I own nothing here. Hetalia and all characters within are the property of Hidekaz Himaruya.

A/N: Nothing new for a little while. I'll be doing some editing and cleaning up. Thanks for reading and please don't hesitate to point out any errors you find.

Liet is being boring. I mean totally uninteresting. You'd think that being back he'd want to like go do stuff but he's been a total hermit. It was like a week ago. I was just at home watching some movie when there was this tapping on my door. When I looked, there was Liet. He looked really really bad. Way to pale and seriously shaking. I hustled him into the bathroom. I thought he was seriously cold. After he was clean and dressed, he just collapsed on the bed in my guestroom. I went in to check on him a couple of times but he slept pretty much an entire day.

He was still looking like totally ragged and weak so I took him meals in the room. It was just simple stuff; soups, toast, and a lot of his favorite tea. It was kind of nice sitting on the bed eating together. He listened while I talked though he didn't say much. I was like just glad Liet was back. But today he's looking much better so I'm going to take him out.

"Liet! Come on get dressed," I pounce on him hug him tight. He yelps and stiffens. I totally freeze.

"Poland, you scared me." He gently pulls me off him. His hands are shaking, "Please don't do that."

"Like you ok Liet?" I let him go and take a step back. It sorta sounded like I hurt him.

His eyes close briefly and he gives this seriously cute little smile, "Yes. I'm fine. I'm not used to being grabbed suddenly."

"Ok. So like get dressed. We're totally going out shopping today," I pull out an umbrella and poke him with it. "Like hurry up."

"I don't know if…"

"Liiieeet. You've like been inside ever since you got home. You totally have to like get out and do something. Go on and get dressed or I'll totally use Poland rules and make you go out like that," I point the umbrella at him. His clothes right now are just so shabby. A totally boring tee-shirt and worn pajama pants. I am so buying him some new sleep clothes today. He starts to say something but shakes his head and slinks off to his room.

There are a few more protests but eventually I get him out of the house and into the city. He's being a little more normal now. Meaning he's like being a total worrywart. It's really good to see him acting more like the Liet I remembered, "Wow it's been such a long time since I hung out with Liet!"

He jumps, "Don't be so loud."

I wave it off laughing. His face is so funny when he's startled and confused, "Why? We're shopping we should be having fun."

He looks seriously nervous again glancing around the market, "It's just that things are still sort of tense."

"Hmmm?" I pause trying to peer around him. I'm pretty sure that I saw someone totally familiar looking.

"Poland, I'm worried that…"

"Italy!" I was totally right. I thought that hair curl was so familiar.

"Ahhhh! Poland?" He smiles and hugs me.

"It's been a while," It's totally good to see him again. With all the crap going on with the wars and Russia taking over then all the work I had to do rebuilding, I didn't have much chance to see him.

"It has. I was hoping I'd run into you today."

I look back Liet is still standing back where I left him. He's looking totally lost and confused. I feel pretty bad I totally ditched him when he didn't really want to come here at all, "Hey, Liet! Come over here. I'll introduce you."

"Hello. I'm Italy Veneziano."

"He's a friend from when I was partitioned," Liet is being like really shy. He's usually way more social than this.

"Hello," Liet smiles shyly as he approaches. I think it's a super cute look, "I'm Lithuania."

I grab Liet's wrist and lead him down the street with Italy following. Italy waves his hands as he talks, "We talked a lot about our dreams back then."

"I'm glad we both became independent," I nod enthusiastically.

Italy nods still smiling happily as we get to a little coffee shop. It totally smells good. I pay for everyone and we sit on the patio eating pastry and drinking coffee. I press some gingerbread into Liet's hands, "You have got to try this. They like bake it fresh here every day."

"Thank you," He's looking kinda sick again. Maybe I was totally hasty in dragging Liet out here with me. I watch him for a couple of seconds. He sips the coffee looking seriously lost in thought. Maybe he like just needs a little while to recover. Yeah, that's probably it. I turn back to Italy and we get into a totally serious argument about the best snack.

We end up hanging out at the café for like a couple of hours. Then Italy jumps up apologizing. "I'm supposed to meet Romano. He'll be irritated if I'm late. Poland we should have lunch together again. Lithuania it was nice to meet you!"

Liet nods giving him a small smile. I hug him gently this time, "You look like really tired."

"I'm sorry," He smiles at me though his hands are totally shaking again, "I'm fine though."

"Liet, if you're sick again tell me ok," I feel his forehead. He is kinda warm.

"I'm fine," He repeats as he finishes his coffee, "Please don't worry about it."

"Like if you say so," I help him clean up our trash, "Just one store then we can go home."

He nods looking seriously relieved. I drag him to a clothes store and pick up some new clothes for both of us. Not that much a few new shirts and stuff for him. Most importantly some new sleep clothes. I am totally going to pitch his raggedy stuff into the trash when we get back.

"Poland you don't need to…" He looks worried as I add a set of pajamas to the stack of clothes in his arms.

"Liet, you are staying with me right?" I cut him off.

"Yes, I really appreciate…"

"So like shut up and let me buy this for you. It's Poland Rules. If you're like hanging out with me you have to look like totally fab. Got it?"

"Thank you, Poland." That like finally got a smile out of him. Being the totally merciful person I am I take over to the checkout so we can go home.

So now that we're home he's acting really weird. He'll sit for a few moments then get up and pace a little. It's seriously getting annoying, "What's a matter, Liet? You look really stressed out." I was watching him from the couch. "C'mon it's a sleepover."

"I'm fine." He let out a soft breath. "Could I use your bath?"

What's wrong with Liet today? I'm gonna play a trick on him. I find a water gun and load it with ice water. This should make him so much more interesting. I can hear the soft splashing of water as he bathes. I turn the handle freezing as it clicks softly. The sounds from the tub don't change so he totally didn't hear it. I let out the breath I was holding and carefully open the door. I smile and get ready to shoot when I see his back. There are half healed cuts and bruises all over. Some of them look seriously deep. Under all that there's layers of scars.

I back away and close the door silently. Seriously, what in hell did Russia do to him? None of those marks was there when we were the commonwealth. I know they weren't. I knew every inch of his skin. All of this happened after the partitions. Why didn't Liet ever tell me?

There was a side to Lithuania I never knew.