Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the song.

Song: One More Night by Maroon 5

I was told I'm not allowed to have the lyrics on here so wherever there's a break '-', then that's where the next verse is supposed to go. If you haven't heard the song, go look up the lyrics I guess. Sorry.

"You're such a goddamn arse, Sirius Black!" Marlene shouted, throwing a pillow at him and trying to slam the door as she stormed into her dorm.

Sirius caught it with his foot and pushed his way through. "Well you aren't so peachy yourself, McKinnon!"

"Back to that, are we? I'm just McKinnon to you?!" Marlene yelled, throwing every stuffed animal known to man at him.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean it..." Sirius sighed. "Marlene...just..."

Marlene sighed and threw herself into his arms. She melted when he said her name, they both knew it.

Sirius wondered why he kept coming back to her. All the ever did was fight.

Marlene trailed her lips along his jaw, pressing herself closely to him as she met his lips once again.

'One more night...' Sirius thought to himself as they collapsed onto the bed and clothes began flying.

Sirius groaned as he let her grind her clothed hips against his. He couldn't stop his boner from growing and pressing into her skin.

A small moan escaped Marlene's red stained lips, finding their way to his again as they made love again.

The next day was nothing different. Sirius woke up with the intention to leave. He wasn't one to be in a relationship. No, he got around. He had a rule to Never sleep with the same girl two nights in a row.

But something kept him in bed to watch her sleep in the morning. He laid for hours, gently stroking her hair and admiring how it spread across the pillow and her back.

"Still here?" Marlene smiled as she opened her eyes.

Sirius nodded, unable to say anything. Maybe just one more night...

One more night.

The way she looked into his eyes and smiled. The way she laughed. The sound of her voice. It all made Sirius feel something different. Something he never felt before. But he couldn't figure out what it was.

He couldn't control it. She rolled on top of him and they started to snog again, he just lost his head and couldn't do anything but kiss her with as much passion as be possibly could.

He stayed with her all day. They laughed and talked and made love. 'I could stay one more night...' Sirius thought to himself as she drifted asleep on his chest and he stroked her hair.

One more night... But he knew it wasn't true. Sirius Black had finally fallen in love. He wouldn't just be staying one more night no matter how many times he told himself that's all there would be.

"I love you, Marlene McKinnon." Sirius whispered to her as she slept.

The corners of her mouth lifted up into a small smile as he fell asleep as well. Just like he'd do every night after that.

Author's Note: my second ever song fic. I hope you like it! This song just screams Blackinnon to me and I had to write it! Sirius changed for Marlene. It's perfect! c': review please?!