Icuo: Hello Everyone, it's the final chapter, an end to the story I despise the most.

Ice: Don't mind him folks, he's just upset because I wussed out and made him write the lemon.

Icuo: Yes, and if any of you care even a little call a doctor for my innocents, Ice gave him a knife and he slit his wrists.

Ice: -giggles- Tis the season. Besides, I hear you got help for the lemon so you should be fine.

Icuo: I had to start over fifty times. -pouting- All the mistakes are ours by the way, sorry.

Ice: Your review answers will be posted at the bottom.

WARNING: Lemon, Mature Language and a Long Chapter. If you don't like Lemons don't read in between the bold!

We don't own Yugioh or Yugioh abridged. So don't sue us. ( switched to third person because it'll make it easier to do the lemon)


Chapter 5: Explain yourself!

Yami stared at his hikari for moments on end, not knowing how to reply to what he had just been told.

His heart drummed in his chest but made his head throb in thought, as he watched Yugi's face for some sign of humor or joking nature. All he got was his Aibou's eyes meeting the floor and his cheeks tinting a hue of red, pink, and love. Funny, Yami always thought love had no color; but how could he deny the proof standing in front of him?

His throat felt dry and tapered as he tried to swallow down the truth, but the truth was beginning to form a new game that Yami wasn't ready to beat. The thought of his hikari, his Aibou, his Yugi, wanting him as much as he did him filled him with an overwhelming sense of...happiness.

"Maybe we should just forget..." Yugi said suddenly, backing behind Melvin as he spoke; still not meeting Yami's soft crimson eyes.

Yami's eyes lost some softness at this and he subconsciously moved forward. "No. Wait...Yugi, I...I just want to know how this all came about. Honestly, all in all, this night has been hectic, confusing, and quiet odd. I'd just like to understand why all of this happened. And, if you really truly have...those feelings for me..." Yami explained in a light tone, trying not to seem the least bit angry with the fact he had all these people in his house. Yugi took a chance and glanced up at Yami's soft gaze and fought back the sigh of relief that he wanted to let out. He was so glad Yami wasn't angry with him; anger was the last thing Yugi wanted to cause Yami.

When Yami realized he'd finally gotten his partner's attention a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth and his eyes softened even more. "And, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like you to be the one to explain this to me." Yugi's heart fluttered upon hearing those words and his face immediately turned away, hiding his blushing face. "O-oh, is that so? W-well I can only tell you if everyone else is gone, so not until they lea-." Yugi did not even get the last word out before Yami rounded about the room and pushed everyone out into the hallway and closing the door; locking it shut so they couldn't interrupt anything that his light was going to tell him."-ve..." Yugi finished with wide eyes and gapping fish bowl of a mouth.

Taking in the events that had just occurred, he was in shock. It was unbelievable, he didn't even want to believe Yami could move that fast when he wanted something. He couldn't really have pushed everyone out a mere matter of seconds...could he?

Unfortunately, the whiny complaints out in the hallway proved what he'd been trying to deny.

Marik's powerfully annoying cries that he wasn't a doll and that he couldn't just be moved around, Ryou's confused and bewildered 'what just happened', and Bakura's thundering shouts of pain; Yami had pulled him away from the window without even letting the window up first, even Yugi felt bad about it. And now there he was standing there with the teen spirit who had a very pleased and cheerful smile on his face; probably gloating about his success for breaking his "get people out of my way" record.

Damn, his Yami was scary.

Yugi fidgeted in place with his hands behind his back; pulling on them to try and relieved some of his nerves. " all started when I finished my homework the day that you kissed me..."

~V~ Going back in time! ~V~

"Finally! I finished!" Yugi exclaimed happily, having finally finished hours of back breaking homework. He was proud of himself; this semester had been tough for him so far; he was just glad to have something done.

His other half smiled at him from his bed. "I'm proud of you, Aibou. You finished your homework all by yourself." Yami acknowledged, giving his younger partner praise.

Yugi smiled in appreciation; he was finally getting better with this. Doing homework had been one of the things he asked Yami to help him with the most, it was his number one bully; but now it seems as though he's concurring that just as he did all the rest. And to know that his other self, and secret crush, was proud of him was worth more than all of the one-hundreds he could get on any test.

The digital clock on Yugi's desk silently changed to 9:55 p.m., nearing Yugi's bed time of 10:00 p.m.. If he thought hard enough about it, he'd really cut it close to bed time; at least now he could get enough sleep.

Getting ready for bed Yugi got up and walked to the dresser, prepared to change for bed. But, when he felt eyes on the back of his head he turned around to face his darkness. "What's wrong Yami?" He asked the teen, tilting his head to the side. It wasn't like Yami to stare, he usually avoided doing so on a daily basis.

Yami blinked but then quickly rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "W-Well," He began, stuttering slightly as he looked away. Since when had he stuttered? "I was wondering, since you have a few minutes before bed, if you would teach me how to dance..." His darker half said in an ill at ease way, filling his voice with worry and embarrassed.

Yugi could also see the very faint blush playing at Yami's cheeks, but he wouldn't call his Yami out on this. One thing still confused him though. Why did Yami want to learn how to dance anyway?

Yami could almost literally hear the questions in Yugi's driving him crazy and making rude U-turns to get asked again, he chuckled. "It's just something I was never able to learn properly when I was alive. I'd always watched others dance for me, and they seemed to have fun doing so. I always wished I could do something like that, just being able to live in the moment; but I never had the time." Yami smiled sadly to his hikari. Yugi was the only one he could tell such a thing, such a secret could make people think he was weak hearted, luckily he trusted Yugi with his life.

The smaller of the two smiled solemnly, he knew Yami had just confided in him with something secret, who was he to object to such an innocent request? "Ok, turn on the radio in the clock and come here." He said closing the draw that he'd opened, and abandoning the idea of changing.

Yami smiled with glee and was up faster than someone who was late to work, the clock radio turned on quickly with a low click and Yami stood in front of Yugi waiting for the commercial to end.

[Sugarland- Stuck Like Glue (I don't own)]

Absolutely no one who knows me better

No one that can make me feel so good

How did we stay so long together?

Everybody, everybody said we never would

And just when I

Start to think they're right

The love has died

There you go making my heart beat again

Heart beat again, heart beat again

There you go making me feel like a kid

Won't you do it, do it one time?

Yami blushed at the lyrics a bit. "Um...maybe we should change the station..." he said cautiously, backing up towards the radio.

Yugi took his hand and pulled him closer, stopping him in his tracks. Yami blinked confusedly, which made Yugi chuckle. "Yami, the song's fine, just move with it, ok?" Yugi reassured him with a smile. Coincidentally, this was Yugi's favorite song; and it reminded him a lot of the situation he was currently in. Every time Yami came around, his heart beat faster and faster, louder and louder, sometimes hard enough that he thought his ribs would crack open; Yugi was just surprised he didn't have any signs of high blood pressure.

There you go pulling me right back in

Right back in, right back in

And I know I'm never letting this go

I'm stuck on you

Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, stuck like glue

You and me baby, we're stuck like glue

Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, stuck like glue

You and me baby, we're stuck like glue

As the song progressed Yugi and Yami smiled and laughed as they attempted to dance. Yami, with his legs going back and forth in a steady beginner's trot, and Yugi with his arms half way up snapping his fingers from side to side and swaying his body to the music. Yami had attempt to dip Yugi twice to show that he was confident, but each time had ended with Yugi slipping from his grasps and hitting the hardwood floor on his butt, then Yami repeatedly apologizing.

But all in all, it was fun and they were both having a great time; well, at first...

While dancing to the last few lines of the song, the boys being very close to each other now, Yugi accidentally stepped in between his dark side's legs just as Yami brought his foot back into Yugi's ankle and causing him to fall back. Time seemed to freeze; both boys hearts were beating loudly; one from anxiety and one from fear. The very oxygen from the room disappeared into nothing, the walls became blurs and blue slabs, and the music coming from the radio went into a slow-mo; making all of the lyrics sound absolutely terrible might I add.

Crimson eyes widened as he flung his hand out to capture his partner's hand and save him from the predictable concussion. Yugi's hand snagged his own, pausing his fall for a moment. Relief washed over Yugi like a fresh glass of water on a hot day in hundred degree whether; accident free for a day, thank Ra. He was about to thank Yami for rescuing him, after all the trouble he'd gone through with him already, but he was unaware that the ancient Egyptian pharaoh had his own intentions in mind.

Before Yugi could say a word of his gratitude, his mouth was seized with hastily, and a warm, smooth appendage plunged into his mouth. He began to panic looking at Yami with shocked eyes. Yami's eyes were closed shut, his breathing was calm and steady, even though Yugi could feel his heart beating rapidly through his chest, which was firmly pressed to Yugi's. His lips moved over Yugi's like a relaxing massage after a full days work with little payment to show for it. Gods Yugi needed this.

