Chapter 12: Kiss me, I won't tell

Klaus had strolled leisurely to the main lounge to relax and gloat privately about his time spent with Caroline, he thought of perhaps sketching her and lost himself in his ideas of correct pencils to use or shading methods to properly do her cheekbones justice.

However this temporary state of bliss was ruined by his younger brother sat sulking on the couch with a strong glass of scotch in his hands; a dark look fixed firmly on his face as though he was troubled deeply.

It had been less than a full day what could possibly have gone wrong in his absence?

"Baby brother forgive me but your awful mood is suffocating my good one" he told him.

"Good" kol replied in a sharp tone, his little brother always had taken such legendary hissy fits and this appeared to be no different.

"The witch"?

"Yes" Kol again replied through gritted teeth.

"Your fault or hers" Klaus was becoming amused at how such a small girl could have such a tremendous effect on Kol of all people.

"Mine" Kol growled, his anger growing as Klaus pushed the situation further.

"My my well then you will have to find something to fix it seeing as you care for her so much" Klaus picked up his sketch pad delicately producing a few faint lines that were to become a portrait of Caroline, thankful that his brother had not found himself in any real war while he had been gone.

"I don't have to do anything because I don't care for her or her feelings nor do I care what you or anyone else in this family thinks" Kol got up to leave but stopped at the door as klaus whooshed to cut him off.

"Now if any of that was true you would not be sat here sulking while the Gilbert boy is winning her over and if you really didn't care what this family thought you would be with her by now but you fear we would judge you" Klaus explained smugly in hopes of getting through to his brother.

"The Gilbert boy can have her I don't give a damn" Kol snarled before pushing past his older brother to escape to a room where conversation was null and alcohol was in the plentiful.

Klaus smiled; returning contently to his drawing

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Caroline had showered and dressed in clean clothes to distract her thoughts although was now faced with boredom, a dangerous situation to be faced with when she was trying so desperately to not over think or focus on a certain blonde original in general.

She listened for Bonnie and figured she was eating with Arabelle and discussing ideal talk about cleaning the library and her favourite spells to use.

She didn't sound happy or happy as in her usual Bonnie self, Caroline made a plan to visit her as soon as Arabelle had left and she was able to speak to Bonnie alone. Whatever it was bugging her, no matter how small Caroline wanted to find out in private, Arabelle was a nice girl but Bonnie was her best friend and they needed some girl time together alone.

So until then she could only do one thing trapped in her room avoiding the original big bad.

She was stressing so she would do what she did best in these situations; stress clean then organise some random town event to keep the founders committee happy after these games ended.

With that Caroline rolled up her sleeves of the denim shirt she was wearing, tied back her hair and got to work.

No Klaus thoughts here. Nope. None.

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Kol had been sitting on the steps outside of the mansion for the past hour with a bottle of Bourbon in one hand and Bonnie's phone in the other.

Playing with the device, throwing it in the air and catching it again, swirling it around in his hand, gripping it tightly and letting it go.

Ok so the little witch had made an impression

The Gilbert boy wouldn't know what to do with her anyway, she was no little girl she was a powerful woman.

Not that any of it mattered, he would never allow himself to stoop so low or become so weak that he would even consider being with a human. The shame it would bring on him, the way his family would laugh or his enemies would gloat and his weakness.

He scoffed at his own petty problems as he took another long swig from the bottle when a very dangerous thought occurred to him.

Bonnie Bennett was not entirely human...

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"Bonnie can I come in?" Caroline knocked at the door a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in the other.

"Yeah Care come on in" Bonnie smiled as her friend appeared

"You've not had a great day have you?" she asked a worried look over coming her face.

"I've not had a great week"Bonnie replied in a small voice with tears threatening to fall from her beautiful sad eyes.

"If its getting to much this whole pauper thing" Caroline began pouring two large glasses sitting on the edge of Bonnie's small scale double bed.

"Its Kol" Bonnie admitted lifting the glass to her lips hoping the wine will help.

"If he dared hurt you while I was away" Caroline raised her voice angered by the thought alone of Bonnie being left here in harms way.

"Its not that, its just him in general I think he's got under my skin" she whispered " and I don't know what to do"

"Tell me about it" Caroline grinned as both girls laughed at each other in their efforts to fight off the handsome originals.

Two Hours later

"I mean its different for you, I have Tyler to think of but you hmmm" Caroline smirked raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up Care" Bonnie all but screamed

"I am just saying if what you said is true with the pillows and the compliments plus the whole Jeremy bad thing going on, he likes you and you clearly like him." Caroline laughed.

"He is an original though, he kills who or what he wants when he wants and I am a witch I protect nature and the balance and he by definition destroys that very balance." Bonnie calmed from the fun free attitude the wine had given them.

"Thats true but witches are allowed to be happy as well and he makes you happy bon even after a couple of days" Caroline told her friend "its not a bad thing to have a selfish impusle or act on them from time to time"

"You ought to try it some time then" Bonnie retorted.

Both girls had finished the wine and felt better about their no where near solved issues, it was later into the evening by this point and Caroline left hugging Bonnie before she left, the sooner this week was over the better otherwise the impact was going to leave deeper scars than they originally thought.

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Not long after Caroline had left, there was a small firm knock on her door.

