GREETINGS MAH FANTASTIC READERS! How are you? I am back from the beyond places (hiatus and recovering from my 5th wisdom tooth pulled), WITH A NEW CHAPTER!

Lance- Yeesh. I thought you were dead.

Me- NOT YET! Oh, and while I'm on the subject, you need more Reese's and Hershey bars.

Lance- But I stopped stocking those for a while.

Me- Then who...?



Disclaimer: I don't own MLP nor Percy Jackson. Rick Riordan and Lauren Faust do.


Normally when demigods have dreams, it only happens at the most two times. Lance's dream had happened again! He was in the throne room, saw the bug-like thing beat Celestia, but that scene lasted for only two seconds. His dream shifted to the crystal caverns, with the pink alicorn cowering in fear. Lance tried to focus on her, but something weird happened to his dream vision.

It split in two. The left side kept showing the alicorn in the caverns, but the right side showed the same alicorn without all the dirt and grime. She (Lance was going to go out on a limb and call the pink alicorn with wings and a horn a girl) was in a white gown (it looked like a wedding dress...weird) and walking around her room. He saw her talking but he couldn't make out any sound. She glared at Lance and her eyes flashed to a different look. They were green and had slanted, vertical pupils like a cat's. Where has he seen those before.

He couldn't think about it anymore because he was woken up by something breathing right into his face, and it smelt horrible. Lance cracked open an eye to see a dog was standing on his bed breathing down into his face. "Gross." he said as he rolled out of bed.

Downstairs, he saw Applebloom with Sweetiebell and Scootaloo drawing at the table while Percy was nowhere in sight. Scootaloo noticed him first. "Morning Tidal Wave." Lance groaned in reply as he slowly but surely made his way to the table. "Ah'm so glad Miss Cheerilee gave us the day off." Applebloom said as Lance pulled himself up.

"Sweet, no school." Lance mumbled before dozing off. He almost fell asleep, if it wasn't for one of the fillies had started squealing. Lance jumped up so fast he fell out of the chair. "What- who- where-" Lance looked around, trying to find the cause of the squeal.

"Ah just had a great idea! We should induct Timeholder and Tidal Wave!" Lance had a bad feeling about this. He looked over at Nico, who shrugged. Before either could react, they were being half dragged/ half herded out of the farmhouse.

The girls didn't stop until they reached a decent looking clubhouse near the farmhouse. Inside, Lance and Nico were told to stand near a throw rug, while the girls took positions by a podium. Applebloom and Scootaloo flanking a rather tall podium while Sweetiebell read lines from a huge scroll.

"We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, elect Timeholder and Tidal Wave to join us as brothers, friends, confidayntes, allies, boss-om buddies, gal pals, compaders, chum..s of chums-" Scootaloo cleared her throat, an obvious sign for Sweetiebell to hurry up. Sweetiebell gave Scootaloo an annoyed look. "Well youwrote this!" Apparently, Scootaloo just realized this as she put on a nervous look. "Oh, uh, yeah."

Sweetiebell resumed reading off the list. "Home..boys. . . Amigos. . . Blah blah blah blah blah. Oh, yes, here. And fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders! You are both solemnly sworn in, here this day, in witness of your sisters, friends, confidantes. . . boss-om buddies. . . compadres. . ." Scootaloo quickly interupted. "Congratulations!" Lance also could've sworn he heard her mumble, "Gotta remember to revise that."


After the ceremony, there was an awkward silence, that was soon broken by Lance. "So what now?" The three girls/fillies. . . whatever they were, were thinking deeply about something. Nico was half asleep now. He was like Lance in a way: if he didn't do something soon, he'd fall asleep.

His eyelids were half shut when the unicorn piped up, causing Nico to jolt. "I've got it! We should take them to Rarity's!" Nico had no clue who this Rarity person was, but he decided to humor the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' and follow them out of the clubhouse.

As they were walking/trotting along the road, Nico couldn't help but gag mentally at how bright everything was. The building, the ponies, even the animals were so bright and colorful, metaphorically and physically! It was probably because since his dad is the ruler of the Underworld and the only color is from fire and brimstone from the Fields of Punishment, false sunshine from the Fields of Elysium and the Isle of the Blessed, he wasn't into colors.

After walking for about ten minutes, they finally arrived at a frilly looking building with a small dome at the top, with ropes attached to nearby buildings. "Come on, my sister has been wanting to really meet you guys!" The unicorn, Sweetie-something, said as she led them into the building. Inside, rolls of all kinds of cloth were organized into separate areas, scissors were laid neatly on the counters that lined the pink wall, and a pure white unicorn with a curly, deep purple mane strutting about with measuring tape draped over the base of her neck.

"Hello girls, what brings you to my boutique?" No wonder this place made Nico queasy. Boutiques were up high on his list of 'Places Nico despised for being too girly'. "Hey sis, we need help making two uniforms for our newest recruits!" Wait, uniforms? Gulp! It was probably going to be a sailor suit or worst, a pink, frilly coat. *Gasp*! Nico was ready to turn and bolt out the door when a cyan blue pegasus with a red, yellow, and green mane walked in.

