New Year's Resolutions

A/N: This is the resolutions of my favourite Alex Rider characters before the first book. Please review and give your thoughts about it.


Alex heard the buzz as he did every year. He was tired of the constant pestering. No, he did not have any resolutions and besides how would it effect this year. It wasn't like it was going to be any different. Ian would never be home. Maybe he could ask him to quit his job. Yes, that would be a perfect resolution. Carefully on a post it note Alex wrote 'make Ian quit or get him to take more time off'.


Ian read that post it note and smiled. Only briefly but it was a smile none the less. Yes, he felt bad about it. The MI6 had him wrapped around their little finger though. His New Year Resolution was simple. Simple to the ears of man much harder for a spy to carry out.

"I promise not to die on you kiddo," he whispered into that dark room of the sleeping boy


Carefully the red head drained the water out of the ramen noodles. She could not resist the groan of joy. Finally, she found a man in Britain who wasn't gay or married. Well not really, but that was her resolution she thought determinedly. Find a good-looking guy who wasn't gay or married.


Yessen's resolution was the same list as every year:

Get back at the MI6 for killing John

Retire ASAP

Learn a new language

Lastly to get laid


This year Nile's list had only one thing on it. He didn't even suggest it. Mrs Rothman had. She said he had to take it easy. Take it easy. He, Nile did not take things easy. Atleast she didn't suggest that he get over the height fear.

Tulip Jones

Tulip hated New Years. She has the perfect right to do so. It was the same night her children were taken away from her. Every New Year she reflected on what a failure she was as a mother and a partner. Her only vice was her online chess games with them. Not that her children knew it was her playing. It sort of gave her the human contact she craved.

Alan Blunt

The man in the grey suit took his dog for a run. For a man who surely looked to be in his late fifties he ran fast. He also looked awkward wearing running trainers with the ill cut grey suit. His last child of three Donna, married as soon as she had gotten her Mathematics degree. She was the first to do so. Every year he resolved to be a better father. This year he added the word grand to it.