He wanted this feeling to last, so that he could at least try and imagine that Yami loved him, that his tongue scoping his mouth wasn't just his imagination running wild; he wanted this to be a real passion filled moment that only they could share. But, all too quickly, Yami pulled away and straightened Yugi up before backing away. "G-Gommene Yugi-Kun, I kind of tripped on your leg and fell forward, collision with your face was the only thing that would keep me from falling on you and hurting you. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." Yami's head hung low in shame as he said this.

Bull shit. "It's ok Yami, it was only an accident so its fine." Yugi assured, patting Yami on the shoulder. He'd probably never be able to feel Yami's soft, moist, irresistible lips ever again. Yugi sighed. What a bummer.

"I'll retire to my soul room for the night then. Sleep well, Aibou." Yami gave Yugi his hushed farewell quickly before disappearing shortly after.

Yugi stood there alone; mind running ramped with questions and concern for Yami. What had all of that been about? Why had it felt like Yami had kissed him for real? Why did he leave so quickly? Did Yami blush before he left? Where did Yami learn to kiss like a God with wings not produced with Red Bull!?

Yugi sighed loudly into the open space of his room, letting the sound spin around the room and echo around him. "If I'd let my imagination play with me..." Yugi said aloud sluggishly walking to his dresser to get the PJ's that he'd failed to get last time. He looked down into the opened drawer sadly.

"I might have actually believed for one moment...that Yami truly wanted to be with me..." Yugi muttered lowly, feeling the intensity of sorrow begin to cloud him. Thank goodness he always had a barrier up for these moments; otherwise Yami would know his feelings already. If that happened there be a Yugi shaped puff of smoke in his room right now.

Yugi shook off his stump and snatched up some PJ's before putting them on and heading to bed, slightly more faithful. "Maybe I'll ask Ryou what he thinks I should do, he always knows what to do." Yugi thought aloud as he laid down.

The last thought in his mind before he went to sleep was the only thing he was able to think about, probably the only thing anyone would be able to think about after something like that. Yugi starred at the ceiling for moments on end, zealous thoughts of Yami's soft lips against his own and the way Yami had latches onto him so completely ran through his head like a broken record. Had Yami really done that by accident? After all Yugi didn't even feel Yami's leg trip against his own...

~V~ Present Time! ~V~

"And so, I went to Ryou and asked him what he thought. He said you were hiding something from me, which I didn't think could be possible since our minds are connected; but then again I've hidden this much from you. So, I went to Marik to see what he thought. He said that you liked me-" Yami gave a raise of his eye brows. "Ok he actually said, and I quote, 'Oh my Ra! The Pharaoh tried to suck your face off! He's going to eat you alive! In the world of Yaoi, this must be love! I have to tell Fluffy about this immediately!'" Yugi corrected, which in turn made the pharaoh chuckle. They both knew Marik was a nut so why hide it?

"But, when he said he was going to tell Bakura, he wasn't lying. He came up to me after school a couple of days ago saying that he wanted to help me out with my 'problem'. At the time, It sounded rather sincere for Bakura's standards so it seemed promising at the we started plotting a little, sneaking around Ryou and you, numerous times of almost getting caught but being lucky enough that we weren't;" Yugi smiled in remembrance." It was actually kind of fun...but, I kept thinking about you and how much more fun I would have had if you were there with me. Sure we talked about you and ways to figure out if you liked me or not, and I got to come home and see you and stuff; but all the secrecy was driving me crazy on the inside..." Yugi frowned beginning to tear up slightly. " I missed you and I didn't want to hide anything from you anymore, I've almost blurted out everything to you whenever you touched me or talked to me too many times. It was hard Yami." Yugi pouted slightly. He'd hated lying and avoiding Yami, it was just...wrong. Yami was his other self, they weren't supposed to lie to each other, they were supposed to know each other inside and out. Now Yami could only see him as dirty liar.

Yami said nothing, and his face was that of one playing poker; calm, collective, and cool. Yugi could not even see into Yami's mind to know what he was thinking in the spikey head of his. Was Yami shutting him out? Did he hate him now for putting him through this? "Are you an idiot?" Yugi blinked, clearly taken off guard by the question. Looking at Yami, Yugi had to wonder why his darkness had asked such a thing.

But after what Yugi had done, who could blame him? Yugi was probably a bigger idiot than anyone. Yami rolled his eyes. "Will you stop thinking of such nonsense; I can hear everything you're thinking. I'm saying you're an idiot, not because of what you put me through, but because you felt the need to do it. You could have just asked me if I'd been lying or not, you could have told me all of this. But, instead you chose to get help from Bakura my arch nemeses and Marik, the murdering fiend! You even put up a wall between our mind-link and made me worry that I'd done something wrong and that we were beginning to drift apart..." Yami's voice cracked on the last line and Yugi gasped. He'd never heard such heart in Yami's words before; this was a first. He had no time to ask Yami about this however, because he was not finished.

"Yugi, please understand when I say this," Yami took Yugi's hands in his own and gazed into Yugi's eyes with a light blush. Yugi blinked and his cheeks flushed. When did he get so close? "If you had asked me, that day or the day after if I had been serious about that kiss...I would have laughed in your face and told you know and that you were being silly. But, I also would have been lying through my teeth the entire time." Yami admitted to Yugi with a shameful expression. "I didn't have a clue how you felt about me, and I was terrified of the results. How would I go on if you hated me? What would I do without you? How would I handle your rejecting me with a straight face? Would we still be partners, or would you tell me you wished I'd gone to the afterlife inste-" He had no choice but to cease his rambling when his smooth lips were capture by silk fingers and held shut. He blinked confusedly as he tried to open his mouth with lazy pulls at his jaw, but he was denied the ability as the fingers only tightened with a giggle in the back ground.

"Mou Hitori no Boku, I would never, ever wish for that. You know as well as I do that we've worked way too hard to let any of that happen. As for the reason for you worrying over this, I'm sorry I made you believe these things would happen...and I'm sorry that all I can do to make it up to you is by telling you that I love you more than anything, and I'll always be by your side." Yugi smiled lovingly at Yami as his struggling ceased and his eyes just look down at him with shock; but also complete happiness. Neither of them had felt this close before, with the wall in between them shattering and with their hearts combining in a rhythmic melody. Both of them had been so nervous for so long, afraid of what the other one would think or do, but now they could breathe out sighs of relief; together.

Yugi's hand slipped away from Yami's mouth slowly, eyeing his lips while biting his own. He could clearly remember how Yami's lips had felt on his own the day that they'd danced together. He'd loved it. Every single second of it, and more. But now, he had to ask himself if he'd be able to kiss those lips again. Those lips smirked in front of his face and his eyebrow shot up in confusion. Before having a chance to realize that their mind-link was open and that Yami had heard him, Yami pulled Yugi close and locked their lips together in a gentle kiss.

Lips moved against and with each other all in the same motion, eyes closed and strained to keep shut furiously as the two persons enjoyed the moment, want and need filled the room in a sudden burst of emotions, and the two boys could not keep their hands from wandering. Yugi's hands roamed Yami's chest; his fingertips brushing lightly against the fabric and making the skin underneath yearn to be touched directly. And Yami's hands working separately, one held Yugi's chin in place and being perfectly appropriate with the situation, and the other hooking Yugi's lower back and ever so slightly going lower to cup Yugi's left butt cheek. Yami was losing himself slightly to just one dry kiss; he hadn't even used his tongue yet and he wanted to touch Yugi everywhere.

Yugi edged back slightly feeling Yami's hand squeeze ever so slightly around his buttocks. What was this feeling in his gut? It was all so new. Being able to let go, having someone care for him as much as he did them, and having someone kiss him so passionately that his body reacted so keenly. Was he afraid of this new sensation? Or, did it excite him? He couldn't tell. What was this feeling?

"Yami," Yugi gasped in between the kiss when they parted their lips, their breaths mingling in quiet conversation. "Y-You're touching-" But before Yugi could finish they bother heard a loud whistle from the window. Their heads jerked towards the sound in unison, but both boys found their face's flushing in a matter of seconds.

There Melvin sat, his arms lounging over the edge of the windowsill and his mischievously pleased smirk on his face. "I see you finally got to it. Now all you have to do is fuck him." He said casually as his eyes darted to Yugi.

Yami's eyes were practically clicking now. An intensely confused look darting from Melvin direct to Yugi's; why had he been looking at Yugi when he said that? Why was he saying that? Why the fuck was he watching them kiss in the first place!?

Yami was ready to make his outrage on his privacy known, eye darkening and glaring at Melvin when suddenly the sandy blond haired Egyptian was forcefully dragged away from the window. His nails clung to the window sill with all the strength he had, but alas he was not strong enough to stop the unknown being from pulling him straight away from the two teens' bed room. Both teens stood silently in shock, holding each other as they had been before, but their eyes glued to the window.

"Are you a buggering idiot!? Why are you in their bloody window!?" They heard a very annoyed, British-accented, voice shout from outside. The two boys sighed in relief and distaste. Obviously, Melvin had just been caught by Ryou. After all, it couldn't have been Bakura; his hands had been smashed in the window. They wouldn't be surprised if Marik had carried Bakura home and offered to nurse him.

