We've all had those mornings before school or work when the bed's just right and you're so warm and cozy and it feels like a crime to get up from it. So has House. This will be the final chapter, I just feel like there is nowhere left to go in this story line. I wish I could continue it but the writers block I'm having is insane, and I want to conclude this for anyone who wants a conclusion. Who knows, maybe I'll get some ideas (nudge nudge) and find a way to make this the longer fic I had planned.

That morning Cuddy woke up feeling refreshed and blissful.

She lay on her back with one hand on House's back. During the night House had ended up further down in the bed than she was. He was on his stomach, with his left arm strewn across Cuddy's ribcage and his cheek resting on her collar bone.

Cuddy's shirt had ridden up so her stomach was exposed, whether or not House did this was a mystery. She noticed a pale blue patch of skin and pulled her shirt down to cover it.

They fell asleep spooning, with Cuddy's back firmly against House's chest. Eventually she had turned over and House fell partially on top of her. She didn't mind though. In fact, she liked the feeling of it. The feeling of his weight assured her he was there with her.

She knew House, who was so uncomfortable with contact at times, wanted nothing more than to be close to her too.

She glanced slightly over her shoulder to see the time. It was 10:30am. She rarely slept in this late. Even on weekends she had an early morning routine that consisted of a light breakfast and yoga. She also needed to go for an early morning pee. She shifted a little, and House didn't stir in the slightest. She wiggled the tiniest bit trying to get out, and successfully made it so House was no longer on top her. And thankfully still asleep.

She sat up against the headboard and was about to swing her legs over the side, when she felt House's arm wrap around her waist and drag her back to him.

She sucked in a breath of surprise, and then chuckled at Sleepy House. He pulled her straight to his chest, with his eyes still closed; now lying on his side. They were face to face. He was obviously groggy from just waking up.

He wrapped his arm safely around her waist and splayed his fingers across her skin. He still had his eyes closed. House was reluctant to open them to the brightness of the sunrise.

"House, I gotta get up, I'm-"



"Trying to sleep here." He was mumbling sleepily she couldn't help but grin ear to ear. He used the arm he had around Cuddy to bring her closer to him, like a child with a teddy bear. "Mmmmm." He moaned into her. At the very corner of his lips they twinged slightly upwards.

She chuckled and stroked his hair. Their bodies were pressed close together once more but Cuddy knew she couldn't stay for long. As much as she wanted to stay her bladder certainly had other plans.

"I need to pee."

He didn't say anything to her, just laid there motionless.

She tried to scooch away once more, but House would not budge. He tensed up his arm so she couldn't escape, very consciously.

House cracked open one eye to look at her. Even as she was just waking up she was radiant. Cuddy looked happy, genuinely happy, but this time it didn't scare him. This time he couldn't be more contented to see that look in her eyes.

He brought his face up to hers and nudged her cheek with his nose softly before bringing his mouth to hers. It was soft and wonderfully slow. Cuddy instinctively lifted her hand to his whiskery face and run it down his neck and chest.

Their lips moved and meshed together unhurriedly.

House trailed his lips from Cuddy's soft, full lips, down her flawless cheek and latching his mouth onto her throat. His lips dragged across her skin as Cuddy elicited a moan that vibrated against his light kisses.

Once more he kissed Cuddy right on the mouth, short and sweet.

"Stay." He said. Their foreheads were touching now, and Cuddy's breathing was elevated. That was enough to convince her to just hold it. House really was reluctant to get out of bed.

House closed his eyes once more and muttered, "You're so warm."

Cuddy thought it was so weird that House was being this affectionate. After all the years they'd know each other she'd pretty much known House liked her, but maybe seeing her with Dominic really made him jealous.

"So. . . about last night."

That got Houses attention. His eyes snapped back open. "What about last night?" He was suspicious almost instantly. Using one of his many talents he searched her eyes for an answer.

"We're together now? For sure?"

"Yes." He said, still slightly skeptical, but he could see how after what happened before she would be skeptical as well.

"Okay. That's settled then." Simple as that.

She brought her hand up to touch the black eye House was nursing. It was a fleshy bruise that was tender to the touch. She dotingly ran her thumb above his eyebrow, steering clear of the split skin. "He really got you, huh?"

"I'm alright."

"It's 10:40. We really need to get out of bed."

"Says who." House countered.

"Says the woman who needs to shower and wants you to come with her."

[H] [H] [H] [H]

House and Cuddy had indeed had shower sex that morning.

After how gentle House seemed earlier in the morning, Cuddy expected it to be gentle, even amorous. But it was almost the opposite.

House always teased Cuddy about her "administrative need" and how it would carry over into the bedroom, but in all honesty Cuddy would rather have someone control her. She welcomed someone to just take charge for once.

Cuddy was almost sure House sensed this because he certainly showed her she wasn't going to control him in any way. He took her like a man, that's for sure.

He was rough and passionate, pressing her against the wall of the shower. Having her hands above her head with House giving her a glowering look, she loved every second of it.

Cuddy was glad that before they didn't sleep together right off the bat. They took their time the night before just to enjoy themselves together. Cuddy had herself a wonderful night's sleep next to the man she, indeed, did love.

Cuddy and House had this mutual understanding from the gala that they loved each other, but of course, she wondered when House would say those three words every woman wishes to hear.

Even the morning they shared was like a dream, right down to the steamy shower sex.

House knew her better than anybody else. He could give her what she needed.

By the way, all the reviews were so nice on that last chapter, I couldn't believe it. They were great, it just made my day. I'll be starting a new fic soon once I sort out details about the plot.
