So I might be enjoying this teasing thing a bit too much. But it's just so much FUN! However, I decided to put you all out of your misery...this chapter is actually M.

Chapter 3

Castle is giving in before he even realizes it, hurrying across the lawn after her, and even when his mind catches up with the fact that she's bested him yet again, he can't be bothered to care.

He just needs her.


The pull is magnetic, powerful, and he can't resist any longer. Not after the stress of the past few weeks and the teasing that took place in the car for the entire last portion of the drive up here.

He can never resist her.

Castle catches up with her on the porch, snagging her around the waist and tugging her back against him. She lets out a soft 'ooomph,' falls against him easily, and he welcomes her eagerly into the cradle of his body. She fits so perfectly, lithe and lean, and he wraps his arms all the way around her slim waist, holding her tightly. She drops her head back and to the side as he latches onto her neck, can't contain the whimper that escapes as his teeth make contact with her skin.

"Castle," she breathes.

He turns her then, hands on her waist guiding her around to face him. Because she's panting out his name and he knows that if she's doing that, her eyes will be dark with arousal, shimmering pools of black amidst a ring of ever-changing green and brown. And he needs to see her, needs to watch the minute changes in her facial expressions that accompany the soft noises that are leaving her mouth.

Their eyes meet briefly, hazy with lust, before he presses his lips to hers, hot and wanting. He turns them slightly, backs her up against the railing of the porch, mouth never leaving hers.

Kate's hands make their way beneath his shirt, nails scratching lightly against the dimples at the base of his spine, and he bucks into her, so far gone already and they're still...why exactly are they still fully clothed?

Castle wraps his arms around her shoulders, fingers fiddling for the zipper on her dress. He grasps it with uncoordinated fingers, tugs it open, wastes no time in slipping his fingers beneath the fabric, one hand trailing up her shoulder blade to slide the strap down her arm, the other impatiently seeking the clasp of her bra.

She'd be teasing him for his impatience if she wasn't currently attempting to work his shirt over his head. But Castle refuses to remove his hands from her skin, determined in his quest to divest her of her clothing, so she gives up on the shirt, goes for his belt and the button on his shorts instead.

Kate loosens them all and his shorts fall to his ankles. She pushes his boxers down after them and Castle lifts a foot to step out of them, nearly trips as the pant leg catches on his sandal.

She catches him with her arms slung low around his hips, unintentionally bringing his pelvis into sharp contact with hers, and he groans as hard meets soft, so close to where he wants her and yet still separated by two layers of fabric.

Only now does Castle reluctantly release his grip on her, calming his movements enough to toe off his sandals, step out of his shorts. Kate takes advantage of his pause, guides his shirt up and over his head this time, leaving him completely naked, the warm summer air caressing his already flushed skin.

She slides the other strap of her dress down her arm, allows it to flutter to the ground, leaving her in a red lacy bra and a scrap of fabric that kind of, maybe, sort of counts as underwear.

"God," Castle groans, successfully unclasping her bra this time, and Kate locks eyes with him as she slowly peels the garment from her body.

His eyes are dark, swimming with arousal as they flicker back and forth between her eyes and her mouth and her newly exposed skin, and heat floods her entire body at his hungry perusal.

The bra slips to the porch as she reaches for her underwear, but Castle catches her hands, halts their descent.

"Let me," he murmurs, leaning in close so his lips are at her ear, breath hot against her skin. His fingers slip beneath the waistband, pads of the digits tracing parallel lines down the front of her hipbones as he slides the lace down her legs.

He follows with his mouth, kissing a line down the middle of her chest until he's kneeling in front of her, underwear long since forgotten at her feet. Castle dips his tongue into her belly button, swirls it around once before pressing a kiss just beneath it, lower, lower, lower. He exhales over her most sensitive area, warm breath generating a wonderfully strange sensation, and she whimpers – whimpers – as he presses his lips to her in a gentle kiss.

Only Castle would tease her this tenderly when he's so obviously painfully aroused.

