A/N: So here is a collection of MinaKushi one-shots that randomly come to my head! I ADORE this pairing so much, and the other day I was inspired to reread the chapters about these two. Many little things that were said have given me inspiration to write these, so I've added quotes at the end! The official status, btw, is "complete" as each one shot is it's own completed story without continuation, but I WILL POST further one shots whenever I have new ideas.


A Collection of MinaKushi Love-stories

1: Arguments

"You're being pathetic!" She roared until her lungs vibrated, not caring if the overly curious neighbourhood heard their heated discussion.

"Kushina...please." The sweat was gradually building on his forehead and the heat became an unbearable companion as he raised his strong, rough hands flat into the air as a sign of appeasement, "Try to listen to me before you jump to-"

"DON'T you dare finish that sentence and make me seem like the culprit in this idiotic argument!" Her fierce, metal blue eyes glared intensely at his face, watching his own orbs widen the slightest, until he slumped his shoulders and sighed.

Her whole body was tense with anticipation. She could tell by the thin line of his lips and slightly closed eyes that he was pondering.

Minato was trying to word a good and diplomatic reason with that genius mind of his, in order to catch Kushina dead and cold, leaving her speechless and even more infuriated than she already felt.

'Damn his Hokage abilities...' she cursed inwardly, grinding her teeth as silently as her patience would allow, 'Just because he is good at negotiating and convincing doesn't mean he can use his little tricks at home too!'

In order to cut the line before he did, she continued to ramble with anger itching in her tone, "I am sorry not everyone is as immaculate in fighting as you are. And in inventing kick-ass jutsus that totally blow people's brains. I'm not as fast or talented or good as you are in close combat, 'ttebane!" Throwing her arms dramatically behind herself, she leaned forward to make her point more clear, before turning around with a swirl and crossing her limbs before her chest.

She could clearly hear the sigh behind her, and silenced footsteps as he approached her back, "Kushina, that's not what I mean. I'm just asking you to be less reckless when we go on missions. You tend to just run into enemy territory and totally call for the attention on yourself. It's dangerous, and you could have died on several occassions-"

"Could have, Minato, not did." She interrupted, head held high, but otherwise not budging from her position.

"That can always be led back to luck, you know, and to the fact that you weren't alone on those missions."

Immediately her eyes shot wide open, pupils deflating with the invading light, her head flung over her shoulder before her body could follow her rapid movement, "Luck?" She questioned incredulously, "Luck? Excuse me, I was not victorious because of luck!"

She watched his jawline tense, the seriousness in his face, and those unfaltering eyes.

Ceruleans orbs that bore into hers, never leaving them, never breaking the mute war that they unconsciously had engaged themselves in.

They were so mesmerizing, and Kushina was sent back to her twelve year old self, watching intently with her inner eye as charming, flaky girly-boy Minato picked her up like a proper badass Shinobi, looking her deeply into the eyes as he jumped up high above the tree-tops as if he had been born with wings, telling her like it was the most obvious of facts that her hair was beautiful and that he noticed it straight away because there simply was no other way; how could he not have noticed and-

'URGH!' She shook her head like a dog that had just been drenched with water, telling her memories to go and fucking leave her alone with their torturous flashbacks, forcing headstrong Kushina to forgive Minato.

Which was totally not happening! He did not deserve her forgiveness, not after all he had said!

"Look, you are being too convinced of yourself. Twice you landed in a Genjutsu and damn it, we both know your Ninjutsu isn't the best and if it hadn't been for the Flying Thundergod technique I wouldn't have been there in time to actually rescue you from the killing Kunai that came your way more times than I can count!"

He was clearly straining his voice to hold back on his evenly rising temper; he did not want to offend Kushina, but he desired for her to listen.

Why could she not understand his worries? The fear he felt every damn, fucking second he saw her in danger, she clearly being oblivious about the circumstance and still not realising even when he had rescued her mere seconds before a painful impact would have occurred.

And as she stood in front of him, blanched, expressionless, motionless, voiceless, he felt all the more unnerved.

This was nearly as bad as the day he confessed his love to her.

"Oh...so now I'm not simply reckless but weak?" She muttered barely underneath her breath.

If it weren't for the throbbing, suffocating silence, he wouldn't quite have heard the mumbled words.

