Okay, so this is my first House of Anubis fanfic and I hope that you really like it. Please leave comments, good or bad opinions, just please some comments because I am an amateur writer and I am trying to get better

Disclaimer: Do not own House of Anubis, but this story I do

He crossed over to the desk and slammed his hand hard down on it. "They cannot be allowed to get in there," Frobisher said.

"And they won't".

"Good, now stop them".

Denbey fled out of the room to her office. "Those children have gotten too far. However, this will be their last discovery", she smirked evilly and headed out of the Gatehouse.

Later that day,

"Come on you guys, hurry up", KT said loudly. The gang caught up breathing deeply. "KT, you've got to give us a minute to catch up", Fabian said. "Yeah, not all of us have running legs", Patricia said, with her hands on her knees. Eddie stepped up, "We know Patricia". She gave him a dirty look and he smirked, "But we had to hurry before Denbey gets here first". "Okay you guys, we should already be in there. Let's move", Fabian said.

KT, Eddie, Patricia, Fabian, and Alfie headed to the bookroom in the basement of the Anubis house. "Just really quick; I can go back up in the kitchen and get a bite before you even go through the bookshelf", Alfie asked again. Eddie ended it, "Alfie, we have a mission and I'm pretty sure you're going to be so nervous that you'll throw it up". Alfie thought for a second, "Ok, good point. Going into a deep mysterious, creepy looking tunnel does make me feel that way".

They opened the bookcase and walked through it. As they were walking through the tunnel Patricia said, "Are you sure we're in the right place, Fabian".

"I'm sure. The clues pointed directly…here". He found the imprint of the Anubis eye on one of the bricks.

"Eddie, did you bring the knife."

"Yeah, got it". Eddie took it out of his pocket and started cutting around edges of the brick. There was a long moment of silence until Eddie pulled the brick out of the wall. "What's in there", KT said. Eddie stuck his hand in the inside of the wall where the brick. He stuck his hand even deeper until he screamed.

Everyone jumped back. "Eddie", Patricia yelped along with everyone else. Eddie stopped screaming, looked at them and smiled "Gotcha". Everybody relaxed, but was still a bit shaken. "Uh, don't do that, you had me think your hand was being eating or something", Alfie said. "Sorry", Eddie said with a chuckle, "hold on wait, it's a piece of paper in here". He pulled it out and it was a folded sheet of paper that looked very old.

"What is it", Patricia said.

"A...piece of paper."

"Well, open it", she said.

Eddie unfolded it, and it held a script of hieroglyphics on it. "Hey Fabian, check this out", he got up and stood by Fabian, showing him the secret message. Fabian got a hopeful look, "Well this is the easiest one we've ever had, and I can decipher this. Some of this I know, but I have my books in my room".

"Okay, let's go."

Just then the tunnel rumbled and the ground shock. A wall of bricks came tumbling down between them. "Eddie". Fabian pulled his out of the way.

"Thanks man"

"Don't mention it". They got up making sure the others were alright.

"Hey, are you guys alright."

"Yeah, were ok."

"Let's find a way to get them out of there", Fabian and Eddie tried to pull on the bricks.

"No", KT said, "You need to figure out what the inscription means before Denbey comes."

"Well, we aren't going to leave you here."

"There's an exit at the end, we'll get out that way", Alfie said.

"Ok, met us in our room when you get out", Eddie said.

Fabian and Eddie headed out of the tunnel to decipher the ancient symbols, while Alfie, Patricia, and KT tried to find their way out.