Don't own Inuyasha. REALLY wish I did.


"SIT!" The dark haired miko shouted before angrily leaving the hanyou in the dirt. "Stupid Inuyasha," she muttered to herself, "so sorry I'm not perfect like Kikiyo." She stilled for a moment as the dead miko's name burned on her tongue and shook herself. Don't even go there Kagome.

The dead miko was a sore subject for her and try as she might, she couldn't help but feel a sick twisting in her stomach every time the woman was brought up. She sighed and focused on her surroundings, finally noticing where her feet had taken her. A wry smile touched her lips as she stared at the old bone well.

This is your fault, she told it silently. Her smile widened slightly as she remembered her first trip through the well. Sure it had been terrifying at the time, but she had gained so much from this era since that day. Running her fingertips lightly over the worn stone, she leaned over to peer into the well's depths.

Huh? A strange flutter of movement caught her attention. She watched in a kind of startled fascination as the shadows of the well seemed to writhe and boil. As one dark tendril seemed to reach for her, Kagome gasped and tried to back away. Seemingly guessing her intention, the shadows rose almost too quickly for her eyes to follow and grasped her firmly. She struggled futilely as they dragged her over and down.

"Kagome!" Her head snapped up, her panicked eyes finding Inuyasha running furiously towards her. "Inuyasha!" She tried to call out to him even as she was pulled roughly over the edge of the well. The air rushing around her swallowed her scream even as she shut her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself.

She waited for an impact of some sort, bracing herself and trembling. The fall seemed to last an indefinite amount of time, but when she finally landed it was not as roughly as she had feared. Gathering her courage and fiercely wiping away the tears that had formed in her fear, she took a deep breath and looked around.

As it had been so many times before, the bottom of the well was dim and moist, a small window of bright blue sky above her. Confused, Kagome grabbed the thick vines winding between and over the stone walls. Pulling herself up, she carefully climbed out of the well and peered around anxiously.

The trees were thicker, the land had a wilder feeling to it that hadn't quite been there before. The air was fresh and cool and though she tried, she couldn't catch the scent of wood smoke that had always been present from the nearby village. Despite these changes though, she recognized where she was instantly. Strange, she thought to herself, it's almost as if…

A sudden tingling at the edge of her senses broke through her thoughts and she tensed. Youki. Strong at that. A powerful youkai was approaching. Running would be useless and she had no knowledge of this changed land. She desperately wished she hadn't left her bow and arrows with Kaede earlier. She glanced back at the old well for a moment, reluctant to re-enter it. Another flash of youki, closer now, made up her mind. She hauled herself over the edge and let herself fall, whispering a silent prayer.


Taiki scented the air, his beast growling in excitement. In the wake of his mate's death, he had been balancing caring for his newborn son and ruling his lands. It had been long since he had last been able to roam and hunt so far from the western territories. He inhaled deeply, his silvery hair moving gently in the light breeze. There! He stiffened as a shockwave of intense power drifted over the land, a strange scent in it's wake.

His curiosity peaked, Taiki followed the smell. The closer he came, the more the strange power crackled and shifted over his skin. When he was about a mile off it faded, withdrawing back to wherever it originated and leaving…a human? The scent he was getting currently was soft and fresh and undeniably a human female.

Puzzled, the Inu Daiyoukai broke through the trees in time to see dark hair disappearing into an old well. Fear tainted the air and he could easily hear the female's short, sharp pants. Slowly, he approached the well to peer inside.


Kagome fell back to the tightly packed earth on the bottom of the well. She waited for the tugging she felt on her soul that signified her travel through time. Her eyes widened when it never came. Feeling her heart speed up as the youkai above her drew closer, she pressed as close to a cool wall as she could and tried to hold as still as she could.

A shadow passed above her and she trembled slightly as the youkai looked into the well. "Come out female," a deep voice growled down at her. At her hesitation, the youkai growled again. "Come before I bring you up myself," he commanded.


"Well how interesting," a feminine voice purred softly, "your doing I believe?" A low chuckle filled the air and light seemed to shimmer over the great mirror. "Indeed."

The owner of the first voice stepped from the shadows. Fate and Time studied each other carefully. "You interfere again in my domain sister." Fate chuckled again and simply turned back to the Mirror of Life. After a moment of consideration, Time drew closer and joined her at the mirror's edge to gaze into the depths. "Very well," she said as she watched the human miko come to stand uncertainly before the Inu yokai. "I shall let you have your fun."