"What?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Of course. Because you are the Yellow Flash, and I'm just the stupid Red hot Habanero, ain't I? That can't compete with perfect amazing Yellow Flash, no way, and if it weren't for you I'd be just a helpless little damsel in distress." It came out like venom, seething through her teeth as she pierced the ground on which he stood with her irises.

She was about to burst.

He was awaiting the loud impact any second, and because of fear that the neighbours thought he was maltreating his beloved and wonderful wife, he spoke, hoping she would finally understand, "That is not what I mean. Look at it with clear eyes, Kushina! You jump out of the hideout before you should, and it's not hard for the enemy to catch you seeing as you have the most obvious hair in the whole village."

Metalic orbs averted themselves upwards in further disbelief, "It's my hair's fault?"

"What!? Kushina, that's not what I-"

"It's my hair's fault."

"Kushina, I didn't mean it like that, I'm just saying-"

"My hair."


"My hair..."

His hand shot forwards to grab hers, to stop her, but the Yellow Flash had to admit that, even at this moment, he was not fast enough; for she had opened the door and slammed it shut forcefully, causing the walls to vibrate with the shock.

She was gone.

"My hair." she repeated those words like a curse, like an evil mantra which haunted her night and day and caused the nightmares she'd face during the periods of darkness.

Her lip quivered, eyes stinging and burning with the all-too-well-known sensation of tears throbbing at the corners.

And soon they fell soundlessly, dripping to the ground after having slid across her delicate cheeks.

It was cold, her breath forming vaporizing clouds everytime she huffed. But the piercing feeling and shivers on her exposed arms and legs went unnoticed as she concentrated on Minato's last words, which had hit a vulnerable spot within her so fragile heart.

'How could he say that!?' The tears were increasing, forming more rapidly, encouraging her to sob and give in into her misery.

Which she did, her hand flying up to grab the hard, icy bark of a tree which was now in front of her.

She leaned against it, crying out, unbothered by the looks and worried gazes she received from by-passers at her manly bawling.

She could care less about their thoughts. Not like they knew what it was like being her!


Uzumaki Kushina.

The girl with the bloody red hair.

And the fucking Bijuu inside her which made her all the more of a hellish person you'd rather not be around.

"Kushi-chan?" A gentle voice echoed behind her, clear concern coating the tone.

With an abrupt sob she turned around, looking into the charcoal orbs of none other than her best friend Uchiha Mikoto.

They softened upon realising that Kushina's face was heated and eyes puffed out with obvious sorrow.

"How about we grab some ramen?" She suggested, smiling lightly.

Mikoto knew it would be stupid and an utter waste of time trying to question Kushina about her problems and reasons for standing outside in the cold, freezing November weather, with nothing but a shirt and short skirt on whilst she wailed like an elephant. Not without a hot bowl of ramen to loosen the tongue, at least.

Nodding before rubbing her nose, she followed Mikoto towards the road, past some buildings before they ended up at Ichiraku's.

Once there, Mikoto pulled off one of the double-layers of coats and placed it carefully around Kushina's shoulders.

"It's cold, you should be careful, you might catch something."

Mustering her best smile, which was weak and barely recognizable, Kushina thanked her.

Her onyx-orbed friend did the rest; ordering Kushina's most favoured pork ramen along with a small vase of Sake for them both to share.

Nothing was said as the hot broth was served, and Kushina, rather lifelessly, picked up her chopsticks, mumbling an "Itadakimasu" before digging into her food without the usual vigour she always possessed when it came to eating ramen.

"Aren't you going to ask?" She finally whispered in between a slurp, watching from the corner of her eye as Mikoto gazed around the Ramen-shop with mild interest as she ate her own meal.

"I am waiting for you to explain, actually."

Hesitant at first, but knowing there was no way around because it was Mikoto she was talking to; wonderful, tender, understanding Mikoto who wouldn't leave until she was informed and because she was paying for the meal, Kushina spoke.

"I argued with Minato..."

"Ah, a dispute amongst lovers, I see." She pushed some further steaming noodles into her mouth.

"He says I'm too reckless on missions."

"Which you probably are."



"Well, he has been going on about how I would have died on several occassions if it weren't for him and his extreme speed jutsus and he said..." fearing her voice would break any second, she hesitated.

"He said what?" Mikoto's smooth voice begged her to go on with the story.

"My hair...it's...too obvious. He insulted my hair."

At that, the dark-haired woman began to laugh out loud, sounding like thousands of brilliant birds singing; unlike Kushina's loud, boyish laughter.

