Set when Nikita and Michael were fighting about his hand. They had broken up. This is spin from an episode from Ncis. I hope you like it. please review. well... yeah... i hope you enjoy. :)

Nikita walked into ops after getting an urgent message from Ryan about some kind of mission. As she walked in she saw Michael standing behind Ryan. They had broken up only a week ago but to her it felt like a second ago. The pan was so fresh and real. It hurt to even see him. She still loved him. She missed his warm comforting hugs. The way he made her feel so special. She wanted him back more than anything. BUt the man she loved wasnt there anymore. Instead it was just an empty shell filled with a man who was all about revenge and getting his hand back. The only thing they had in common was there face. Besides that the Michael she knew was long gone.

"Whats so urgent?" Nikita took her gaze off of Michael, "Do we have a lead on Amanda?"

"No. We have a much bigger problem," Ryan's voice was filled with a serious tone.

He walked over to a computer and put some files on-screen. "Our agents were attacked by a married assassin couple yesterday," he scrolled through pictures, "We were able to kill them before they were able to send any government files out."

Nikita gave him a look as if all that was just a waste of time. She didn't want to be in the same room as Michael. Her heart wouldnt stop racing She kept glancing at Michael, seeing if he would acknowledge her presents, but he just ignored her.

Michael felt nothing but anger. Nikita broke up with him because he was willing risk lives for his hand. He didnt see it that way. He just saw it as her betraying him. not caring that he hated this hand.

"As we were cleaning out their equipment we found a message that states that their employer is going to meet them for the intell," Ryan had a slight look of worry, " We need to figure out who the employer is and why he or she needs this information before they find out their dead and decide to run."

"How do you expect us to do that?" Nikita questioned.

Ryan put the assassins files up, "As far as we can tell from the messages, the employer has no idea what these to look like. Which means they were just a quick hire."

Nikita nodded as she started to understand where he was going with this, "You want two agents to play as the couple."

"Exactly," Ryan was hesitant on what he was going to say next, "We're already on our last leg with the president."

Nikita had a feeling of what he was talking about. She just hoped she was wrong.

"That's why I need you and Owen to take this one," Ryan tried to act like a boss, standing straight with a serious face.

Nikita's eyes opened wide. She didn't want to do that. The last thing she wanted was to pretend to be a couple. "N...," she stopped herself from finishing. If she said no she knew Division might be cancelled. All their lives would be destroyed at her fault. "Fine." she hated the idea but agreed anyway.

Ryan was surprised she agreed. He thought he would get into an argument with her before she even considered it. He had everything he was planning on saying mapped out, since every time he argued with her she would win.

The last thing Nikita wanted was this mission, but she had to with the Division lives on the line. She had no choice. But in reality was most affected her decision was being in the same room as Michael. She needed to get out there.

"Owen's been debriefed and is already preparing for it," Ryan closed the files, "This mission must stay between You, Michael, me, Birkoff. No one else can know. We can not fail this mission."

Nikita walked out of ops. It was like a breath of fresh air as she left Michael's presents. She was questioning if Michael even cared for her anymore. He was emotionless as Ryan said Owen and her would to be a couple. She figured that this was the proof she needed. This was the only evidence she needed in order to know Michael didn't care about her anymore.

Owen and Nikita pulled up to the hotel in a black camaro. Ryan had told them that they couldn't break character. Division had no idea where there might be any cameras. They might be watched everywhere. So if they were going to be a couple they needed to really play it.

As they got out of the car Owen gave the valie the keys and put his arm around Nikita. She knew it was just for the act, but it bothered her a little. She wished it was Michael, but she quickly shook that thought out of her head. She just smiled at Owen as they walked in.

The hotel was amazing. There was glass fixtures everywhere with marble on the floor. It was very elegent.

"We're checking in. Should be under Mr. and Mrs. Royce," Owen said as they walked to the front desk.

"It's our honeymoon," Nikita smiled.

The woman looked at them and handed them the key,"The crystal suite has been prepared for you."

The girl just glanced at them, but Nikita could tell she was watching them. She was memorizing there appearance and movement.

"Come on honey," Nikita told Owen as she took the key cards.

Owen grabbed their bag and they headed into the elevator.

"Wow you two are the most awkward couple," Birkoff spoke into their earpieces.

Nikita just smirked.

"You guys ready for a long week?" Birkoff asked.

The elevator rang as the doors opened at the top floor. As they headed to their room Birkoff spoke, "Woah somethings wrong."

He was typing on his keyboard, "I have scans of thermal imaging on your room. I can't block it or trace it."

He tried to adjust it so it wood read normal, "These guys aren't messing around. um..." Birkoff didn't know how to put it, "You guys going to umm.. play the role of your characters to the fullest."

Owen and Nikita gave each other confused and shocked looks for a split second.

Owen walked over to the closet acting like he was checking the place out, but he was really searching for cameras or anything that might be a security threat.

"Not to rush you or anything, but they might get suspicious. You two are supposed to be deeply in love," Birkoff felt so awkward, "I'm going to leave you guys alone for a while. I don't need counciling right now."

Owen and Nikita were sure they were alone, but that didnt make them feel any less awkward. Nikita was regretting going on this mission.

She hated this but it had to be done. She went over to Owen and ran her fingers through his hair. They smirked at eachother. Their lips met and their tongues danced. She placed her hands on Owen's face as he placed his hands on her waste. Before she knew it Michalel's name became a distant memory.

She began to unbutton Owen's shirt. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. The kisses became more intense and longer. Before they knew it they stayed up late.

Little did they know Michael was watching the whole time. His fist clenched with furious rage.