"I'm just making sure coming over here was worth it! And stop pulling my hair; I don't need any of your Limey-Shampoo." The two flinched, hearing a loud smacking sound right after. Silence fell after but not for long. "You hit like a girl!" Melvin guffawed loudly as he began to laugh in his villainess way. Yugi and Yami wished they'd heard another smack afterwards, but what they heard made both of them turn bright red. "Fuck the Pharaoh hard Yugi! You know he wants it!" Yami's jaw dropped open and his eyes bulged as his suspicions were confirmed. Melvin had been giving Yugi tips on how to top him, it seemed; but, how!? Yugi was way too innocent for such a thing!

"M-Mou Hitori...?" Yami's expression quickly straightened and he turned to face his hikari with a straight face. He didn't want to worry Yugi; even if he was scared to death.

"Y-Yes?" He asked his partner, not able to hide the slight stutter in his voice. The collar around his neck seeming slightly tighter; which was physically impossible, for he'd been wearing it all of his second life.

Yugi looked up at him solemnly and put his hands on both of Yami's cheeks the frills on his sleeves tickling his chin. "You know he was joking right?" Yami's eyebrow raised in question. A joke? Fortunately for him, he didn't have to ask this out loud, for his hikari had heard. "Yeah, I wouldn't have the heart to do that to you Mou Hitori no Boku. Besides, Melvin's just making fun, because I had a weird dream on the subject and told him about it." Yugi explained nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders. But even with his offhand tone Yami still had to wonder.

"But Yugi, if you've dreamt about that kind of situation...d-did" The ex-pharaoh was having a hard time saying what was on his mind. He couldn't even mind link it to his partner; it was too embarrassing to ask such an innocent being as Yugi. Speaking of the small teen, he was still looking up at his other half with an innocently curious gaze. His eyebrow raised and his mouth slightly gaping, bating and luring Yami in as if he were a pot smoked fish with the munchies. The darker half swallowed harshly and cringed away, clenching his eyes shut; afraid to look at his light. "D-Did...did you like it? The dream?" He queried, his face getting heated and his cheeks protruding a rather bright red.

"Oh," Yugi blinked a few times, silence falling as he had to think about it. "Well, it was a really weird dream, so I'm not sure..." Yugi replied shyly.

A careless eyebrow shot up from Yami's forehead in question. "Care to elaborate?"

At the Yugi shook his head. "You'd look at me funny if I told you." He said, eyes pointed down at his shoes, such a detailed dream would seem fake maybe even to make Yami believe that was what he wanted.

He heard a sigh from the older drawl out into the room and a light weight hand pat his head making his eyes snap open. "Yugi, I'm your boyfriend now, just tell me what your dream was about and I'll listen. You should know I would never judge you no matter what, why should this time be any different?" Yami asked softly, almost whispering his pleas. Tilting his head up slightly to cradle within Yami's hand, Yugi sighed. "Well you were the prince of this castle and I was a peasant who sent the Queen news I heard around my village…" Yugi's story unfurled and it turned out that Yami had been conveniently short and blushed a lot during this dream. As soon as they got to the bedroom part, words Yami didn't even know Yugi could say began to roll off his tongue and into Yami's ears screaming at him to wake up. Yugi, his innocent Yugi, spoke about sex as though he'd experienced it firsthand. In fact, the way that Yugi described it gave the once pharaoh a rather bothersome erection.

At first he couldn't believe that his hikari had dreamt about doing these things to him in such detail, but then he became flattered with the sex wasn't meaningless or a one night stand, it was to show that they loved each other; even the fact that he was the uke didn't bother him much. In some crazy messed up way it actually sounded romantic. He even told him that dream Yugi had let the dream Yami cum three times before he'd released himself once.

But then came the weird part Yugi had spoken about earlier.

"But, then this darker version of you with big muscles and black fallen-angel wings burst in through the window and said he'd come to reclaim his lover, which was you. So, I tried to stop him and he tackled both of us and things started getting weird! He started touching me and you, and I was starting to like it so I woke up sweating buckets!" Yugi cried out fearfully; his whole form shaking with apprehension. He'd been scared to death by that man, especially when dream him had shamelessly started kissing the man while Yami was being pleasured by his nipples. At that point, the dream had become a nightmare.

Yami quickly hugged Yugi trying to calm him down from his sudden wave of terror; embracing him tenderly and rubbing circles on his back to sooth him of his worries. With the amount of things Yugi had been dealing with, Yami couldn't help but feel guilty. If he had told Yugi how he felt earlier this whole night wouldn't have had to happen and that dream Yugi had would have probably been a reality right now; well, the first part anyway. "I'm so sorry Yugi...I've caused you so much trouble. Even in your dreams I've not been able to protect you from harm…if there is anything I can do to make you consider forgiving me, please don't hesitate to ask; I'll do anything." Yugi's dark-side pleaded with him softly; his voice filled with guilt.

"Y-Yami…" Yugi faltered as Yami's words sunk in. "I-It wasn't your fault…my sub-consciousness and my curiosity got the best of me both times…but if you don't believe me there is one thing you could do for me…" Yugi hinted politely, his arms awkwardly pushing his other self away from him gently but to no avail.

"What is it? Just name it and it's yours." Yami said squeezing Yugi tighter, trying to comfort him even though there was no need.

"Well…you could start by-pant-… not trying to strangle me…with your arms!" Yugi gasped out not being able to catch a breath in-between. Yami's arms immediately loosened and he apologized God knows how many times before he'd finally accepted that Yugi wasn't mad at him; by that time his face was a deep red and his heart was pounding in his chest. Amethyst eyes watched for any sign that Yami was at his limit and would pass out but he quickly let it pass when Yami didn't keel over, as he'd oh-so expected, and gave his Omoe a still very apologetic stare.

Yugi couldn't help the roll of his eyes as he thought of how over reactant his Yami was. Yugi truly couldn't have Yami do anything mean to him or the teen would flip out with a bucket full of apologies.

"And the only other thing that I really want…" the teen trailed off, taking a cautious glance up at his partner for any signs that he should keep his mouth shut and just ask Yami for a hug or something. But, when he saw that his Yami was completely engrossed in hearing his smaller form's request he let out a sigh. "I want you…to let me show you how much I love you…" Eyebrows over crimson orbs rose at the sentence phrasing and Yami shot his little one a confused look. He wanted to give his little one whatever he desired but he did not understand this.

A soft hum floated about as Yugi tried to find another way to explain to Yami what he wanted without having to say it the way it was. "I want you…to give me something…that you can never get back…because it will be mine…" He said slowly, choosing his words carefully and looking at Yami for any signs of realization.


Ok, maybe Yugi wasn't saying it right. But, what he wanted was simply too embarrassing to just blurt out to the one he loved. He'd just have to keep digging deeper… "It's something that everyone only gets one of…and then they don't get another one…"


"Tier fifteen?"


"When two people love each other…physically."


Yugi face palmed crossly and dragged his hand down his face glaring slightly at his other self. His Yami was the king of games but he couldn't solve a freaking riddle? What was that about!?

Yami watched as Yugi had his little inner tantrum in amusement; he truly had no clue what his Hikari was trying to say. It was as if Yugi were speaking another language and then said it backwards hoping he would understand; but he was completely lost. "Can't you just tell me what it is that you want? It can't be that bad. I won't judge you and I will not make you feel uncomfortable if it can be avoided; just tell me what I can do and I will." Yami confirmed, his hand placed on Yugi's shoulder to calm him of his worries if they were there; trying his best to soak them out like a sponge. He gave Yugi a serious look and made sure to hold Yugi's eyes as they stood there in silence.

Their hearts were pounding once again, the closeness and the mood bringing them both to a certain level of déjà vu as the subconsciously leaned in closer; all thoughts of before vanishing in no time flat. Neither boy could resist the complete need to look each other up and down with hungry eyes. It was as if a sudden bolt of electricity had set them off, bringing out the want to be touched by the other and also wanting to groom the other raw using only his fingertips.

Yami's hand began to trail slightly from Yugi's shoulder, testing the movement, and then continuing to glide down his arm. His eyes stayed locked with Yugi's, watching for any reactant but Yugi's face didn't contort into any shape by the time Yami got down to his hand and held it gently within his own. "Yugi…tell me…please?" He pleaded with Yugi lightly, his voice hushed and softy. He wanted to fulfill his boyfriend's wishes, he wanted to make things right with all of his heart, but he didn't know what he wanted!

"Yami…I-I want…" Yugi trailed off, nerves beginning to get to him again. A large lump rested in his throat and his lips began to tremble. Could he really ask for what he wanted? From Yami? His boyfriend? Yugi's heart swelled just thinking about Yami that way. Yami was his… and he was Yami's. He won't judge…just say it… "I want…to make love to you…Mou Hitori no Boku…p-please?"

For a moment the other teen's mouth parted in shock and his eyes widened only slightly, but he quickly recovered and his eyebrows furrowed at Yugi. "Was that it? Is that what was bothering you?"