"Hey Rarity, how's it hangin'?" "Just fine, Rainbow Dash. I was just getting ready to help the girls make uniforms for their two newest recruits." She looked over, casting a quick glance at Lance. "Really? Mind if I helped?" Oh great, not only do Nico and Lance get a uniform *shudder* but now they have two older girls watching it happen. "Oh not at all." Rarity said, flicking her mane to one side, "From what I've heard, this one," she nodded towards Lance, "can run rather fast for a young colt."

Nico noticed Lance had quickly glanced toward the doors. Apparently Rainbow Dash noticed because she moved herself closer to the doors, but she tried to hide it by grabbing a couple rolls of cloth.


If Rainbow Dash hadn't moved over by the door, Lance would've been halfway across town by now. Well, might as well humor everyone. Hopefully they weren't making anything girly, like a tutu (if that happened, Lance didn't care if the entire castle guard stood at the doors, he'd be gone).

The most Lance and Nico could do was just sit while everyone else present was working on uniforms. A few minutes later, Lance was half asleep and Nico was doing a hand..uh...hoof-stand(?), when a loud "Cutie Mark Crusaders Uniform Makers!" knocked them out of their trances. Before Lance or Nico could react further, Rainbow Dash nabbed them and held them in chairs while the Crusaders were putting their uniforms on in a flurry of navy blue cloth.

Lance shut his eyes, scared as to what he might see. After everything calmed down, he slowly peaked to see... a cape. Well, that didn't pan out as much as he expected. "Do you like it?" Applebloom asked. Lance hopped down, checking out his new cape. It was blue with a red hem, a yellow pony in mid-buck, and a pocket near his left shoulder. "Not bad, not bad at all."

He looked over at Nico, who was still cringing with his eyes shut. "Dude, you can open your eyes now. You look good in a dress." Nico's eyes shot open and he looked down. When he saw the cape Nico gave Lance a dark look. Lance returned with a smile. "What do we do now?" Scootaloo asked.

Lance looked over at Nico, hoping he might've thought of something but no dice. "I got nothing." Lance said in a casual tone. Normally doing fun stuff was his thing but lately, with the weird dream and the fact that he was not entirely used to being a pony was kind of throwing him off his A-game.

The three fillies were deep in thought while Rarity and Rainbow Dash chatted, although Lance had zoned out a little bit, so he couldn't hear them. It was taking longer than expected to find something to do. Just when Lance was about to fall asleep again, a rather excited pink pony came bouncing into the boutique. "Hey everypony! What'cha doin'?"

"Hey Pinkie Pie," Rainbow said, "the Crusaders, including their new recruits," she made a motion with her hoof towards me and Nico, "were just trying to figure out what to do now." This made her jump up and down even faster. "Ooooohhh! Ilovethinking about fun stuff!" Lance had a feeling that this day just got more epic.


Thalia sat around looking bored while Twilight and Annabeth were busy reading. Annabeth was so happy when she found out that they weren't dyslexic here. All Thalia wanted to do was have fun today, but Lance was somewhere else. She huffed at a stray hair that had fallen in front of her eyes.

That was another thing that she had to deal with while stuck as a pony. Ever since they've been here her hair had been straight and in a bowl-shaped haircut. Nothing worked at keeping messy! Annabeth tried using some of the hair gel from the local spa, but that only made her hair slicker.

She focused back on the two bookworms in front of her. "Alright," Thalia said as she stood up on her hooves, "I'm going." Annabeth looked up. "Where are you going?" Thalia was at the door when she was asked. "I'm heading out to find Tidal Wave. It's been a little boring since I don't really read in my spare time." This time Percy/ Seaweed Brain joined in. "Mind if I come with?" Thalia remembered how Percy was busy helping Spike, Twilight's purple dragon and assistant. "Sure."

Thalia had just opened the door when Twilight asked, "Mind if I come along? I haven't really gotten to know you all." Percy was the quickest on the reply. "Sure!" Thalia rolled her eyes at him. Just like Lance. With that thought, they went on a Lance safari. Twilight helped them find buildings, but after searching for a half hour, they had no luck.

It was another fifteen minutes of searching that they ran into the really tall alicorn. "Hello Twilight. Getting to know your new friends I see?" "Actually Princess Celestia, I tagged along to get to know them while I helped them search for their friends Tidal Wave." "Well I think I can find him by sensing for his magic. All alicorns are gifted in magic, even at an early age."

She closed her eyes in concentration and her horn started to glow with a soft light. It wasn't long until she opened her eyes. "Your friend is actually very near. I'll lead you to him." They followed her down to a frilly looking building. "That's odd," Annabeth said, "I never thought he'd hang around a boutique." Just then she saw a flash of light green and just as fast it was gone. "Found him." Thalia said.


