Precisely one year ago, a virus wrought havoc across planet earth. Named for the fever that marks the onset of the sickness, Pyrexia transforms its victims into mindless beings trapped somewhere between death and hell - passing on didn't end their suffering, merely prolonged it. The un-dead have since roamed the earth, hunting mercilessly for any warm blooded thing they can get their hands on, ripping people - and lives, apart as they go.

The year is 2021. Less than half the world's population remains. Those who've survived this long now face the task of not only battling the dead outside their doors, but, as rebuilding becomes more and more of a priority, having to beware the living they're sharing shelter with, as well.

As the nights get longer and the days grow shorter, they soon realize that supplies are running low and chances of survival are decreasing.

All but three seem to have given up, the weak dying from lack of nutrition - or maybe from the cold, only to be brought back and create more problems. Out of the six that remain; two are sickly, three moderately healthy, living only for the sake of the others, and the last slowly spiralling into insanity.

-Five months earlier.-

Phil's POV

I'm scared.

I hate to admit it, but I'm honestly, truly terrified. The disease is spreading, it's rumoured to be dangerously close. I've believed for the longest time that it wouldn't reach us. That we would be okay. I mean, we're nearly halfway through the year and there have been no signs of it anywhere. I thought that maybe, just maybe, we were safe.

I was wrong.

It started earlier this month, the number of deaths increasing. Yet, we couldn't figure out why. Death of old age is common, yes, but there were just as many young children dying as there are elders - and everywhere in between.

Dan seems to be doing alright, but I'm worried. He's okay. I'm okay. For the moment, at least, we're both okay. I refuse to believe that we're going to be anything but okay. I refuse to believe this is happening.

I refuse to die.

Dan's POV

Everyone is dying.

At first, like everyone else, I believed this was just some normal sort of disease thing. You know, the kind you hear those news reporters ranting on about being so deadly that everyone's going to die from it. They never do though, a few people die. Big deal, nothing special. I soon realized this was more than I thought it was. People of all ages were dying, all over country. That's when I realized;

We are all going to die from this.

There's nothing we can do, is there? Absolutely nothing. The worst part is, all I can do is sit here and listen to it all. Another twelve dead here, another thirty dead there. I can't do anything. Everyone's dying, and I'm completely helpless.