A/N: Ok so who could use a pick me up after this rough week with all of this CM Punk news? Here's a special treat and thank you to everyone who has read this story, this is part 2 of the Epilogue and it kind of closes out everything and leaves no questions unanswered. Want to know if Punk and AJ ever had more children? Want to know if either of there children became wrestlers and followed in their footsteps? Did Punk & AJ's marriage last? Well here's the answers so enjoy it! Thanks again everyone!

Epilogue II

Harley Brooks grew up wanting for nothing. She wouldn't classify herself as spoiled in the least bit but she would classify herself as 'well taken care of'. Growing up the daughter of wrestling legend and hall of famer CM Punk had its perks. She lived in a lovely home in Chicago, she got to travel the world with her family and one of her favorite things was going to wrestling shows. She didn't have to sit in the audience even though she often did because she always loved the energy of the action. She considered most of the people who worked in the WWE to be her family. She had plenty of honoree aunts and uncles and was treated like gold amongst everybody. Also growing up with CM Punk as your father did have disadvantages as well, it was hard to sometimes weed out the friends who were true or the ones who just wanted to meet her famous father. She also did have issues bringing male friends over to her house. She usually timed it around times her dad wouldn't be home but it was as if he had special radar and knew and most boys didn't last longer then ten minutes in the same room with him. Her mother had warned her about that since she was young.

Growing up with her mother was a completely different story. AJ Lee was a famous wrestler but nowhere near as big as her father. She was friendly and bubbly and considered her mom to be her best friends. But again she did have issues with friends (especially the male ones) who wanted to come by and meet her mom or would stupidly try to flirt with her. But her mom was more easy going and usually didn't let anything bother her. That's where her mother and father were polar opposites but that's what drew them together they always told her.

Watching her parents together was positively the best lesson in love she could have ever gotten. She had heard the stories from them about there time together and as a child it seemed almost fairytale like. Of course they had left out the stories about her mother's crazy ex-boyfriend who stalked her and tried to kill her numerous occasions. Harley had discovered that truth when she was old enough to use the internet and searched her parents' names. Of course they bickered and argued from time to time and both were extremely stubborn but at the end of the day they always fixed things (well her father did, he always cracked first she noticed). The other thing about her parents was the unconditional love she and her brother and younger sister had received from them.

Harley was the oldest child of Punk & AJ. She was only a year older than Jace and six years older than her younger sister Quinn. The irony of Harley's younger sister being named Quinn wasn't lost on the sisters as they had learned what passionate (or she liked to call it, nerdy) comic book junkies her parents were. Harley was very big into sports thanks to her fathers' love of hockey and baseball and played softball through out most of high school. Jace was big into football, which Punk and AJ were not but eventually became big on the sport once Jace started playing in high school. AJ was horrified at the idea of her son playing football but Punk was thrilled and they both became those annoyingly loud parents at the games and usually it was her mother who would get into an argument with the mother's of the opposite teams players. Quinn was still young and was truly a 'mini AJ' as her father called her. She wasn't into competitive sports but was a hell of dancer. As soon as she started to walk she started to dance she took ballet, modern dance, hip-hop classes, ballroom- anything you name she did it. No matter what she or her siblings wanted to do her parent's supported it a hundred percent and never laughed at any of their dreams. She was truly lucky.

Her dream though was to make it into the WWE. That took a little more convincing; as her mother was fully supportive her father was more apprehensive. He didn't want 'pervs' drooling all over his daughter and he better than anyone knew the kind of toll that the business took on someone. She had grown up watching wrestling on TV and live from the backstage and there was never any other question on what she wanted to do with her life. Of course an added bonus was to work with Brian Danielson who was the only child of Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella. Daniel was still active in the company while Brie had left after having Brian. Anytime she would go to a show he would be there with his dad. Of course Daniel was older and was working more backstage but he had a thirst for the business just like his father did. She considered Brian to be her best friend ever since she could remember they related well together growing up in the business so to speak. They didn't live close to each other but they spoke and texted regularly and when her boy friend dumped her a week before prom Brian was the one who volunteered to take his place and she had the time of her life.

