Best Friends: Lovers?

Chapter One: Annoying and Cute

Lucy was walking down the sidewalk, to her apartment. She went inside, and just her luck, Natsu was sleeping in her bed, along with Happy. Happy was always with Natsu, Lucy had never seen Natsu without him!

Lucy's POV

Natsu and Happy are so annoying! I wish they would just stay home some days. I've had a rough day today; Mirajane was spreading rumors around the guild about me and Natsu. We're just friends, and I could easily say things about her and Freed! Ugh, I'm getting off topic! Should I kick them out? They look so peaceful and quiet, and they don't have their usual rowdiness. But, I do have to take a shower, so I guess I will make them leave.

Normal POV

"Wake up, you lazy butts!" Lucy yelled at them. "Go home, I have to shower and change!" "

"What's the big deal? Happy and I have seen you naked before."Natsu replied calmly. "Well, this is my house and I don't want you to see me bathing!" Lucy said. "Fine, Happy, let's go" Natsu said glumly as he was climbing out the window. "AT LEAST USE THE DOOR!" Lucy yelled at the two boys.

Natsu's POV

"Lucy was sure in a bad mood today." Natsu said, while trudging home. "Aye." Said Happy, tail down. I wonder if Lucy's okay. I hope she is. She is one of the most beautiful, caring girls I have ever met. Am I in LOVE?

Lucy's POV

What took them so long? All I wanted was some peace and quiet! Lucy asked herself, while in the bath. My house is almost their second home! Natsu can be so annoying and reckless sometimes, but he can also be caring and cute! Wait, cute? Where did that come from? Now, I have a sudden desire to chase after them! Do I like Natsu Dragneel? Are all the rumors true?