Here we are last chapter. Special thanks to Callypse for the great advice. Thank you to everyone who commented on and followed the story. Hope you enjoyed the ride. I did.

"YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY SON!" Bruce Wayne roared thrashing hi in the arm chair he had fallen asleep in.

"Bruce, wake up. Bruce! Come on, wake up. It's just a dream."

Bruce opened his eyes to see Dick standing over him, shaking his arm and looking at him like he had ten heads.

"Dick," he shouted startling the young man again. He bolted to his feet and grabbed him by the arms. "Thank God…Oh Thank God."

"Bruce are you okay? You're shaking me!"

"I'm sorry," he said releasing him. Then he just stood there staring as if he were afraid Dick was going to vanish any moment.

"Bad dream?" Dick asked curiously.

"Yes," Bruce nodded emphatically.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Oh…okay. Do you want me to leave you alone then? I can go-"

"No," Bruce almost leapt in front of the boy as he turned to go. "No. Stay here! I want to talk to you Dick. I just don't want to talk about that," and he shuddered remembering the more vivid aspects of his nightmare.

"Okay. Let's sit down. Are you sure you're okay." He said taking Bruce's arm and guiding him to the sofa.

"I'm okay. I just need a moment."

"You were uh…shouting some pretty strange things in your sleep."

Bruce looked at him, "What did I say?"

"Well first you yelled my name and scared the shit out of me because I was asleep right here. Then you said…I thought I heard… You said 'You won't take my son away'."

Bruce nodded, "That is what I said."

Although he was blushing to the roots of his hair Dick had to ask, "Did you mean…Were you talking about me?"

"I was dreaming that it was you who died at the circus instead of Boston Brand."

"Oh. Well uh…I'm right here Bruce. I'm okay," Dick said feeling both awkward and supremely happy. He found himself looking all around the room as if this were the first time he had seen Bruce's study. He couldn't help it. He was afraid if he looked at Bruce it would break the spell and he would stop talking. He wanted him to keep talking more than anything.

" Look at me," Bruce said gently but firmly. He waited until Dick made eye contact before continuing. "There are many things I should have said to you over the years. Things I didn't say because I was afraid. I held back and hurt you because I was afraid of being hurt myself and that was wrong. I'm sorry."

"Bruce you don't have to-"

"I do have to. So please son, just listen.

He said please, Dick thought in shock. Am I dreaming? He managed to nod his head once.

"We can talk more about all of this later. I hope we get the chance to talk about it many times. But right now there is just one very important thing I have to tell you."

He placed his hand at the back of the young man's neck and drew him closer until their foreheads were touching. Hoarsely he whispered the words Dick would never forget his whole long life.

"Dick Grayson, you are my son, my pride and my legacy. You are the most important thing in the world to me and if I ever really lost you I don't think I could bear to go on. I love you, son. "

Dick had never dreamed that Bruce would ever really be able to say these things to him. And yet the words were strangely familiar. In his heart he had always known Bruce cared about him…loved him in his way. But to actually hear him say it was a gift he would treasure always.

"I love you too" he said choking on the words but no longer feeling awkward.

They stayed together like that for a long time.

Then Bruce took Dick's face in his hands and lightly slapped one cheek, "Get some rest. We'll both still be here in the morning."

"Okay," Dick said softly getting up from the sofa. Bruce stood up and placing his hands on his son's shoulders gave him a gentle shove toward the door.

Alfred chose that moment to make his appearance.

"Had I known you two were planning a slumber party in here I would have taken the liberty to prepare your sleeping bags and a light snack."

Dick chuckled, "Just going to bed now, Alfred. " He walked past the butler smiling and wiping his eyes. He stopped when he reached the hallway, ran back and grabbed Alfred, lifting the man off his feet in a bear hug.

"Goodnight Bruce" he said placing the valet back on his feet and disappearing back down the hallway.

"Well Master Dick finally seems to be recovering from his unpleasant ordeal at the circus. More so tonight than I've seen all week," Alfred said raising an eyebrow at Bruce.

"We could have lost him, Alfred."

"I am aware of that, sir and knowing your overprotective nature can become somewhat…shall we say smothering after such an event I do hope you won't dwell on it. If that will be all sir," Alfred turned to leave but paused a moment as he looked in the direction the smiling young man had just gone.

"Then again perhaps it would be best to keep the incident in mind lest we forget to count our blessings."

"I won't forget Alfred," Bruce said following the old man out of the room. "I won't forget ever again."

He closed the door to his study leaving Boston Brand alone in the room.

"Better not Wayne," Deadman said smiling. "I'll be watching you."