'Was that it!?' Was he kidding!? "W-What?" Yugi said, slightly confused with his Yami. How could he sit there and look at him with those fine crimson eyes or with that calm and composed expression!? Yugi was worried sick that his heart would burst out and start doing the Cha Cha Slide! Didn't Yami think about losing his virginity at all!?

"Aibou, my virginity is something I treasure dearly and always have; but, I'd already decided a long time ago that if I was going to lose it I would give it to you. I just didn't know you were going to ask for it two-three years after I'd promised it to you." This statement made Yugi's cheeks glow bright with vibrant shades of pink. He hadn't meant to sound so eager…he'd just wanted to make sure the answer wasn't no…

"Aren't you scared though?"

Yami chuckled and gave a curt nod. "I'm terrified, but I'm also excited…I'm glad it's finally happening, I'm glad that we're together, and I'm glad that I was able to keep my virginity for so long to give to you…as long as it's you I can face my fears head on." Hope shone through Yami's words as he spoke and his smile dazzled Yugi. With a start Yugi couldn't help but admit that Yami was perfect. He didn't complain, he always wanted to make Yugi happy, and he always put him first. But, this was exactly why Yugi had asked to make love to him; he wanted Yami to know how much Yugi cared even though sometimes he was too shy to show him any affection at all. He wanted to give Yami as much pleasure as he could; even if he was inexperienced.

Yugi smiled slightly to himself. He'd been watching a lot of videos on how to pleasure someone and he'd gotten a lot of advice from Marik; noting playfully that Bakura wasn't a very good sex expert. His 'research' had taught him a lot about the body and the significant pieces of information. But now after thinking over it a million times in his head it was time for action. If he couldn't use the skills that he'd learned efficiently they'd be useless and he'd look like a fool; and he'd already decided not to let it come to that. "You don't need to be afraid, I won't do anything against your wishes, I'll be as gentle as I can; I promise…" Yugi assured giving the taller male a gentle squeeze around his midsection. His amethyst eyes glimmering in the darkened room as he tried to conform his darker half.

The teen only gave him a warm smile and patted his head; caressing the tri colored lock and making the boy close his eyes for a brief moment to enjoy the petting. "I know…your dream self was quiet gentle too if I heard correctly." Yami watched as Yugi's cheeks went red with embarrassment and he slapped his arm playfully with a mumbled 'Shut up…' hoping Yami would drop the dream subject. He did, but that didn't stop him from chuckling like some sort of pure breed hyena. Yugi wasn't worried much though; he knew exactly how to make him stop.

Small hands, once wrapped around Yami's figure, now grazed down Yami's lean torso and down to his back side; the unsuspecting victim still too consumed in his own laughter to notice.

Yugi allowed his hands to hover over the desired target slightly before his hands began to descend on Yami's butt cheeks and lightly squeezing both firmly and gently; the laughter coming to a shaky halt. Crimson eyes widen slightly in acknowledgement. Yami's hands reach behind him to double check the situation as his face went a light shade of pink. "A-Aibou I…we…now?" He stuttered on questioningly looking down at his little one with a hue of pink straddling the bridge of his nose.

To his utter dismay Yugi only giggled and stood on his tiptoes to connect their lips in a loving kiss; in which he proceeded to dominate Yami's mouth in a matter of seconds. Only one of his hands came up to cup Yami's face in his hand, the other was reluctant to join its twin, enjoying rubbing circles on the ex-pharaoh's right cheek and making him shudder.

Yami wanted to relax, but nerves began to creep in again as soon as Yugi pulled away, looking up at him expectantly. Amethyst eyes pleaded with his soul, tugging at it and making him wish to give his Aibou whatever he desired; but was Yugi ready for this? I frown unconsciously slipped onto his face as he thought it over. Yugi had told Yami that he'd had a dream about doing this; which Yami would never forget the descriptively delicious details included. He'd probably never see his hikari as the same uke like character he'd always been to him again. But...would that really be such a bad thing?

"Mou Hitori...please?" A glance down lead Yami to the searching eyes of his hikari, big, round, and eager for a response. Yugi looked ready to bite his plump little lip off; worry brimming the lashes of his eyes and the beautiful glow coming from them shimmering with hope. Yami smiled; he couldn't help it, Yugi was adorable. His lips brushed against the one cute little bang that went down his face and he brushed it away to kiss the forhead underneath. Even through the innocent gesture, both teens felt a wave of sexual tension sweep across them like a bad storm. Yugi moaned at the skin to skin contact; clearly ready for more.

"You may have whatever you desire, love." He whispered soft and sweet against Yugi's skin, his breath trailing and seeping into his pores and making them squeal with delight. The hands on his ass began to grope more freely, needing the thickness like dough; the rough hands making it clear Yugi liked the sound of that.

(Lemon Start! Enjoy~)

Head pulling slowly away from Yami's, Yugi's eyes darkened with lust. Indigo eyes became nearly black as he leaned back in; a bright sunny day suddenly going dark from it's blanketed sky of passion. Their lips connected. They couldn't hide it, they were eager now. Eager for the touch of each others hands, for the pressure of their bodys grinding together to get closer, for the moment when their two halves would become whole; they didn't care if this was even some messed up dream that lasted for hours, their memory would suffice.

Yugi's moist cavern descended on Yami's neck and began to gently pull the skin into his mouth with soft little sucks, his tongue running over the smooth surface, tasting the salty perspiration that coated suntanned ivory. The steady flow of Yami's heartbeat escalated quickly, his breathing coming in more hesitant, as if he were afraid to blow the lusty clouds surrounding them away. The crane of Yami's neck was the only sign Yugi was given to indicated this treatment was something Yami liked. Knowing what to do, Yugi complied to the silent plea and deepened his sucking; taking more territory into his mouth and leaving a large love bite on his pale skin. However, this did not satisfy Yugi, fore not a peep escaped his lovers lips.

He glanced up at his Yami, tempted to pull away and ask what was wrong; but upon seeing his teeth gritting into pale white knuckles he smiled into Yami's skin. /Mou Hitori no Boku, if you don't get your hand out of your mouth I'm going to break the fourth wall and then start crying./ Yugi was pleased that the balled up fist immediately fell from his lips and he whimpered. He knew what the fourth wall and Yugi crying created, and that was a world of pain for him.*

Instead of continuing his menstruation on the suntan skin, Yugi decided to speed things up a little and trailed his tongue down to Yami's chest; leaving a glistening stream of saliva in his wake. He could feel the sudden shudder that quaked through Yami's form, the anticipation of more to come making his ruby eyes follow Yugi's tongue until it reached the center of his chest and swirled.

Yugi had plans. Plans to make Yami tremble until his body turned into hot goo, to make his toes curl so badly he'd need to see a pediatrician and then a chiropractor for his spine that arched to knew heights; he sure hoped Yami liked that bed, he'd be laying in it for a while.

Being a bit of a simpleton, Yami couldn't see what Yugi was doing. His tongue swirled and swirled in the middle of his chest repetitively, and he seemed to be focusing on that one area. The action annoyed Yami to no end, if anything it was only making him impatient and his restrained erection even more so unbearable. His crimson eyes hid behind heavy lids; tension winding up in the pit of his stomach as he fought not to pounce the boy and punish him for his teasing. But again, this was his Aibou; if he laid any negative hands on him he would regret it.

Before Yami's thoughts could get any father away from the task at hand, Yugi swiftly took hold of the element of surprise and easily keeled his head over to the side; his tongue seeking out it's true target and hitting it's dead center. Trying to secure the hold quickly, Yugi wrapped his lips around the half erect nipple and latched on hard.

With a startled cry Yami jerked away from Yugi in shock; his eyes snapping open to look down to Yugi and find his mouth latched tightly on his skin and his beautiful eyes closed while he sucked and licked at the nub. With each lazy lick at his sensitive nipple the skin became more slick, soft, and sensitive to the touch. And Yugi seemed hell bent on coating every nerve on his target in saliva. "Oh..." Yami exhaled in a soft moan, sounding dazed as his hikari flicked his small snake like tongue over the very center repeatedly looking up at Yami to catch the reaction it had on him. Pleased to find Yami's eyes clouded and hooded with lust Yugi gave his other nipple a small flick before leaving his chest to slide down onto his knees and hook his fingers teasingly around the elastic band of his pajama bottoms.

Yugi paused in thought though, trying to think of a time he'd ever even seen his Yami naked. The spirit had never needed a bath or to take off his clothes for any task; so seeing what the ex-pharaoh had underneath would be a bit of a climactic moment for the young teen. He'd have to enjoy it.

He unhooked his fingers from the waistband and let them glide down Yami's thighs; muscles tensing in the wake of his finger tips. He licked his lips, liking the sudden surge of power he felt over Yami from just this one movement. It was reassuring, soothing; like he couldn't do a wrong to him even if he tried.

One hand moved to trail a circle around Yami's arousal like a shark circling it's prey and his lover stiffened up in anticipation. His teeth biting down softly on his bottom lip, insecurity suddenly flashed through the mind link and made the younger pause in it's wake. Yugi blinked up Yami; his eyebrows creased and his head filled with questions. He tried to give his older self a reassuring smile but the teen was watching his hand not his face. Yugi's smile was quickly replaced with a confused frown. He looked up at Yami and traced his gaze down to the hand circling his erection and back up again; his gamer mind scattering to bits as he tried to connect the dots. Just how big was Yami anyway?

