A/N: Okay, just to reiterate, there will be another installment to this, so this is not the end. Just the end of this part. Also, flashbacks are in bold. With that in mind, enjoy! We don't own Yugioh GX.

"Judai! Snap out of it! This isn't like you!" Johan called to his friend. "You don't want to kill Yubel! You want to save her, remember!?"

The rest of the gang came running in behind the blunette, looking worried when they saw their friend.

Judai turned. "Johan!?"

Those eyes...there was definitely something wrong with those eyes. Not just the color, but the emotion in those eyes was off. There was no way those could be Judai's eyes.

"Jim, Amon, everyone!" O'Brien called. "Why are you here!?"

"Why do you think?" Kathleen responded. "We came to help!"

"Akiko! You're alive!" Haruko chimed.

Akiko looked touched. "Haru, you really were worried. Well, don't be. It's not like I had to take to the sky at any point during this mission!"

"Aki!" Jim called.

Johan looked only at Judai. "Judai, think! Try to remember! Someone told you that your friend wasn't to blame for her actions! They said that only you could save her! And you agreed! Remember!?"

He threw a card at Judai, who caught it and stared. On it was a white man with red designs—Neos.

"I know what's going on here, Judai," Johan told him. "He told me everything on the way over!"

Using Amon's monsters—the Cloudians—as a fog cover, the gang ran through the woods toward Yubel's castle, hoping they weren't too late. Suddenly, there was a rainbow light before them.

"Johan," a voice said. "Johan! Can you hear me!?"

"Huh!?" he looked around. "Who's there!?"

A white man emerged from the light. He had red designs and a blue jewel on his chest. "My name is Neos," he said. "I'm the guardian of a lost land called Neo Space, and the last hope this world has for avoiding the same fate."

"Wait, what!? Are you saying—"

Neos nodded. "Right now, there is a great evil at work threatening to destroy your world, and you kids are heading straight for it."

Kathleen gasped. "So is that the evil I've been sensing!? A world-destroying alien!? Aw, man! Now we've really gotta save Judai!"

"What!? What's going on!?" Asuka demanded.

"What's gonna happen to Aniki!?" Sho asked, looking ready to bolt. The funny thing was he seemed ready to bolt toward the trouble, not away from it.

"That's why I'm here," Neos said. "I came to help you save Judai from the darkness of his heart."

All but Amon and Hayato demanded, "What!?"

"It's true. Judai has already been swallowed by the darkness. Awhile ago, I appeared to him so I could ask for his help in stopping this. But there was a problem. Yubel had placed a bomb on him by order of her master. A demon named Darkness."

"D-did you just say Darkness!? But that's just a myth!" Kathleen said.

"What's wrong, Kathleen?" Amon asked. "You heard of that before?"

"Of course! All creatures have heard of him among the forest! The animals believe that, if not stopped, he could put an end to all life as we know it!"

Asuka's eyes widened. "What!? Really!?"

Sho yelped and jumped into Hayato's arms. Haruko looked ready to faint.

"So I told Judai that, to save his friend, he would have to take a huge risk and bring an evil card to life," Neos continued. "The card of darkness, which contains enough darkness to easily corrupt the hearts of man and turn them evil. Judai, however, can learn to control this power and could've used it to free Yubel from Darkness's control...if Darkness hadn't found out and stolen the card before it was safe to use."

"What do you mean safe?"

"The card was created centuries ago in order to stop Darkness, but it was never finished. To finish it required a certain person to win many duels in a row and fill the card with their powerful will. Once it had been completely infused with their soul, it would turn into a card they could use to defeat Darkness. But Judai never finished the ritual. The card's darkness was only partially filled with his strength before Yubel was forced to give it to him. Now that she has, the card's darkness has fused with his heart and is feeding off his darkest desires. Right now, that's to kill Yubel to free himself from her. But, deep down, he still cares for her and wants to save her instead. Johan. Take this card to him."

Neos held out a card, which Johan took. He glanced at the card: Elemental Hero Neos.

"When he sees that card, he should remember what's going on," Neos told him. "It's up to you now. I've cleared a path to the castle, so all you have to do is get in there and see that he gets this. I'm counting on you. Good luck."

