for. I prayed that things wouldn't go astray

"Dixon, who the fuck is that," another dark haired man started walking up to us with determination. He pulled his gun from his holster and held it up to my head. I stopped breathing for a moment and went to reach for my own gun, but Daryl stepped in front of me; shielding me from the other man.

"Touch er and I'll shoot yeh twice," Daryl snarled at him. The implication that he was willing to turn his own group mate hung in the air. Soon the rest of the camp was coming towards us and I was getting more nervous than ever. I wanted to just bolt, it would be easier this way and less things would be ruined.

"Whoa, there is no need for that. Who is she Daryl?" another man came over to us and a brunette followed behind him with a young boy holding onto her pants. I gripped the back of Daryl's jacket and was ready to bolt from the camp. I wasn't about to start trouble with possibly the only other people left on this side of the river.

"Her names Chelle and she rescued me, so respect er cus if she wasn't there than I'd be dead. You would be shit outta luck for food," Daryl said standing closer to the dark haired man and I guess was staring him down.

"You don't ever need to be rescued. The hell," The dark haired man retorted, "we don't want none of your redneck whores at the camp," he spit out and I was offended. Before Daryl could say anything I moved around him and stood near the man and poked his chest hard.

"I am not anyone's whore, so show some damn respect. I haven't been around people in a while, I thought they turned mean and thank you for making me realize why I hate people. I'm not asking you to trust me, nor am I asking you to take me in, but Daryl here told me to come with him. If you put another gun in my face or his again I won't hesitate to kill you," I was forceful with my words and I leaned up as much as I could even though I was incredibly short. This guy was only slightly taller than Daryl, but Daryl was wider and broad shouldered; I must have looked like a midget among men.

"She's got balls for sure. I like her," A blonde said smiling happily.

"Shane back off of her. She could be of some use if she helped Dixon out," The other man with the woman and child said putting his hand over I guess, Shane's, Chest.

"Rick, she could have others around," Shane bit out.

"What doesn't anyone get? I don't like people, plain and simple—I got into shit when I had a small group and it lasted a week. Everyone died because no one was willing to kill a walker or pull their own weight and we had jack asses like you trying to run things.

"Shit went down and I ran and survived on my own. If you need it, I know how to hunt and cook and I can mend things and I can protect myself. I'm no threat to anyone but those who are threatening me but obviously isn't that most people now a days," I told him and I heard a chuckle behind me.

"We'll keep her around Shane. She might do the group some good. Besides, we can't leave her out in the wilderness alone especially now. She looks like a kid," Rick said with a smile. I frowned slightly.

"I am 19 thank you very much. Little Kid my ass," I grumbled and the men laughed at me.

"Well, come on sweetie. I'm Lori and this is Andrea. Let's go get you cleaned up in the house," She said holding her hand out. I took it hesitantly and they both escorted me towards the house; I looked back at Daryl and he just gave me a nod before looking back to the men and talking with them. Maybe this whole thing wouldn't be as bad as I thought it might be; both of the women were seriously beautiful and the boy followed right next to us.

"My husband is Rick, and he was a cop before this all happened, and this is our son— Carl. Andrea here met up with us in Atlanta. You've met Shane and I'm sorry about that, he doesn't take kindly to strangers less than Daryl—which is surprising," Lori went on as we got into the house and passed a few people until we were up in a bedroom and bathroom. She said Daryl didn't take kindly to people but he seemed pretty friendly so far.

"I guess Shane was surprised because usually Dixon is a class 'A' asshole to everyone. You seem to be a bit different though," Andrea said and they helped me out of everything and I was able to shower. I washed everything out of my hair and when I got out I grabbed a hair tie; I braided my long hair. It was down to the middle of my back now even with a braid.

The girls were waiting on the bed for me and gave me a change of undergarments and a tank top with some skinny jeans. I laced up my boots and sat on the bed with them while they gossiped a bit with me filling me in on everything that had happened. They gave me details on who they had lost, who had hooked up, and who they had found; this included everyone's back story.

The reason they were here now is because a woman, Carol, she had lost her daughter Sophia and Daryl and the others were out searching for her. There was also a Korean boy named Glenn who was having it out with the Farmers Daughter, Maggie. There was a man named T-dog and the older gentleman that was sitting on top of the RV was Dale. There was also Beth and Jimmy and of course Hershel, who was the farmer himself. It was getting later outside and they decided it was time to get out and start making dinner for anyone.