At this sudden question Yugi's hand maneuvered to cup Yami's groined, and before he could find the mind to hesitate he squeezed; his delicate hand only fitting half the sizable organ in his hand. A breathy moan was heard above him, but he ignored it completely as a gasp escaped his lips and he starred, mouth agape and eyes scrutinizing the actuality of the large grit. For a moment he questioned his dominance toward Yami and palmed the tender bulge with growing curiosity. His angel like innocent eyes traced the bulge sinfully, nearly being able to feel tiny little horns slipping from his skull as he looked on; he wanted to sample this organ thoroughly, wanted to show Yami how truly mischievous he could be.

And so he did.

The thought of taking it slow jumped off a cliff as Yugi yanked the blue trousers down to his middle thigh, bringing the boxers underneath down as well. A sharp intake of breath over shadowed Yugi's slight gasp when Yami's hardness popped up like a jack in the box to stand proudly at the length of ten inches; the tip arched and almost reached his belly button. Yugi could feel the heat radiating off of it even from a mere five centimeters away and the smell that came from it remind Yugi that Yami was indeed the King of Games. It was woodsy, strong, and the manly stench made him lick his lips hungrily.

Seeing a slight bead of precum run down to the head, the opportunity to sample Yami's flavors presented itself. Without any conscious note that Yami was watching him Yugi lifted up onto his knees and licked up the trail slowly and followed it all the way to the slit; his tongue scooping a fair amount of precum into his waiting mouth to depict its flavor. It was a bit salty, but there was a sweetness to it that made Yugi's dick throb under the many fabrics of his dress. Yugi let out a breathy chuckle. Yeah, he was still wearing that damn dress; he'd forgotten. Oh well, maybe Yami liked it this way.

Yami was silently ignoring his hikari, trying to resist the urge to pull him down onto his length as he stood there waiting for Yugi to continue. He wouldn't lie, Yugi's tongue felt great against his skin; and when he'd been tasting him, he'd been imagining what the back of Yugi's throat would feel like on his cock-head. He'd held back his moan hoping not to scare Yugi away from his need, but Yugi had retreated without trigger, leaving Yami to pout. "Yugi..." The man cried out nearly whining out the boys name in frustration. It would have been understandable if the teen was scared or hesitant, but his Aibou looked like he was just taking his sweat time torturing him.

"Sorry Yami," the boy suddenly said; apparently becoming aware of the frustration leaking to his side of the mind link, " I wasn't trying to tease...I simply wanted to savor our first time, you only get one virginity Yami." Yugi explained, now starring up at Yami with serious, wise eyes.

Yami already knew this though, he knew the consequences, he knew the benefits, he knew the finality of giving his virginity away; but the worry that lay within Yugi was not present inside the spirit, he was ready for this, he been ready for this. " Yugi, I told you, before we'd even decided on this, I'm ready, I've been ready; as long as you are the one to do this to me, I am fine. Even if you had seconds thoughts about me and decided to dump me tomorrow, I wouldn't regret a thing...I want you, I need you, and I love you. Now please, my beloved Aibou, please continue what you started, lest I be forced to try and seduce you into it." He concluded, during their talk having leaned back against the wall for support; the truth of his own words weakening his legs slightly and making him want to rest on the floor with his hikari, but he stood his ground and kept his footing swiftly.

Yugi's heart had begun to melt; every word from Yami's mouth seeming to sooth him. Until he hear the word 'seduce' andone of his pretty little eyebrows shot up at the statement. "Oh really? Seduce me huh? I'd like to see that actually." Yugi stated none too innocently, blinking a few times as he waited for a response. Please, tell me he's joking. Yami thought nervously his eyes scrutinizing his lover's face. To show he meant it he sat back down on the back of his heals and clasped his fingers together and gave his Yami another raise of his brow; waiting for his performance.

Yami swallowed hard as he realized what he'd just gotten himself into. He couldn't do it, it had been a bluff, he didn't even know if he could seduce Yugi. "A-Aibou... I didn't-"

"Too late for that, Mou Hitori no Boku," Yugi snapped softly quickly shutting him up,"besides, I really want to see if you can do it..." Yugi said tilting his head at Yami as if it would help him see better; but really he was checking the emotions between the mind link. "If you need help then, think of something you would want me to do for you, maybe say something in a sexy voice?" The suggestion drew electricity through Yami's system and a light bulb went off; he knew exactly what to do.

Slightly hesitating Yami turned his head away from Yugi's face, seeing the curious expression Yugi held as he tried to reconnect their eyes. On of Yami's hands snaked up his torso to snatch a hardened nipple and twist it between his fingers; it sent a dull shiver down through his bloodstream but it wasn't as good as when Yugi touched him; however it did make his dick plenty happy as the hard member twitched in Yugi's presence. Trying not to look Yugi in the eye, Yami's other hand trailed over to take care of the lower appendage. His hand grasped the hard length firmly and began to move his hand clumsily back and forth. He'd never actually touched himself before, not even while he'd been trapped in the puzzle with nothing else to do and nothing to entertain himself; this was new to him, and it showed.

No sooner than he'd started stroking Yami's breathing became uneven, sharp jolts of pleasure splashing through his body like liquid ecstasy. The wall that he'd kept up, trying to convince himself that he didn't need to touch here to feel good had collapsed and he was jerking himself evenly but harshly. Startled moans filled the air he tried to regain control of his hands; but they'd gained a mind of their own, trying to cause him as much pleasure as possible. So much, in fact, that Yami had nearly forgot his lover was sitting on the floor watching this happen before his bright amethyst eyes.

Chancing a glance down at his Aibou, the teen's clouded crimson eyes slid over lazily to his partner; his hands not slowing nor stopping their movements at his divided attention. But, as soon as his eyes landed on his 'innocent' hikari his faint blush became full on magenta. Those once soft violet eyes were now a hooded dark indigo, their intense gaze set on Yami's form, and one of his pale hands was casually rubbing himself through the annoying fabric of his dress. To Yami, Yugi looked ready to pounce on him, ready to dominate him. He hoped his movements had given his voice the right sound, now he had to say something; something sexy, something submissive, something that would get him what he wanted.

"Yugi..." He called out to the other in what he hoped was a pitifully seductive voice, his eyes locking with Yugi's as he tried to push as much want and desire into the mind link as he had. "My hands have shown up for work...but, only you can really do the job. Please Yugi...please make love to me...I need it, I need you." He emphasized. The hand that had been twisting and pinching his nipple finding its way into his hair and gripping tight, as if he was trying to hold onto his sanity; the rampage on his swollen muscle continuing. He wanted his little one, he could fight it no longer; it would drive him insane.

The younger of two, having heard Yami's suggestive undertones shivered and tried to stroke himself harder before leaning in to replace Yami's hand with his own. He made sure he had a good hold of it first before trying anything, not wanting to hurt Yami or himself in the process; then, he yank down the length of Yami so fast it pulled him away from the wall, his ass feeling the heat of the room instead of the chill of the cold blue walls until Yugi's hand slid back down to the hilt and repeated the action.

A moan was heard but neither of them knew which one of them it was from. Yami wouldn't have been surprised if it came from himself; Yugi's smooth hand that made no signs of stopping was practically pulling him into a swirling wind of desperation and desire; his hips thrusting forward without his consent and pushing into his hand even as the younger tried to keep his grip on the organ. He couldn't help it, even if he tried to deny it with sweet words and eager moans he wanted to be in Yugi's mouth, he craved to know what else his lover's tongue could do besides licking. Although, he didn't seem to be the only one. Yugi's lips were pursed together, stubbornness plane on his face. Lusty Orbs watching Yami's member bob up and down and his tongue stole across his top lip as he watched the precum spill out; until the hesitation ended and Yugi engulfed his cock with breakneck speed.

Yami screamed at the molten heat wrapped around him, feeling the urge to buck into it with all he had; but he quickly stopped himself with a firm bite to his lip. A smile could be seen in Yugi's eyes as he reveled in his other self's appreciative moans and yelps as he continue. Lips laying wide open mouth kisses all over, tongue running up the veins teasing and coaxing them to fight back though he knew they couldn't, and teeth grazing over reddening ivory flesh with the intent of sending shivers through Yami's groin to build up the pool of pearly white essence to its peek; leaving Yami to do nothing but moan and whimper as he was treated. Not once did Yami beg for more however, Yugi was doing well on his own. He seemed to know exactly where to touch him, where to let his teeth lower slightly but not enough to call it a bite, and he knew where Yami wanted his tongue; right in the slit, thrusting in and out. It was like Yugi's mouth and his dick were fucking, except technically Yugi was the one doing the fucking and Yami was just the one taking it and moaning like a bitch on heat.