The maroon-head frowned, pouting her lips, "What's so funny about that...?"

"I doubt he insulted your hair. We're talking about Minato here!" She continued to giggle, "He loves your hair and always boasts about how beautiful you are."

Kushina could feel the heat spreading in her cheeks as she stared disbelievingly at her best friend, "B-Boasts...?"



"I bet he didn't insult it. You're reading things wrongly here."

"He said it was too noticeable by enemies and it-"

"It's red, Kushina."

"A-And!?" She stopped stabbing the egg in her bowl and looked up with furrowed brows.

"I can tell you in a crowd of ten-thousand men easily."

The temperamental woman opened her mouth in protest, yet was forced to shut it straight away upon noticing that she had nothing to throw back.

A short silence enveloped both females as they prodded their food, until Mikoto softly broke it.

"I know what you feel, Kushina. I have had many arguments with Fugaku as well, and we can get quite loud with each other sometimes, you know. Just this afternoon he told me not to leave the house without double coats, because I'm so sensitive to the cold weather." She pointed to her attire, indicating also towards the long robe currently hanging off Kushina's shoulders, "There are moments when he says things which really hurt and I'd like to crash his head against a wall, but in the end we always make up for a simple reason."

"Which is?" Curious, indigo eyes wandered towards the young Uchiha matriarch.

"Because we love each other." There was a sincere, heart-warming smile spreading on her lips as she said that.

Kushina felt infected, having to smile too, imagining and argument between both Sharingan-weilders before they would finally, lovingly make up.

Even so, a pang came to her heart when she thought back to her fiery discussion with her husband.

"Don't take it too much to the heart, Kushi-chan. Before you know it he'll be on his knees begging you to forgive him." Mikoto winked knowingly.

After having spoken their farewells, Mikoto headed back home towards the Uchiha district, leaving Kushina to slender around the inner village for a little longer.

She didn't feel like returning home. Not at all. She couldn't face Minato right now; so instead, she watched as families went along shops and stores with their children, buying various products and giving in to the constant begging of their young.

She pulled the coat a little tighter around her shoulder as she walked by a couple which was currently busy flirting publicly with each other.

'God, so romantically cheesy, how stupid...' She thought with a slight blush adorning her cheeks.

Just as she was about to take another step forwards, looking to turn a corner which led to smaller, quieter street, Kushina was halted by two strong arms encircling her upper body and a warm, tingling breath fanning her ear.

"I love it." The deep, male voice rumbled apologetically.

Kushina's orbs sprang wide open, her body paralysing with his actions as she realised who exactly stood behind her.

"You know I love it. And I wouldn't be the Yellow Flash if it weren't for you teaching me Fuinjutsu. I would be nothing without you."

Gradually, she turned in his embrace, looking once more into those large, hypnotizing eyes of his which held so many emotions it was hard to count.

"And that's the reason I was telling you to be more careful. Kushina, if I lost you-" he stopped, eyes creasing, an expression like she had never seen it before adoring his face, "I, I wouldn't know what to do; how to live, I -" he simply shook his head softly, "I don't want to live without you." he finished, smiling his infamous, heart-melting smile.

Kushina felt the blush as it stained her cheeks evidently, and the tugging of her own lips as she was reminded of what Mikoto had said just a short moment ago.

"Because we love each other."

So the impulsive hot-blooded Habanero did the only thing she could come up with right at that moment.

She pressed her lips against his.

At first he was surprised, but soon he continued to smile into her kiss and returned it eagerly.

"I love you, 'ttebane." Kushina spoke as they finally pulled away, even though the gap between them was barely a centimetre long.

"I love you too." Another kiss.

Neither of them minded the on-lookers around them, the hushed whispers and gushing voices.

Nor did they notice the pair of keen, obsidian eyes which followed their interaction with a sparkle.

"Well, well, well." She spoke to herself, grinning as she turned to leave, "Because the Yellow Flash would not be the Yellow Flash if not for his Red Hot Habanero." Mikoto sighed contentedly, "Now let's see what apology Fugaku will come up with once I'm home."

"This is the first time I've ever lost an argument with you...that's how I know you must be serious." - Uzumaki Kushina, Naruto Manga Chapter 504. The scene before she and Minato die, saving their son.

A/N: Please Review guys! :) It would mean the world to me to know what you think!