When Lance got back, he was going to thrash Nico. The reason why Lance had made a mad dash was because Nico had suggested the Cutie Mark Crusaders plus the other ponies try out their make-up skills on Lance. Nope. Uh-uh. Dealbreaker. He was gone. Lance focused back into the present, pulling back to skid down to a lower speed. He turned the corner, dodging and weaving his way through the crowd. . . again. Up ahead was another T-junction.

Lance moved off towards the right where there were less ponies when a flash of purple light blinded him temporarily. He pulled into a sideways skid, sliding past what he thought was Twilight. Once he stopped, he was able to see that it was Twilight with Percy. "What happened this time?" Percy asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

Lance pulled himself up. "I almost became a make-up doll." Twilight was trying not to laugh while Percy smirked and rolled his eyes."Come on Tidal Wave," Twilight said, "let's head back, and please try not to run off." With that, Lance followed them back, though he had hopped up onto Percy's back. If Nico made another attempt to make Lance become a make-up model, he'd at least have a higher stand-point to make another run.

Back at the beauty parlor, the three ponies were playing tag while Nico was snoozing near the front door. Rainbow Dash was chatting with Rarity, Thalia was talking to Annabeth, and Pinkie Pie was hopping around Celestia when Lance, Percy, and Twilight showed up.

Rainbow Dash noticed first and flew over to Lance with blinding speed, grabbed him, and flew down next to Rarity while still hovering a few inches off the ground. "Just in case you decide to make another run." Lance rolled his eyes. "I promise not to run. Can I get down now?" She looked over to Twilight, who nodded in reply. Slowly, Rainbow Dash set him down. Lance trotted over to Percy and hopped back up onto his back. Lance promised not to run, but he never promised he wouldn't fly. . . then he remembered he still couldn't fly.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had decided to stop playing tag and had trotted over to Pinkie Pie. Scootaloo spoke first. "So Pinkie, what was your idea of having fun today?" The hyper-active pink pony stopped hopping and turned to the girl with a big grin on her face. "I have so many ideas to try! Ooh, there's racing, pie eating, skating, and-" Pinkie was cut off when Rainbow Dash put a hoof over her mouth. "I think the ideas you've already said give a good selection." Lance had to agree, especially with the pie eating and skating.


If Percy knew Lance like he did, Percy knew Lance would prefer the pie eating and the skating. That was when the before-mentioned little brother spoke up. "I'm game for the pies and skating." Percy had been spot-on. Percy looked over at Annabeth, who gave a small smile in return. He noticed the other ponies looking at each other, then agreeing. Even Celestia decided to join in.

A few minutes later, at a table that Pinkie Pie had somehow managed to find, Lance and Rainbow Dash were seated next to each other, a mountain of pies on opposite ends of the table (just a little more than Lance could eat in one sitting). Twilight was the official referee of the game. "Okay, there is only one rule: Do not cheat or you're disqualified."

With that said, she blew the whistle. Rainbow Dash was quickly going through pies, almost as fast as Lance! It was actually pretty close by how fast they ate. Just as Lance moved onto another one, so did Rainbow Dash. If Percy would've guessed correctly, Lance would be having trouble with this.

After three minutes of pie tins being tossed, the mountains being brought down to small inclines, and some burping from both contestants, both had only three pies left and both looked exhausted, Dash a little more than Lance. Lance reached for another pie, wolfed it down quickly, and moved the tin away. Lance looked ready to collapse now. Rainbow Dash reached for another pie and munched down half of it slowly.

Before she could finish, she turned a slight shade of green and pushed the pie away. Twilight trotted to behind the table and used magic to raise Lance's arm/hoof/leg (confused). "We have a winner: Tidal Wave!" He looked over to Rainbow Dash. "No pony has come close to beating me, except for you. You're seriously awesome." "So are you." he managed. Both Rainbow Dash and Lance looked ready to collapse.

"I think we should call it a day. Maybe we can go skating another time." Annabeth said. Everyone present nodded in agreement. Not to mention the sun was already setting. Percy grabbed Lance, set him on his back, and followed Applebloom back to the farm...until she fell asleep half way there. Percy managed to place her on his back as well and found the farmhouse within a half hour (and asking for directions most of the time).

Applejack was waiting by the front gate. "Ah see the little 'uns had fun today. Sure was nice of ya to drag all the way back here." Percy made his way to the front steps. "It wasn't much trouble." He shrugged to keep Applebloom and Lance on his back.

Applejack gave a small, sympathetic smile and went to grab Applebloom from Percy. Percy returned the smile and, with some shuffling and skill, he made his way to the top of the stairs. From there, it wasn't too hard to get to the bedroom and set Lance into the bed. Percy plopped down onto his bed. His one thought before he went to sleep was How are we going to get home?

There it is my friends, DA NEWEST CHAPTER!

I'll admit that the last part was kind of pushed through writer's block, but I made it! HUZZAH! Also, the end story I make will tie all my other stories in the end.