When Yugi began to bob in time with his tongues thrust Yami's resistance collapsed and his hips bucked hearing Yugi disapproving groan at the unexpected movement; Yami's hips were immediately secured with pale hands and Yugi continued on as if it hadn't happened. Apologetically, Yami rubbed his hand though the boys hair as he worked; he hadn't meant to thrust but his body had simply reacted too fast to stop. This didn't seem dampen Yugi's mood though, fore the boy was now swallowing around him and keeping a firm grip on Yami's hips. As expect Yami moaned loudly and tried to thrust into the tight salivated space; but he was denied permission to penetrate. A small whimper escaped him but nothing else, he tried to understand why Yugi wouldn't let him but his mind was moosh. How do you think again? He had to ask himself with a slight confusion; not truly convinced his brain even worked anymore.

But soon his moans grew and all thought avoided him as he gripped the hair on Yugi's head roughly trying to contain himself. The tip of him hit the back of Yugi's throat with ease, precum just sliding down into his stomach. The slim throat choking Yami's cock, so tight in fact Yami wondered how Yugi had managed to get him inside. He moaned his lover's name loudly as Yugi hadn't ceased his bobbing, sucking the male down like a popsicle, he could even see timid chills run down the younger's spine; he was either enjoying it as well or he was scared. But Yami had no time for that, his dick was throbbing, his mind was reeling, and that dam inside him was ready to blow.

"Ah-Aibou...I'm...I'm at my limit." Yami stress with a low groan, barely able to get out the right words; though his panting didn't help. But Yugi understood clearly and let Yami slide from his mouth with ease; the tip sitting at the bed of his small tongue before he let it go. A faint moan of disappointment threated Yami's lips to part but he kept it down and starred at his hikari; panting from all of the heavily active hormones racing inside of him. Yugi smiled up at him and got back to his feet; brushing off his knees as the floor had dirtied his dress somewhat with a light coat of dust and dirt. Afterwards, he held his hand out to his lover and helped Yami to step out of the pajama bottoms he'd discarded to his ankles; now making him butt naked and on display for Yugi's wondering eyes.

Yugi couldn't help it, he glanced down at the still hardened member and his own ached to be soothed as he watched it throb. The younger pulled Yami to the bed and turned him to push him down onto the bed; His legs spread wide so that his throbbing cock lay at center stage.

Sitting back on his knees in between Yami's thighs Yugi pulled Yami back into his mouth to finish him; but Yami protested the action. "N-No, Aibou, please? I don't want you to force yourself-"

"I'm not." Yugi replied quickly after letting Yami loose for the moment so that he could speak. "I want to do this Yami...I want to taste you in my mouth." Yugi admitted truthfully, not able to push down the blush that rose to his face as he said so. He didn't want Yami holding back on him either, he wanted to give him the courage to tell Yugi what he wanted, what he needed; Yugi could surely handle anything if it was for him. "There's a first time for everything Yami, so..." Yugi trailed off adjusting in between Yami's legs; his mouth hovering over the head with foreshadowing swirls of air. Yami made no move to stop him, although Yugi could clearly feel the nerves getting to him through the mind link; he paid it no mind and sunk his head down to take Yami into his mouth once more, sucking hard now and urging Yami to completion.

\Yugi...\ A whimper passed through the mind link as Yami's body began to tremble; he wouldn't last more than a suck away.

/Cum./ Yugi replied simply, humming around his partner and sucking hard; hoping to get Yami off in the process. He was undoubtably successful as Yami arched back and let out a strangled moan; letting the dam inside of him collapse to nothing but ash and his boiling essence shoot into Yugi's mouth. Luckily, he was far enough out of Yugi's mouth that Yugi could block his throat with his tongue; letting the liquid splash there instead of to the back where he could choke. Sticky stream after stream of the white liquid stuck to the walls of Yugi's mouth and soaked his tongue until it came down to the very last drop.

Yami fell back onto the sheets, his spine turning to feeble goo, unable to support his weight. His breathing came out in heavy pants as he tried to come down from his high, his focus on anything else completely shot and his eye lids closing to shut out the world around him. Blissfully letting his orgasm take hold of him as relaxed into the sheets; forgetting that there was more.

But, Yugi hadn't. Giving the limp member in his mouth one last suck before releasing it, Yugi rubbed his throat to help the thick discharge go down. It was still salty but not too much that Yugi couldn't ignore it to taste the more sweet side to it as he looked to his yami and smile. The teen looked handsome when he was happy like this, and as long as Yami was happy he was too.

But, he wasn't done with him yet.

He stood up leaning over Yami to give his forehead a light kiss before he turned to the nightstand, searching through the bottom drawer for the two hidden bottles inside. Once a red and blue bottle were revealed to him he quickly snatched them up and shut the drawer turning back to Yami. He held the two bottles of lube up in front of himself, showing them to his partner. "Mou Hitori, do you want me to use raspberry or blueberry flavored?" He asked casually, lifting the bottles to indicate which one was which.

Confusion stole across Yami's face in a grimace and his eyes opened to look at them, reading the two bottles his eyebrow arched. "They're flavored?" He asked in disbelief, his hand reaching out to take one before he looked it over, rolling one of the bottles in his hand as if it were a foreign object.

Yugi nodded and let him take the bottle. "It's to make you taste good and to make it so I don't hurt you while we're making love." He explained taking the raspberry one back. But, Yami's crimson eyes still looked too curious to have understood what that meant. "I'll show you in a minute, but first, which one?" He asked again.


"Ok," Yugi agreed and put the blueberry one aside to hold the chosen one in both hands before turning back, "Scoot up a bit on the bed though, I don't want you to fall." Command given softly, Yami did as he was told and sat up against the two light blue pillows on Yugi's bed and looked to him for the next step; but he found his hikari stripping off his dress and his face immediately flushed.

He'd never really seen him naked before, and anytime he dressed or undressed Yami wouldn't look; but today Yugi didn't seem to mind him watching as he reached up to pull the dress down by its shoulders. Yami's jaw began to drop slowly as his shoulders, his nipples and then his baby smooth torso came into view. No fight was put up again the tongue that slipped across his lip as he eyes wandered around Yugi's now revealed body. He wasn't beautiful. No, that word was played out; he needed a new one for Yugi. If he'd gone into Maximillion Pegasus' thesaurus he would have had no other choice than to describe Yugi as exquisite, gorgeous, bewitching, resplendent, ravishing, or something along those many lines; for if he hadn't promised Yugi that he'd let him be on top than Yugi would have been screaming so loud even Seto Kaiba would be able to hear them from his large company building in the city.

But, since he was to be the one being made love to his eyes began to wander lower, wondering for a split second how big Yugi actually was for his size. He didn't stare because he really cared about if Yugi was big or not, but because he wanted to know how much pain he might be in for. Yami may not know much about sex but he knew there was always some kind of pain involved. Fear of pain wasn't on his list, but, fear of showing his Aibou that he'd hurt him was in high probability.

Yugi could almost feel the stare coming from the ex-pharaoh as he pulled the dress down a little further to reveal his boxers, thanking the Gods he hadn't let Melvin force him into women's underwear as it wouldn't have helped him assert his dominance any better than he already had. However, after that, Yugi's movements halted and he stilled not having thought through the process of showing his new boyfriend his erection. His face flushed when he looked over at Yami's own erection that stood much taller than his own and he felt himself harden at the sight of just comparing the two. He didn't want to show Yami how small he was compared to him...but he realized, with a pout, that if he wanted to make love to him and make him feel good he'd have to get fully undressed.

His small fingers twitched as he realized this and sighed; hope that Yami didn't want him to be that big tried to grapple his mind as he hooked his thumbs around his waste band. But, if he'd heard correctly from the girls in his class, having a tiny package was not something considered nearly as attractive as having a monster in your pants that growled and snapped at your mate. He shook these doubtful and hopeful thought away and yanked his boxers down, letting them sink to the floor and he folded his arms behind his back to keep from covering himself up and he closed his eyes tight feeling heat rush to his cheeks as he stood their idly; giving Yami the chance to take him in fully.

Having notice Yugi's sudden nerves Yami was about to tell him that he didn't have to be shy about it, but the boy's sudden removal of clothing left him speechless and he gasped seeing Yugi's member bounce out of his trousers to stand proudly at attention; like a shameless super model that flashed her tits on stage. Yami eyes curved openly around the full length of Yugi's dick, watching the veins bulge out slightly from the pale creamy skin holding the blood flow intact, the slit letting tiny drops of precum bleeding out at the speed of a desert snail, and the head of Yugi's neglected meat twitching with a flustered blush color as the cold air caressed over the heated and exposed flesh; and for some reason Yami could tell that he was the cause of this erection, every eight inches of it. There were no words to describe how much heated flooded to Yami's groins as he realized this; his boner coming back full throttle at the thought of having Yugi inside him, thrusting, claiming, dominating; Yami wanted it all. But the thought of pain came back quickly as he took another shameless glance at the fine erection and recognized, with a frustrated groan that he'd have to wait.

Yugi, who'd opened one eye to take a peak at Yami's reaction, felt a wave of mixed feeling over the mind link and decided to cautiously come forward; his feet tiptoeing around the clothing he'd shed and padded closer to the bed, where is Yami was currently to far in thought to notice. He knelt down next to the spikey haired teen on the bed and laced his fingers with his wanting to gain his attention; little did he know he already had it.

