Ummmmmm so it's only been like... 3 years ~cringe~ sad thing is I actually wrote this a long time ago but for some reason never posted it.

Well anyway here it is :)

The group excitedly followed North to the globe room where the huge tree stood. They all stopped at the sight of the tree, to marvel at its height and decoration. Jack had never seen such a lovely Christmas tree as this. Well Santa had decorated it himself, something he did every year no matter how busy he was with his preparations. It was covered in soft lights like those on the globe to represent believers and, Jack realised, all of the other decorations represented a different guardian. There were colourful lanterns to represent Tooth's iridescent colouring, tinsel the colour of Sandy's dream sand, small decorative eggs for Bunny and hanging decorations and baubles that looked like North, presents and toys. And the thing that filled Jack with the most happiness were the decorations for him, hanging icicles and snowflakes ,each one different he could tell with his trained eyes. He flew up to one of them and placed a cold finger tip on it, they were cold, like real ice and snow.

North laughed, "Was very easy getting decoration for you, Jack, good thing Christmas is in winter."

Jack smiled before returning to his place in between Sandy and Tooth. Underneath the magnificent tree there were the presents. On the front row of presents circling the tree were small identical red and green wrapped presents all cube shaped, behind this there were slightly bigger red and gold wrapped presents, all around the same size but varying in shape. The elves swarmed on the smaller presents, each taking one and rushing off to find little nooks and crannies to open them in. The yetis were more civilised, waiting while North picked up each of their presents individually and calling out the name written on the little tag. After all of the elves and yetis had left the room Jack could see the last line of presents. There were four presents, one with colourful paper, one in golden paper, one in green paper and one in blue with a snowflake pattern.

"These are from me!" North exclaimed pointing at the presents under the tree, clearly enjoying himself very much, "We will open these first!"

They all sat on the sofas and armchairs arranged in a loose circle near the tree. Jack had to brush of a stray elf before sitting down, who ran around in circles, clutching his box before darting away. Jack sat cross legged next to Tooth. North picked up the multicoloured present and handed it to Tooth before sitting back down and leaning forward expectantly. Tooth pulled of the paper and took the lid off the box,

"Oh North, there lovely!" Tooth exclaimed, pulling out a brightly coloured scarf and hat that went with her own colouring perfectly. Underneath was a sea of identical tiny hats and scarves for the mini fairies. Bunny snorted,

"You like knitting mate?" Tooth threw him a look that would probably have killed any mortal.

North then handed Sandy his gift which was a huge old book, he flicked it open and the words were accompanied by beautifully intricate illustrations. Apparently Sandy liked to do a bit of bedtime reading. Bunny's gift off North was a new set of brushes and paint. North then collected the last present under the tree and handed it to Jack. Jack took it, wide eyed and held it on his lap. He felt as if his chest would burst. He wouldn't tell the guardians but this was the first gift he had received in 300 years. He grabbed the paper and tore it off. Inside the box there was a pile of cloth. Jack grasped it and pulled it out, letting the box fall to the floor. It was a long dark blue cloak, with a hood and a snowflake pin to go underneath the chin and hold it on. Jack felt the soft material tentatively as if it might disappear if he handled it too roughly. Jack undid the clasp and pulled the cloak around his shoulders, it fanned out dramatically and Jack noticed with quiet appreciation that the cloak did not hang too tightly on amy part of his body, meaning that he would be free to move when flying. The thought North had obviously put into the present made Jack struggle for words. He lifted the hood casting his face into shadow,

"How do I look" He said in a mock ominous voice. Causing the others to laugh.

"Like a person wearing suitable clothing for their job!" said North looking unapprovingly at Jacks frayed trousers and worn hoodie. Jack smiled at Norths disapproval and carefully removed the cloak and folded it back up before putting it on the seat next to him.

"Do you want to give your presents out now Jack?" North asked.

"Sure." Jack said before moving to the window leaning out and collecting the presents from where he had left them covered in a safe blanket of snow. He had gotten Tooth a small bouquet of snow drops that he explained would never wither and a single smaller flower for Baby Tooth, who tucked it behind her ear. He gave North a snow globe with an exact replica of the pole inside made of ice with real snow whirling around it, the ice would never melt, he explained. Sandy received a similar snow globe but this one contained some frozen dream sand in the shape of dolphins with frozen waves. Jack had also made Phil a present, and exact replica of the yeti, captured in unmeltable ice. Jack could barely contain his giggles as he handed over Bunny's present. The Pooka unwrapped the paper to find a pink hat with huge pockets for the rabbit's ears each with a large bright pink pomp om on the end.

"Ha, ha very funny frostbite."

"Awwww come on Cottontail aren't you gonna try it on, I know you really feel the cold!" Jack pouted but Bunny only smirked, threw the hat back in the box and to one side.

Jack received A lot of Teeth cleaning supplies from Tooth and a bottle of moving dreamsand from Sandy. Bunny was grinning when he handed Jack his present. Jack held his breath as he lifted the lid of the rectangular box. Inside, on top of some crinkly white tissue paper were a pair and blue trainers. Jack looked at the shoes for a few seconds before looking Bunny in the eye,

"I am not wearing these. Ever." He put the lid on the box and dropped it next to his other presents.

"What's wrong Frostbite, I thought you'd like them, there made specially to fit."

"I do not wear shoes," Jack said wiggling his toes. The very idea of wearing any kind of foot wear repulsed him, he'd tried on a pair once and had fallen over his feet before losing them in a storm. Bunny looked a bit put out and muttered something about gift horses and mouths whivh Jack didn't understand.

The rest of the gifts were given and received before they all fell into companionable chatter, North and Sandy asked Jack how he had made the globes and Tooth and Bunny talked about past Christmas and agreed that this had been the best yet. The room quietened and North said,

"I remember last present I got you Jack, it was over 300 years ago now, for your sister too. Ice skates."

AHHHH I also don't remember how I intended to continue this particular bit either (probably angst) so we'll see. Thanks guys!