But Kate is in no mood for patience right now, threads her fingers through his hair and gives it a gentle tug. Castle lifts his eyes, locks them with hers, slides his tongue through her folds just once. Kate's knees buckle, legs giving out, the railing at her back the only thing keeping her upright because God, the way his dark eyes meet hers as he teases her with his tongue is so hot.

But then Castle is standing and wrapping his arms around her thighs, hoisting her up and against him. She slings her arms around his neck, winds her legs around his waist, and now it's Castle's turn to nearly collapse. On wobbly legs he somehow manages to get them to the sofa-like wicker chair that adorns the deck, sinks down, Kate now straddling his lap.

He shifts beneath her and she lifts to position herself over him, sinks down, taking him inside of her in one smooth stroke. His hands dig into her hipbones and her name spills from his lips on a breathy pant as she settles down against him. He's buried so deep inside of her that he has no idea how he's supposed to make this last because she's twisting her hips against him, grinding down, seeking pressure against her clit, and he's already so far past the point of control.

"Kate," he groans, tightening his grip and stilling her. "Kate, stop."

She lifts her head then, eyes seeking his in confusion.

"It's too good," he manages on a groan, even his facial muscles strained as he reins himself in. "Just...give me a minute."

She can't help the smug smile that spreads across her face but Castle doesn't seem to mind either, just leans in and kisses her grinning mouth, nipping at her lower lip. Kate teases him right back, tongue peeking out tangle with his, and his arms slide up her body until one is wrapped around her shoulders, the other cupping the back of her head, holding her close.

She's lost in his kiss, in the tender scrape of his fingernails against her scalp, so when he lifts his hips, driving just that much deeper into her, she gasps, walls fluttering around him.

"Oh, God, Castle," she breathes, lifting herself slightly before sinking back down. He meets her with another upward stroke of his hips and then they're setting a frantic pace, completely devoid of their usual rhythm. She clings to his shoulders as they move, breaking the kiss in favor of oxygen because holy crap, she's already breathing heavily and she's probably not going to survive this week because they've only been here a few minutes and she's already so on edge.

He meets her stroke for stroke, deeper and deeper, and almost before she realizes what's happening, her walls are fluttering around him and she's grinding into him and his breathing stutters in that way that means he's so close.

His arms slide lower once again, banding across her lower back, urging her closer, closer, closer.

Kate twists her hips, clenches around him, and he's gone, releasing inside of her as she spasms around him, bodies pressed together so tightly that he can feel the waves of her orgasm flutter through the muscles of her abdomen as she collapses limply on top of him.

It's a long moment before Kate lifts her head from his shoulder, face flushed with heat, sweaty strands of hair plastered to her forehead. She looks thoroughly ravished. And so utterly sexy.

"God, we're good at that," Castle breathes.

A laugh bursts from her lips, surprised and at ease. Her hair is glinting in the late morning sun, eyes shimmering with love and happiness and lingering arousal, and he's at a complete loss of words.

"What?" she asks softly, one hand rising to cup his jaw.

Castle shakes his head, tries to fight off the web of love and awe and sex that's blocking the words that want to spill from his lips but can't quite make it to the surface just yet.

"," he murmurs, plants a soft kiss on her lips.

Kate smiles back, radiant and glowing, before reluctantly climbing off of him, standing on shaky legs. Castle leans down onto his side, lifts his legs up so he's extended along the length of the wicker sofa. He raises an arm, beckoning her into his embrace, and she comes willingly, lowering herself to the bench and curling into the cradle of his warm, sated body.

She knows they're both exhausted, both desperately in need of sleep. She also knows that they won't stay sated for long because, well, they never do.

But that's why they're here; an entire week of sun and sand and relaxation, swimming in the ocean, and long walks on the beach, and a general lack of clothing. Of passionate sex and whispered words and hours spent cuddled up with each other, reveling in their togetherness, their love.

Kate drifts off with a peaceful smile on her face and the feel of Castle wrapped around her from behind.

She wakes to his lips on her neck and his hand between her legs and the insistent press of him against her back. She sighs contentedly, holding onto this blissful almost-wakefulness for just a moment longer before tilting her head back, reaching behind her to guide his lips to hers.

He's insatiable.

They both are.

And she loves it.