"Yugi, I need you. Now." Yami stressed painfully, his crimson eyes searing into Yugi's with desperation for contact and the longing to be completed. Yugi was larger than he thought he'd be but it was nothing he couldn't handle; he didn't want to wait anymore. "I know you don't want to waste the lube but-" Yami was cut off with a gentle kiss to his lips that lingered and moved around sloppily over his and he melted into the understanding behind it; as though Yugi couldn't wait one more second either. A tiny slick muscle swept across Yami's lips and he parted them to allow its entrance, letting Yugi's tongue begin the war that he quickly lost and submitted to, letting his tongue taste his mouth hungrily making Yami moan in approval. His hands left Yugi's and he went to let his slim, and slightly muscular, arms slip around Yugi's neck to pull him closer.

Yugi took this new opportunity to swing both his legs over one of Yami's to straddle him, accidentally crashing their member's together and making them both cry out into the kiss and begin to slowly grind against each other; the kiss becoming more erotic as their bodies rocked in unison. Shivers and shudders ran through both teens as they refused to stop, thrusting and panting to their hearts content. Yugi loved the husky moans that ripped from his partner in between kisses and the groans he sent back as their bodies became greedy for more. He kissed Yami harder, not wanting him to breath in anything but himself, and let their saliva intertwine in the mix; noting that some slipped from their lips and trailed down the side of Yami's face. Neither seemed to care though as they continued and let saliva tread wherever it wanted and kept thrusting up and down into each other; their cock's lubricating themselves with their precum.

They finally came to a point where air was needed and they parted nastily, tongues jutting out, transparent liquid every which way, and hazed eyes; neither wanting to pull away but oxygen making it impossible to stay. Their lungs begged them to stop and let them rest, releasing sickly pants from the teens as they obliged and slowly let their grinding come to a contemporary rock before they stopped completely. They both groaned at the loss of friction; air being the nuisance that had ended their delightful dry love making. They both still had a ways to go before they'd climax; as teen stamina was a bit unforgiving that way. Frankly they just wanted to get it started.

"I...Understand...Yami...spread your legs for me a bit...would you?" Yugi panted lowly, leaning back to see his new target; the puckering pink hole that'd have Yami screaming to the Gods. It was small, untouched, innocent; his.

"Like this?" Yami asked, spreading his legs a bit so that they still bent at the knee, but enough that Yugi could see his hole stretch and his erection swing to the side. A rosy blush tinted the bridge of his nose to his cheeks as he watched Yugi stare; nothing but love in his eyes as he too appreciation in Yami's figure. He swore Yugi could be so bi-polar sometimes.

"Perfect." Yugi nodded with a pleased smile as he lifted his length to align it with its new home; Yami's knee being used for support as he brushed the head of him on Yami's entrance; the unexpecting hole twitching cutely as it was coated lightly with precum and pushed again lightly as Yugi began to enter, nice and slow. Pushing into Yami's tight heat gently was quiet possibly the hardest thing he'd ever done in his life. Not because it felt so good, but because he had to listen to Yami whimpering in pain every few minutes while trying not to admit that it was amazingly hot inside of him. He could have literally melted Yugi's dick off if he'd wanted to; exaggerated or not.

He stopped every time he heard Yami's pained cries but the teen just told him he was fine and to keep going; only making Yugi feel even worse as Yami tried to brave it by biting his wrist. When he finally got all the way in he felt like a weight or two had been lifted off his shoulders, each weighing a ton. He didn't want to hurt Yami, granted he wanted to make him scream, but not because he was hurting. Still, Yugi held still so that Yami could better accommodate him without pain and he resisted the hormones that told him to fuck him senseless.

Tears trailed down closed crimson eyes even though the teen tried to fight them down; his quick judgment being questions after the dead was done. As he tried to relax he was beating himself up inside for being so clueless. He'd thought he could take Yugi with no problems, but it turned out that lube made a difference; he'd found that out the hard way. At least he was learning something from his first time.

Yugi did the honors of kissing the stream away and then pecking each of Yami's eye lids before placing butterfly kisses down his jaw, trying to get him to relax. To his satisfaction Yami began to loosen up quickly, seeking into the mattress a bit at with Yugi's help. When his lips began to leisurely suck at the pressure point in Yami's neck he heard the ex-pharaoh unshackle a joyous moan that had been locked inside him and he cupped the back of Yugi's neck to keep him there; the pain in his lower region becoming somewhat forgotten.

Yugi noticed this but kept sucking on Yami's flesh, his tongue licking roughly at the one patch of skin he focused on and his lips kissing the moistened skin affectionately. To say Yami was enjoying the treatment was an understatement. His neck was arching into Yugi's like a crane's would to get to fresh water, his pants breed into half whimper half moans, and his eyes closed to savor the light caressing of Yugi's mouth; it was a bit of a guilty pleasure if he had to call it anything, Yugi's oral cavity was a blessing that he could only thank Ra for. Wanting to return the favor, the teen craned his neck lower to reach the Yugi's; but, based on the other teen's challenged height and current position, he couldn't reach.

A pout begging to form, his quick thinking told him to scoot lower, which he complied to without a second thought; big mistake on his part. He latched onto Yugi's neck happily, lightly sucking the area given to while he rubbed his finger down Yugi's spine enticing a shiver out of him like he'd just be thrown into the cold air.

Yugi tried to keep control, but, Yami seemed to be torturing him. He tightening up on him angry hard on, grinding down on his shaft, sucking on his neck like some sort of hybrid vampire with dull teeth instead of sharp, and his hand was ghosting all over his spine; if Yami liked to walk he'd better stop.

And yet, he didn't. Pulling away from Yugi's neck, he trailed his tongue up to his earlobe and began swirling his tongue around it. The hand that was ghosting on his back now massaged his butt cheek in a slow, playful, circle. Yugi wanted to melt into a puddle on Yami's chest, though he rubbed softly his hands were rough and carved to be as such, and his tongue raked over his skin like he was the last supper. Yami was going to kill him.

Suntanned lips pulled into a smirk as he felt Yugi's throbbing length inside him. Rolling his hips, he decided he'd teased Yugi enough, he pulled both hand around his neck and his assault on his earlobe stop to show that he was ready. He knew he was in for it now, but at least he knew that Yugi had tried to be gentle with him; and that was all that mattered.

When Yugi felt the role on his dick, all hell break lose inside him; whether it was the good kind or the bad he couldn't tell. His promises from earlier fresh in his mind, he withdrew slowly, watching for any pain from the body underneath him; when he felt none he gave Yami a slight nod he snapped back in. Going slow now was completely out of the question, so Yami would just have to deal with being pounded into the sheets.

Red tipped hair disappeared into the blue hues of the pillow as Yami arched slightly to moan out his satisfaction, the ache in his back side being thrown aside by the longing he felt to have Yugi thrusting into him. Every movement the boy made put Yami's judgment of him into question. Were Yugi's arms hiding strong muscles if he could pick Yami's legs up and wrap them around his waste so easily? Had he estimated truthfully that Yugi was eight inches when he'd checked, or had he been lying to himself so that he could enjoy how viciously large he felt inside him? Did Yugi's lips really taste like the innocent strawberries he'd thought them to be, or were they a thicker sweetening such as those sinister raspberries? Had Yugi been holding back this dominant side from him? If so, for how long? And why? If he had a choice between being the seme or the uke he'd have a 'U' branded on his ass faster than the clerk could slap a label onto his milk carton in the grocery store.

His hikari was pounding into him like a freezing man banging on the door of a house with a fireplace glowing orange in the window, and Yami couldn't get enough of bed creaking thrusts he received into his rear; it was heavenly. "P-Please Yugi...more...f-faster..." He moaned out his pleas, his nails beginning to snag Yugi's back a bit from the harder thrust that met his insides making him screams name.

Yugi was just as bad. Sweat covered his forehead hidden by his golden bangs, his tongue lolled slightly out of its home, licking at the air that wouldn't make it to his lungs. He could hear the slapping and tapping of his balls against the Yami's cheeks, and the echoing it made around the room mixing and mingling with their moans. Though Yami's legs made little to no sound as his ankles met Yugi's lower back as they tried to cling on, forcing him to press in deeper. More than his length being enclosed so savagely into the heat of Yami's ass, he loved the insistently needy voice he'd brought out of Yami just be making love to him. He silently vowed he do this all of the time, whether it be physically like this, or just simply loving his Yami with all of his heart; his happiness was everything.

"Anything you desire..." That softly grunted reply made Yami's body tremble submissively, he'd never felt or needed to feel so taken care of in his entire existence; it felt so good.

"Say it again..."