And with that, Neos disappeared, along with the rainbow light.

"Judai. That card wanted you to have it so you could stop the true enemy and save Yubel!" Johan continued. "The other one, the card of darkness, was supposed to help you do this, but it was stolen and used against you! You have to remember your promise to Neos, or you'll never stop Darkness! Now come to your senses and end this!"

Judai stared at the Neos card in silence.

"He's right, Judai!" Kathleen agreed. "That card's contaminated your mind! Filling you with anger and hatred! And, even if you destroy Yubel, those feelings will never subside! The only way to conquer them is to stop all this senseless fighting and use that card the way it was meant to be used! Please, Judai! Do it!"

Judai stared at Neos another moment before asking, "And how's that...?"

His eyes faded back to brown, drifting over to the card of darkness. Suddenly the answer came to him—though he really didn't like it.

"Judai?" Yubel asked.


"What!?" Sho panicked. "What's wrong now!?"

"I really don't wanna do that..."

"Do what?" Asuka asked. "What's going on? Judai!?"

Yubel sighed in relief. "Now that's much better. Now that you've finally calmed down, I can make you mine again! Now give me back my controller, or pay the price...in blood!"

She started attacking Akiko—and anyone else who got in her way.

"Leave them alone!" Judai yelled.

Yubel just laughed maniacally as vines flew all around. One went straight for Asuka.

"Tenjoin-kun!" Manjoume cried.

"Asuka!" the others panicked.

Judai growled. "Fine, then! I activate Super Polymerization!"

Asuka cringed as Yubel went in for the kill.

"Die, you filthy—" she started.

"This lets me fuse monsters on either player's field," Judai went on. "Yubel. You might want to pay attention to this."

"Huh?" She looked at him, as did everyone else in the room.

"I'm probably gonna regret this, but, Yubel, I'm fusing you...and me," Judai said.

Sho's eyes widened. "What!?"

"Judai! That's crazy!" Johan called. "Don't do it!"

"Judai!" Asuka cried.

Yubel, stunned, asked, "What? But why?"

"Because it's the only way, that's why!" Judai answered.

Asuka protested, "But, Judai!"

Yubel looked at him. "Judai..."

The card activated, pulling both of their souls from their bodies and destroying them in the process. Judai's friends watched in horror as his body fell apart, crumbling into nothing. Once the fusion was over, nothing was left of the two.

"Aniki. No." Sho dropped to his knees, tears in his eyes. "No! This can't be happening! Aniki, come back! Anikiiii!"

"Judai," Asuka said, tears running down her face. "How could you?"

"It's for the best, I guess... Oh, Johan!" Kathleen ran to his arms, crying. "Why'd he do it!?"

Akiko stared for a moment. "Well, this thing's useless!" she said at last, throwing the controller aside. "Damn it..."

Jim walked over and pulled her into his arms. "It's for the best, Aki...," he said sadly.

Haruko clung to O'Brien, sobbing.

Johan held Kathleen close, trying not to cry. "I know."

They stood there in silence for a moment—a respectful goodbye to a good friend. At long last, he was free of Yubel. But it had cost him his life.

Finally, Johan said, "Well, I guess we should go and inform his parents about this..."

Asuka looked to where Judai had been standing only moments before. "Judai..."

Manjoume put a hand on her shoulder. "Was a brave man, and we'll never forget him."

Asuka just kept staring in silence, tears in her eyes.

"Well, let's go, guys," Johan said, starting off with Kathleen. "Time to face the music."

Amon and O'Brien followed, Haruko still clinging to the latter. Jim took Akiko and followed suit. Hayato carried Sho, still sobbing, away. Asuka stayed behind for a moment, and Manjoume waited in the doorway for her.

"Judai," Asuka said. "I'm sorry. There's something I never told you, and now it's too late. Please forgive me, wherever you are now. I just want you to know that I've loved you since the first day we met. I wish we'd had more time together so I could've shown you how much I love you, but...I guess this is goodbye, then. Farewell. Judai Yuki. I love you."

With that, she lowered her head and left, crying. Manjoume went with her, trying to comfort her the whole way back.