"We'll set you up with a tent tomorrow morning, but you're more than welcome to stay with me," Andrea said sweetly.

"That's really generous of you thank you," I told her seriously and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and gave me a side hug; It was nice and comforting. The older women were really sweet and I figured should get to know everyone soon if I was going to be staying here by trying to be an asset to the camp.

I set my things down in Andrea's tent and came out but still kept my knife and gun on me in case of anything. I could see Shane eyeing me as I walked towards the fire, but I kept my distance from him. Something about him didn't sit right with me; he looked at me like I was prey and he was the predator here.

I sat around the fire with some of the women and the men slowly joined us. Daryl being the last of them, and he sat over next to me. It was nice and comforting considering what some of the women had said to me before about him being a dick to everyone. I didn't understand him at all but he shared his water with me and what I couldn't finish I pushed onto his plate and he ate. There was more grey area's then black and white, maybe they just weren't asking the right questions to understand him.

"So, what's your story?" Glenn asked me.

"Nothing big, I was an art student before this all happened—only in my sophomore year, but my dad said he had a bad feeling about everything and he bought me a gun and took me out shooting. I was a complete nerd and I didn't really do anything before that, I wasn't really set on having the whole 'collect' experience. Everything I've ever learned, that's helped me, has come from all the books I read. I didn't go out much and I chose to read a lot instead," I told them and Dale looked excited. He must have been an avid reader like me.

"What did you like reading?" He asked and then I knew he was definitely a reader; perhaps a philosopher in his older age.

"I read a lot of fantasy stuff, but it was mainly fantasy or historical romances. I could never put down Jane Austen work or V.C Andrews. They were true visionaries and kept me on the edge of my seat every time I picked up a book," I giggled and set my plate down on the ground next to me.

"What wonderful women they were," Dale nodded and resumed eating.

"You have anyone alive?" Beth asked.

"I don't really know. I was in Columbus when this all happened and my Parents are divorced. I was going to go back for my mother but she insisted I head to Atlanta so I did what she told me to do and here I am. I hope she's alright; she's a fighter, but I'm not going to fool myself," I told them seriously with probably a solemn look on my face. I knew about their dead and I couldn't think about my mother that way.

"What about your dad?" Shane asked; leering slightly since I was hunched over. I straightened up and coughed, trying to bring his attention elsewhere.

"He was a bastard," I stated simply and stole a piece of rabbit off Daryl's plate. He had gotten a second helping and I found myself puckish but not enough to eat anything else.

"Another one with Daddy Problems," I heard him mumble and I glared over at him.

"Excuse me?" I demanded.

"Nothing," He mumbled again.

"If you have something to say then say it to my face, and don't say it behind my back like a little bitch," I said without care and Daryl Whistled.

"I think the little Lady just called you out Cop," He called out amused more than anyone else in the group. The air was tense between all of us and I wanted to tell Shane off more.

"Whatever Bitch," Shane said and got up and walked back towards his tent.

"Lori, are you sure we were talking about the right one?" I questioned and she cupped her mouth, stifling a laugh. I told everyone goodnight soon after; Andrea and I were about to head to the tent, but I turned and saw Daryl walking towards his tent the opposite way.

"One minute," I told Andrea and she nodded looking in my direction. She gave me a knowing smile and proceeded to walk towards the tent. I ran across the field before he could get into his tent and grabbed onto him from behind hugging him; my head was against his back and he must have been startled which I didn't care.

"Thank you," I said quickly.

"Whatever girl, just don't make me regret it, Keep yerself safe," He said and I let go. He didn't look back after that and disappeared into his tent. I skipped back across the field and went into the tent with Andrea; she was waiting on her bed waiting for me.

"So, Daryl…" she said softly.

"He's a good guy deep down. We should probably head to bed," I told her ending the conversation. There wasn't anything to talk about except a nice guy made them take me in and I was grateful. I snuggled into the blankets and fell into a deep sleep.

I am revamping this story and slowly updating. I cannot believe how poorly it was written but then again everyone should always try to improve upon their writing.

Thank you for reading this in its original state and now the edited state. At the end of every chapter I will be stating if it is Edited or not. Thank you for all of the reviews and compliments that I have received with this.

I will still be keeping the entire story, just improving the grammar and subplots.



Status: Edited