"Anything you desire, Mou Hitori no Boku..." Yugi softly repeated, not asking why Yami needed him to, but instead smiling down at him softly as he began to go faster; making Yami's kissed bruised lips part to let out his strangled moans. Legs tightening around him and nails scratched heavily on Yugi's weary back Yugi deepened his thrust in a curved motion, angling and trying to find that one spot that'd have Yami screaming. That luscious bundle of nerves was just out of his reach, he could feel it. After another few moments, Yugi's prodding was in vain. Though he was the only one that knew as Yami's eyes were shut and his toes were curled behind his back; almost as if he could feel his climax coming. But Yugi was finished with him yet, he didn't want it to end.

Concluding he wouldn't be able to find Yami's sweet spot in that particular position Yugi pulled out completely and crawl of the bed to grab the lube; leaving Yami to whine confusedly on the bed, panting and still thrusting from constant activity. Yugi smiled slightly as he popped open the cap and poured a hefty amount onto his fingers. Who said anything about wasting lube?

"Mou Hitori, get on your hands and knees for me, please." He told him sweetly and softly, trying not to make Yami too suspicious. Lucky for him Yami's head was clouded with lust and he could only think about getting that ravishing friction back. He did as he was told and rolled onto his stomach to left slowly onto his hands and knees; his limbs trembling slightly as he put weight on them.

Yugi quickly scuttled back over to the bed and jumped behind Yami to get proper view of him, he didn't have much time to look though; he didn't want Yami's curiosity to peek too much at the new position. Without looking Yugi put his fingers in his mouth, scooping the lube off to sit on his tongue while he parted Yami's cheeks; his whole was read and glistening, twitching erotically at the cold air. Yugi nearly cooed at the sight but cut it off for fear that he'd spit out the raspberry liquids without thinking.

Yami's mind was beginning to return to him fast, he blinked his crimson eyes dully as he waited. He was just about to turn his head and ask Yugi what was going on before he felt something slick and slimy enter him and his ass clenched. "Oh gods..." He shuddered hard, letting the support in his arms collapse as he moved back to meet the foreign object. It couldn't be Yugi's dick, there was no hardness, no jagged edges, and it moved oh so much freer.

Yami let out soft moans while the slickness began rubbing his walls and wiggled further making him cry out at the sudden stirring. Head lolling to the side Yami glanced back at his part to see what was being inserted into him if it wasn't; but he couldn't see Yugi's face or anything of the boy clearly accept for the pale and on his ass cheek kneading it softly while keeping it steadily in his grasp. But, with Yami's luck, as soon as the organ began to thrust inside him he knew what it was. He gasped softly each time the roaming tongue lapped at his entrance, making him loose and easy to slip into. It made him want to spew his seed all over the sheets; but he wanted to wait for Yugi.

"Yu-Yugi come back insi-AH!" Yami screamed in a girly voice that had him smack his hand over his lips. Something inside him had been brushed passed on that last lap; and it felt fucking amazing. And all too soon Yugi began to withdraw leaving Yami to pout slight. "Yugi, n-no that spot-" His whining was cut short by a press back to his entrance that he could clearly distinguish as Yugi's second head.

"I know Yami, I'll hit it again, I promise." He assured his darkness as he began to press in once again, a mental picture of Yami's prostate fresh in his mind as he thrust forward hard trying to hit it. The first time, he missed with an unsatisfied moan from his Yami. But the second time he hit it dead on and had the lean body under him arching down into the sheets with a loud serene moan that made Yugi smile brightly before he began to thrust into that exact spot nonstop.

Yami rocked off of him like a ball to a paddle, nearing the headbored every time. Continuous shouts of 'don't stop' and 'harder' came at him repeatedly, the want in his Yami's voice being kept on radar through it all as he loved to hear him enjoying himself. He tried to ignore his own pleasure but Yami made it impossible. His ass tightening on Yugi when he least expected it, Yami leaning back into Yugi before pulling away to milk him, and the constant rolling of his hips that drove Yugi crazy; and sooner than he would have liked, he felt his climax approaching with a ferocious fire to it.

"Y-Yami...I-I'm close"

Yami arched up onto his knees to lay his head back on Yugi's shoulder to smile at him before grasping his hair and pulling him in for a kiss, their tongues automatically jutting out to stroke each other; the make out was short but sweet and when they both pulled away they were panting lightly, gazing into each others eyes.

"Good, me too." Yami broke the blissful silence, bring them back to their current situation, his hand channeling back to wrap around Yugi's waste and holding tight. "Go for it..." Yami offered hinting at Yugi seductively with his piercing crimson eyes.

Yugi shuddered and nodded his agreement before beginning to thrust up between Yami's cheeks laboriously, his hand fidgeting around Yami's torso to stroke him with his thrust. Both moaned pleasantly into the room around them, slowly becoming one; their moans intertwining to the same sound, their eyes closing to capture the moment and never let go, and their bodies staggering together in elated unity.

The words 'I love you' never came, it was already conceived. No doubts, no limitations, no release was united, linked, and whole.

They were finally one.

~Lemon End (Safe to read)~

The next morning Yami awoke groggily to the sound of anger and authority; the two worst things to hear in the morning after sex. He rolled over onto his side, with a sting of pain in his rear and half sleep eyes, seeing a blob in the door way before he shut his eyes again and cuddled his pillow. "Five more minutes Ji-chan..." He mumbled trying to drift back to sleep. But as he lay their silently a light-bulb went off in his head and he sat up with a start. "Ji-chan!? Wh-What are you doing back from Egypt so early?" He stuttered nervously trying to cover himself but realizing he was fully clothed he stopped. How? His eyebrows furrowed.

"For your information, Young man," The gray hair game shop owner stepped closer with a stern look on his face, ready to give Yami a piece of his mind. "I returned yesterday night. Around the time Yugi and your friends were kindly leaving my home. And ya know what I hear all night!? My grandson hollering loud and proud like he's being murdered or something! Now explain yourself boy! Did you or did you not rape my grandson last night!?" Solomon yelled loudly into Yami's face, making him lean back slightly but other than that his cool mask took all the hits for him.

On the inside he thought the man was unbelievable, actually believing that Yami had even sounded like Yugi last night; he must have been going deaf."Sir, I can assure you I most certainly did not rape your grandchild." He said coolly, brushing Solomon's loud tone off without trying; only making the old timer more fired up.

"Then what where those noses last night!? A hurricane that only happened in this room? I don't believe you for a second!"

Yami sighed, thinking of the best way to tell the old coot the truth without giving him a heart attack. "Grandpa, ask yourself this question before you put my truthfulness into question. If I raped Yugi last night, why am I sitting in the bed and he is not? Surely a virgin wouldn't want to move after their first time, so than why is he up walking around while I'm siting right in front of you?" He asked looking straight into the old man's eyes; waiting for the light bulb to click. But it didn't.

"I don't follow you my boy."

"I am sitting in bed, and Yugi is walking around, and probably skipping. What. Do you thing. Happened?" Yami stressed, trying not to get angry and keeping his tone light and calm.

The old man blinked, tossing the assumptions and the facts around in his head for a conclusion. Until...

Light bulb.

"Oh..." Violet eyes began to look sheepishly remorseful as he looked Yami up and down, noticing the boy's posture was slightly more hunched than usual. "So my grandson was..."

"On top of me the whole night? Yes. Is the reason my everything hurts? Yes. Is the one I love with all of my soul? Yes! Now please, if you be so kind as to let me brood over not being able to walk alone I would appreciate it greatly." He exasperated, trying to sound as miserable as he could.

Solomon chuckled taking the hint, his mood lighter now that he knew the truth. "Alright ma boy, anything you need me to bring up to you?"

"No, but can you tell me where Yugi went?"

"Oh, he left a note, but it's pretty vague." Solomon admitted, digging his hand in his pocket for the scrunched up piece of paper. He straightened it out a bit before handing it to Yami. He took it gladly and his eyes scanned it for a moment before he smiled lightly and handed it back.

"Thank you." Solomon nodded before taking it back and stuffing it back where it came from.

"Now are you sure you don't want anything?"

"No thank you, I'll be fine until Yugi gets back. Thanks anyway." The old man nodded before waddling out, shutting the door behind him.

As soon as he was gone Yami smiled again and laid back down, starring at the ceiling.


I went out to go get a heat pad and some aspirins,

please don't wake Yami while I'm gone, he's really tired.


He side peacefully, letting the quiet take him. Min trying to come up with something non Yugi related he could only shake his head and turn to the radio on the night stand; flicking it on at random.

Damn his luck.

There you go pulling me right back in

Right back in, right back in

And I know I'm never letting this go

I'm stuck on you

Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, stuck like glue

You and me baby, we're stuck like glue

Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, stuck like glue

You and me baby, we're stuck like glue

A breathy chuckled grazed from him as his thoughts went straight back to Yugi. His 'always thinking about him' Aibou, the one that he could never get enough of no matter how hard he tried. He shook his head again, but this time with great amusement.

"Oh Aibou...I really am stuck on you."


Ice: Holy crap that was long! You know what that 7-8 month gap was!? That lemon! I wrote that last part in an hour and a half!

Icuo: Enjoy it, because we'll never look at this again after the hell it caused. Especially not me. -looking at his hands- I feel filthy.

Ice: 23 pages yall! 23! Hate it or love it, our brains are shot!

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