This story was started by Author: Arias Shadow. I have been given permission to take it over. I hope you enjoy. Look for a new update to this story next weekend.

This story will walk through elements primarily of thieves guild, Mage, and Companions. In this story Alduin has been taken care of and Harkon has been killed, however Mirrak is still a problem. Raven is Guildmaster and Archmage.

I tore through the landscape of Whiterun Hold in my wolf form, trying to get back to the Rift border. Earlier, without knowing, I had stepped out of my territory and into a different werewolf's territory. Only problem: a pack of werewolves lived in Whiterun Hold. There were at least four; maybe five. I could only see two chasing me; a male and a female. I knew one more was chasing me as well, but I couldn't see them.
My territory was the Rift Hold. I was a part of the Thieves Guild. The Guild Master actually. Brynjolf, my Guild Second, knew I was a werewolf; the entire Guild knew actually... ANYWAY, I had told him that I was going to be shifting tonight and he was to send someone to Whiterun Hold and Eastmarch Hold if I hadn't returned in an hour, since I can control how long I am a wolf, and I don't stay like this for long.

The male wolf was catching up to me, and I was slowly starting to lose my stamina. They would catch up to me soon. If I could keep running for another seven or so miles, I would be in my territory and be safe. I had to try. The wind was blowing my direction and I could smell five familiar scents. Thieves Guildscents: Vex, Delvin, Rune, Vipir and Dirge.

I had trained every guild member how to effectively kill a werewolf and hardly get injured in the process. Hopefully they remembered my lessons.

"Raven!" I heard Vex call out. Vex and I were like sisters now. She hadn't really liked me when we first met, but after I became the Guild Master we became good friends.

"Come on, Raven! You're almost to the border!" Rune yelled.

"Dirge! Vipir! Help the Boss!" I heard Delvin snap. I saw the two Guild Members running in my direction with weapons flashing. Before they could reach me, a very large black wolf jumped in front of them.

I suddenly stopped and howled to the Guild. They knew that howl meant: Get out of here! I was not going to risk their lives in this.

I had been caught by the three wolves. A very dark male black wolf, a female red-brown wolf, and a male gray wolf. There was another near-by except they were not as a wolf.

The three growled as they closed in on me. I knew there was no way I would survive if they attacked me. My eyes darted back and forth from every wolf as I backed up. I could tell they were intent on not letting me go. So, I made a split second decision (?) and lunged at the female, and knocked her over. With her out of my way, I bolted towards the Rift border. I could hear them chasing after me, but when I crossed into my territory, they stopped, but I did not stop running. I did stop and turn back when I got to an island just outside Riften and turned back.