When she finally convinced her dad this is what she wanted he promised not to stand in her way and helped her. She started training with him and her Uncle Colt. Her father had opened a wrestling school when she was about ten years old with her Uncle Colt in downtown Chicago so it was easy for her to get into the swing of things. Of course her mother took a lot time out and showed her a lot of things as well. Training with her mom was probably her favorite thing and when her mother taught her how to use the 'black widow' she knew she'd use that move when she finally made it. She also worked a little bit with other wrestling greats such as John Cena, Dean Ambrose and even Kofi Kingston. Once she found her footing and own style she was more of a high-flyer 'extreme' wrestler, which was rare in the women's division, and she knew she could use that to her advantage. But of course she had to pay her dues like everyone else and have numerous try-outs with WWE before being called up to their training facility and eventually NXT. Brian was already establishing himself on the main roster when she was in NXT. It was obvious the men moved up a lot faster then the women.

Her siblings were supportive of her career as well and Jace had tossed around the idea of professional wrestling from time to time but he was doing well with college football. Quinn was a freshmen in high school when Harley debuted on NXT television and always made sure to catch her sisters matches when she couldn't attend and call her up and gush all about it. Quinn being a 'mini AJ' was no joke. Not only was she almost identical to their mother in looks but also she shared her passion of animals and defiantly had her fierce protective loyalty. Quinn would never let anyone knock Harley for going into the business and when she was having a bad day and thinking about quitting Quinn was the one to push her and give her the tough love she needed. Quinn was also the only child to never have any intention of stepping into the ring (the only difference between AJ and Quinn) and for that her father was grateful. When Harley took off to Tampa for NXT and Jace left for college that left Quinn at home with her parents and though she loved them they drove her crazy sometimes. Being the baby was hard enough as it was but being the last one at home made it ten times more difficult to do much. She didn't blame her parents though she blamed her siblings.

Her first night debuting on the main roaster was a night Harley would never forget. It was going to be in Chicago and she would be a valet to another up and coming star from NXT that she had previously worked with. It was a 'biker' themed team and she remembered how nervous she was in wardrobe handed her tight leather pants, a sparkly bra and short leather jacket. If she wasn't nervous enough about debuting dressed like that she knew her family and friends were planning on being there as well. After getting dressed in the Diva's locker room her mother was the first one and gushed over how beautiful she looked and said she was going to turn all the boys heads. Quinn on the other hand told her she looked 'trashy' but it wasn't a bad thing obviously that was her gimmick and applauded her sister on her being brave. She did decide to try to skip seeing her dad and brother before going out but that didn't happen. Once Punk saw her get up he flipped out yelling at everyone starting with the wardrobe people then the writers then her partner (he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time) and finally Hunter himself. She could see what everyone said about him being tough to work with when he was younger. Eventually AJ managed to calm him down like she always did. Once calmed down he went back to Hunter and calmly asked him to change her outfit which he agreed to make some adjustments since she was only twenty and it still was a family show. Her father wasn't thrilled with the added short cut up shirt she was sporting (much like AJ used to wear) but he accepted it.

After working with the same guy for a few months he was released from the company and Harley wasn't sure why but both her parents had warned her that that's just the way the company works sometimes and nine out of ten times there's a method to their madness. She was eventually moved into a promo with Brian which both seemed happy with. Fans loved the idea of Daniel Bryan's son and CM Punk's daughter being together onscreen. And just like AJ and Punk, fiction became a reality for the two and they both started to see each other off screen as well. It wasn't easy and the privacy issue irked her as much as it irked Punk back in the day but she never let it effect their relationship. Of course they had there issues working together a lot was similar to Punk and AJ where jealous of other stars would come between them but they defiantly had it worse. Unlike Punk, AJ, Daniel or Brie they didn't have famous parents that helped them make it to WWE and a lot of the locker room felt favoritism was involved. When Brian had his big moment of main-eventing Wrestlemania against John Cena (yes that guy was still around, her father had joked that John would be wrestling in the main-event until he was 95) Harley was there to walk him out to ringside. Her mother had told her what a great feeling it was to be part of such a big show and nothing ever compared to Wrestlemania and to truly enjoy it. Brian had gotten the win off the legend (it was billed as Rock vs Cena type of match) and the torch had officially being passed to him. Both his parent's and hers were there that night to celebrate the event.