"Arabelle?" Bonnie called only for the knock to be repeated.

She got out of bed, walking over to the door

"Arabelle is that you?" she called again

"Try again darling" Kol replied from the other side of the wooden frame

"uggh what do you want?" she groaned leaning with her back to the door

"only to see you again, open the door?" he asked leaning closer to the door

"What do I get in return?" she quipped

"The pleasure of seeing me" he smirked at her feisty attitude firing through yet again.

"No thanks" she told him, her voice deadpan

"Wait, I have your phone" he explained

She turned the handle to let him in slightly

"You better not be lying" she insisted

"I took it earlier or have you forgotten our little spat already" he smiled that school boy hopeful smile she loved to hate on him before opening the door fully to him.

He looked no different to earlier yet this time seeing him at her door like this done something to her she couldn't explain. It wasn't a bad thing.

"As promised" he held it out to her, bowing slightly in a mock of a knight handing over a sword.

She took it quickly from his hand checking her call logs and messages to see he hadn't contacted Jeremy.

"I believe my apology is in order Miss Bennett" he took her opposite hand kissing it lightly.

"It isn't that easy" she whispered

"I had hoped you would say that" he winked "Walk with me?"

She turned away resting her phone on a small table near her door refusing to look him in the eye.

"Please" he asked drawing out the word

Bonnie said nothing but closed the door and set off down the hall with him following closely behind.

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Dear Diary,

Do you ever get bored of my problems?

Jeremy has informed me he can not get in touch with Bonnie

but Caroline insists she is fine.

Something is not right


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They had been walking for a while now, idle chit chat had been exchanged multiple times about who really won the pillow fight, her magic and the spells she favoured, his vampire abilities etc

Until they reached a familiar part of the mansion; the originals bedroom wing.

"Look I accepted your apology but if you think you are bedding me you have the severely wrong idea" Bonnie stopped suddenly to face Kol outraged.

"I am not attempting to bed you, trust me Bonnie if I was you would not be able refuse" he smirked smugly " we are here so I can prove how sorry I am and how much your trust is valued to me" he held out a key and faced the locked door.

"Oh I see" Bonnie stammered unable to grasp what she could potentially see.

The door creaked open, this was not a common visited room.

It was dark with heavy curtains drawn to block the sunlight.

In the dark it looked like nothing but another guest room, that is until the Kol switched on the light.

The room presented a green colour scheme of earthy natural colours close to the earth, a single bed stood proudly made a handmade cloth material to cover it as bedding.

On the floor lay a patchwork rug and the room was furnished with only a computer desk and a wooden sword mounted on the wall.

"You heard of my younger brother Henrick?" Kol asked slowly, his face hurt and overwhelmed with being in the small room.

"Yes" Bonnie nodded tears again forming in her eyes "I thought he was dead"

"He is" Kol sighed "but at each house we set up a bedroom for him as a sort of sick memorial it was Klaus's idea call it guilt or whatever"

"You were close?" Bonnie questioned seeing as Kol struggled to be around the Boys small collection of items.

"Yes, we all were with Henrick but him and I shared the same aspirations and all in all were a lot closer; like Klaus and Elijah" he mused thinking back to when he was human.

They left the room and made their way back to Bonnies quarters continuing their conversations with a new found respect for one another and deeper level of trust.

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"Here we are safe and sound" Kol smiled as they stopped at her door.

"You didn't have to do that tonight Kol" Bonnie bit her lip anxious all of a sudden.

"Yes I did Bonnie, you are different from the others, strong and powerful and I wanted you to know how much I trusted you" he smiled honestly at her.

"Why?" she aksed

"I am still figuring that one out myself" he laughed

"You should know that I forgive you for earlier" she told him her voice lowering so only he could hear.

"I am afraid I got a little jealous" he admitted tucking another stray hair away from her face dipping down ever so slightly to be closer to her.

"Jealous?" she smirked "of Jeremy but we are long over"

"So hypothetically if someone were to fancy you then there would be nothing to fear in terms of where your heart lies" Kol questioned his face growing slighlty closer to hers.

Bonnie looked at his hazel eyes "No Kol you have nothing to fear" and with that she closed their distance and locked her lips fiercely with her own in a passionate kiss that forced her up against the door of her bedroom and found her hands grasping his hair as his hands slid automatically to her waist pulling at her to him; both fighting to control the kiss.

Kol allowed Bonnie to break away for air before leaving a small peck on her now swollen lips.

"No one can know" Bonnie moaned into his neck

"Agreed"Kol gasped into her lips

"The witches would disown me if they knew" she kissed his ear

"My family would taunt you to spite me, they can not know I have a weakness" he trailed light kisses from her jawline.

"Your secrets safe with me" she whispered

"Goodnight little witch" he smirked at her

"Goodnight Kol" she smirked back pushing off of him and rushing to close her door.

Both stood silently on either side of her bedroom door backs firmly placed agaisnt the wood pressing their fingers their lips, smiling widely waiting for what tomorrow when they could sneak away to each other yet again.


Sooo hopefully this chapter was worth the wait?

Also well done to Cheyenne83 who guessed right the empty bedroom was of course Henrick' s :(

I love you all thanks so much for reading, let me know what you think by leaving a review xoxox