The virus wrought havoc across planet earth. Named for the fever that marks the onset of the sickness, Pyrexia transforms its victims into mindless beings trapped somewhere between death and hell - passing on didn't end their suffering, merely prolonged it. The un-dead have since roamed the earth, hunting mercilessly for any warm blooded thing they can get their hands on, ripping people - and lives, apart as they go.

The year is 2021. Less than an quarter the world's population remains. Those who've survived this long now face the task of not only battling the dead outside their doors, but, as rebuilding becomes more and more of a priority, having to beware the living they're sharing shelter with, as well.

As the nights get longer and the days grow shorter, they soon realize that supplies are running low and chances of survival are decreasing.

Everyone is dying

And nothing can be done about it

Everyone has given up, the weak dying from lack of nutrition - or maybe from the cold, only to be brought back and create more problems. They welcome death now.

This is hell on earth

Out of the six that remained; the two sickly are dead. the three moderately healthy, also dead. They lived only for the sake of the others, only to die at the hands of their so called friends.

The last that was slowly spilling into insanity. What happened to him?

He's gone. He's completely insane

He kills to please the little voice in his head

He killed everyone. Everyone he ever cared about.

Apart from one

The one boy who seems to now be immune to death

The boy who lives with the virus but can't turn or die

Stuck in his illness ridden body until he's put out of his misery

The boy who could be the cure to all of this

Or the boy who could be the leader of these monsters

Who is he you ask?

The one boy?

The answer is simple

Phil Lester