Chapter 1

It's a warm Friday afternoon, and I'm walking home from school with Phil. It's peaceful today. Quiet. Spring has just started, and you can see some of the flowers had already started to bloom on most of the trees as we walked under them. And there's this warm breeze, that lifts our hair with their soothing scent as it blows by. I smile. It makes me want to be one of those people that actually enjoy being outside all day.

"Feels nice today, doesn't it?'" I ask him. Hopping that today, he'll give me a decent reply.

"Yeah..." He mumbles. Not even bothering to look up from his phone, which has quickly become his favorite possession in the last two weeks. I almost tear it out of his hands, out of annoyance, when I decide to give him a chance by testing him.

"It's the perfect day to streak around the neighborhood naked. Holding hands and belting Beiber songs."

"Sounds good." I watch as he reads something on his phone screen and then grins, laughing. After that, he begins to type back inhumanly fast. And suddenly I can't handle it anymore. What, or who, is so interesting that he's been ignoring me for two weeks? At first I was just letting him do whatever. Maybe something was going down that he needed to deal with on his own. Not anymore. I'm not putting up with this for another week.

"That's it." I say, swiftly snatching away his phone, and sprinting a few meters ahead. Knowing he'll be too stunned to do anything about it. His screen is locked. But I know the password, so it's fine.

"B‐U‐F‐F‐Y!" He yells at me to stop. But I ignore him.

"Dan!" He shouts.

"Nope." I say. "I wanna see what's been keeping you occupied for so long." He starts to run towards me then But I'm too far, and by the time he reaches me, I had already seen enough.

"Who's Lizzie?" I ask. "Did you get a girlfriend and not tell me about it?"

His cheeks were already pink from adrenaline, but his pale face is full on red now. "No!" He shouts, completely flustered. And I have to laugh because it's so cute.

Then I realize something.

"Wait...Isn't Lizzie that girl from the internet? You gave her your number? Phil!"

"She's not just from the internet Dan. She's my childhood friend. Or well, PJ, Chris, and I. She moved away a year before you arrived."

How come I'm just hearing about this now? Phil has been chatting with her online for over half a year now. You would think, but now, it would have been brought up. "Okay, So why are you texting her so much now? Did something happen?"

"Not yet." He says as he looks at another new text. I try not to get too aggravated that he already dropped the conversation. Just like that.


"Well, what?" He says, while sending yet another message to this girl.

I sigh. "You said 'not yet' Phil. What's going to change that's so big?" Seriously. Sometimes I think the only thing keeping me from going at his throat is thefact that he's one of my closest friends. He looks up at me confused.

"She's moving in with me tomorrow."

"What?! When did this happen? Why would she be moving in with you?"

"Well, not me exactly. More like my whole family. I thought you already knew that." He says, with an expression of confusion clouding his face.

"No Phil. You forgot to mention that some girl is just randomly moving in with you. Tomorrow."

"Oh. I thought that was why you were coming over tomorrow. That's why Chris and Peej are coming. To see her. Chris and I were talking about it yesterday. During lunch."

"I thought you were talking about...nevermind. Are you sure it's okay for me to be there? She doesn't even know me."

Phil stops walking a bit, and takes a moment to think about it. "Hold on." I watch as he sends her a message. And then wait awhile for the now familiar ding signaling a new text message has come through. "She said of coarse you can come. She practically knows you already, and it would be cool to meet you in person."

I look at him puzzled. How could she know who I am? I'm about to ask when he catches my expressin and says, "She watches our videos, remember?"

Oh. That's right. That's the whole reason I though she was just another fangirl.

The ding goes off on Phil's phone again. i groan. What's it say this time?"

I hear him laugh. "She says goodnight. And Tht she's boarding the plane now, and should be here in 8 hours." He looks up, noticing just how far we've gotten.

"Guess we've made it home." He says, turning right while we cross the street. "See ya tomorrow." I call over my shoulder, after I turn left.
"Later." He says, as he opens the door to his house and steps in.
Later. I think. It's never quite soon enough.

So there it is. My first Phanfic. I'm not that happy with it, but it's a start. I should probably introduce myself. My names Lexis. I'm here because God knows why. And if you liked this, please send me a reveiw. If you hated it, which you might, then tell me why. I'm still writing this and I'm almost done with the second chapter so if i get just one reveiw, (sorry, but you don't count Valerie) then I'll update the story. And I know this is a short chapter. I just needed something to get the ball rolling. The next chapter is so much longer. That's all really. You can thank GingerTips for giving me some motivation for this fic. It probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for that PM. Okay then...bye! (0v0)