Disclaimer: This is purely written for fun. All characters property of Joss Whedon.

Angel was at his wits end. For the last week or so ever since Connor turned sixteen, he was becoming moody, secretive, and more rebellious than ever. Every little thing seemed to set him off and make him want to start a fight. It was a fight to get him up in the morning for school. Another fight after school to get him to do his homework. Another fight every evening to get him to go to bed. Even something simple like brushing his hair, or eating breakfast resulted in a screaming match.

Stomping feet, slamming doors, and sullen looks with rolling eyes was the order of the day now. Plus there was also Connor's music to contend with. For a vampire with extra sensitive hearing and a taste for classical music, the discordant jarring racket of Connor's heavy metal music being blasted at full volume at all hours of the day and night was very nerve-wracking indeed. Angel thought if he had to listen to that damn Mutiny Within c.d. one more time, he'd tear his own ears off.

For all his volumes and scrolls of information, there was nothing about dealing with a teenager in any of them. Sighing, Angel turned to the internet for advice. After typing in a list of Connor's behavioral problems into the search engine, Angel was bombarded with thousands of results and none of them were very comforting to the worried vampire. A common theme in the results was that drugs could be an issue. The idea that Connor could be on drugs was terrifying.

"I'll just have to search his room and make sure. It's for his own good." Angel thought to himself.

The next morning after Connor left for school, and before the rest of the team arrived for work, Angel took his set of spare keys and walked upstairs to Connor's room. The door was locked tightly and various "Do not disturb" and "Do not enter" signs were plastered over it. The locked door was another worrying thing. Connor never used to lock his door. Only in the last year did he start doing that and insisting that people knock before they entered.

Angel unlocked the door and went inside. The room at first glance looked like any other teenaged boy's room. A little messy, but not too bad. The double bed was unmade and there was a small pile of dirty clothes in the middle of the floor. The desk was covered with a pile of c.d.'s, video games, homework papers, empty pop cans, and crumpled candy wrappers.

Before he started his search, Angel tidied the room. Normally this was something he would have made Connor do, but the mess was starting to give him a headache and he didn't want to have to have another argument when Connor came home. When everything was straightened up, Angel began to search the room for drugs.

His heightened sense of smell came in handy. He couldn't smell any drugs, but he searched carefully in all the likely hiding places to be sure. So far all he found were a few dust bunnies and a stray sock. The last place to look was the drawer in Connor's nightstand. Angel pulled the drawer completely out and carefully tipped its contents out onto the bed.

At first he didn't see anything to cause any alarm. There was a small package of tissues, a few batteries, a spare USB drive, what looked like a bottle of hand lotion at first glance, and a couple of magazines. Angel turned the magazines over to examine their front covers, and got a hell of a shock after doing so. They were porn magazines! One was a copy of Hustler's Barely Legal and the other was a copy of Juggs. Angel's eyes grew wide as he stared down at the glossy photographs of the nude girls on the covers. If he could have blushed, his face would have been beet red. The idea that his teenage son had something like this was quite embarrassing. Turning his head, Angel's eyes fell onto what he had assumed was a bottle of hand lotion. Come to find out, it was a bottle of lube. Angel couldn't speak. All he could do was sit and stare at the wall, feeling quite old indeed.

Connor arrived back home from school a lot earlier than expected due to a broken water main. After tossing his jacket and bookbag onto one of the couches in the hotel lobby, he ran upstairs. When he got to his bedroom door, he was quite taken aback to see it wide open and to find his dad sitting on his bed holding a couple of very familiar magazines.

"Dad! What the hell?! Why are you in my room and why are you messing around with my stuff?!" Connor snapped. His young face turning red with embarassment.

"Connor..." Angel started to speak but Connor cut him off.

"No! I don't wanna talk about it! Just gimmee those and get the hell out of here!"

Angel sighed and left. He'd try to talk to him again later after he had a chance to calm down.