Of course Brian had more up his sleeve then the big event he had purchased a ring and was going to ask Harley to marry him. They had been dating for two years and talked about marriage and it wasn't that he was afraid of her saying no he was more afraid of Punk saying no. Brian knew Punk liked him at least that's what his dad always told him. 'Believe me if Phil didn't like you dating his daughter you wouldn't be dating his daughter' Daniel had told him once. Asking Punk was actually a lot easier then he thought he didn't yell or threaten him, which surprised him in a good way. Punk told him to take care of his daughter and welcomed him to the family but when Brian reminded she hadn't said yes yet Punk just smirked 'she'll say yes' he told him in a knowing voice. Punk wasn't wrong either, Harley had said yes as soon as he dropped to one knee and didn't even get a chance to ask the question she was extremely impatient ('she got that from her mother' Punk always told him) but he loved that about her.

The rest was history after that. Harley and Brian enjoyed long happy carriers with the WWE while her brother Jace did decided to give professional fighting a shot but not with WWE but with the UFC. Once he had blown his knee out his second year in college he got into MMA and was surprised by how much he enjoyed it. He also stuck with UFC a lot longer than he had ever planned and whenever his contract was running up Vince McMahon (that man was never going to slow down) would be the first to call him up and offer him a WWE contract. He always declined but told Vince to never give up that maybe one day he'd change his mind. Vince would mumble how Jace was even more difficult then Punk was. Quinn on the other hand who wanted nothing to do with wrestling stuck to her guns and never joined any kind of promotion but she did end up dating a wrestler that Brian had worked with for a long time. He was the son of Jeff Hardy and an all around good guy. Harley would never understand why her father's eyes would twitch every time his name was mentioned and when Quinn had told her parents that they were dating she thought her father was literally going to drop dead. He went on an hour-long tirade about the entire 'Hardy family' and how they were no good and he didn't trust one of them. Harley had thought it was because his last child was finally growing up but the more her father vented about him the more she realized he just really hated the Hardy family. Harley wasn't sure her father would ever accept Quinn's relationship with the man of her dreams but if anyone would convince him it would be her mother.

Harley was nervous about getting married and being committed to just one person for the rest of her life but whenever she would have doubts she would just look over to her parents who were still happy together. Sometimes they acted like lovesick teenagers even in there older age (not that they were ancient or gray or anything but Harley was certain they were old enough to know better than to sneak way at functions just so they could make out). She had always hoped when she was a child to have the kind of relationship her parents had with each other. She would occasionally wonder when she was younger what they would be like with out each other because they always molded each other so well and were truly a team. Harley had gotten a taste of it when she was fourteen years old AJ was hit by a car. She remembered her the morning her mother left to go for her daily jog and she always only left with her headphones and cell phone. She'd be gone for forty minutes max but once an hour hit Punk became worried because it wasn't like AJ to miss seeing the kids off to school. She remembered her dad calling her phone and a strange man answering it, the man had told him that the woman who had this phone was hit by a car earlier and was taken to a nearby hospital. She remembers her father pilling all three of them into the car and racing off to the nearest hospital. Once they arrived Harley was in charge of keeping an eye on Jace and Quinn while he spoke to the doctors. She wasn't sure what was being said because they were so far away but she did remembering her dad cry and she had never seen him cry before. She just frowned and did her the best she could comfort Quinn who was scared and confused, Jace was more emotionless but she didn't blame him for that he was trying to brave for Quinn just like she was. Her mother was in a medically induced coma for two days and she had stayed at the hospital with her dad most of the time. She would listen to him talk to her for hours and hours about nothing and everything. Another alarming thing she noticed was that her father didn't sleep one wink during that time and being up for forty-eight hours straight wasn't easy, Harley had tried herself but could never make it. When her mother finally woke up the first face she saw was Punk's and though she was weak she still managed to offer him a faint smile. Harley watched as her father who was clutching her mother's hand raise it to his lips and kiss it gently it was like he was thanking her for waking up and again she saw her father cry for the second time in less than two days. While AJ spent time in the hospital recovering for a weeks her father worked on being both dad and mom and it wasn't easy for him mostly because he missed AJ so much but he did a great job of dividing his time between home and the hospital. But when AJ wasn't around Harley could see by just the look in her fathers' eyes that he wasn't the same and he always put on a smile and was brave for all the kids, Harley knew better and saw past it. He was completely lost without her. Thankfully her mother fully recovered and when she returned home she and Punk acted like they hadn't seen each other in years (even though they saw each other everyday). I guess the fear of losing each other bought them closer (not that Harley thought it would even possible for them to be closer than they already were). But that's the type of marriage and love Harley wanted. She wanted to be with someone who would die for her, worship her, respect her, challenge her and devote his entire life to her just like her father had done for her mother and she was sure she had found all those qualities and more in Brian Danielson.