Hello! This is my first story here on and I wanted it to be Gumlee because I am really into Marshall Lee and Prince Gumball right now :) Please enjoy it!

"I think the reason I got all of these guy friends and no boyfriends is because I don't really want to date any of them. I don't need to feel like I'm waiting to be noticed. I know who I am and I'll know what I want if and when it ever comes along."

Gumball was glad for that. He loved Fiona, he really did, but more like a close friend—next to MonoChro, his best friend—or a sister. The pining after him was finally going to stop and he was ecstatic. Besides, he wasn't really into her "type". By that he meant of the female type.

He smiled at Fiona. "I wasn't implying we be more than what we are, Fiona. I assure you I have no romantic feeling towards you. However, I had thought you did towards me for a while, and I was sort of appeasing you—for that I am truly sorry. Though now I'm just glad you've found happiness in being who you are. I say that calls for celebration."

Fiona looked to Cake, who made a face, and she shrugged a shoulder. "I think me and Cake are going to head home, Gumball. It was a pretty weird night, and I'm worn out. I'm sorry. Thanks though."

He waved it away. "No, I understand. If I didn't have my duties to look after the party then I would be relaxing like you intend to. Do you want an escort out or…?"

"I got it," Cake said, coming to stand beside her friend.

Then they were gone out the window. Gumball watched them disappear into the night out on his balcony and then turned around to see the mess left by Ice Queen.

He groaned, rubbing away a headache. He leaned against the railing of the balcony and said to the sky, "Glob, why does my life have to be like this?"

"''Cause you're the Prince, Gummy."

Said Prince nearly had a heart attack. He turned to see Marshall Lee, Vampire King, floating in his usual laid back position. He wore a fangy grin, red eyes glittered with humor.

Gumball frowned, not realizing Marshall would be at his shindig. The vampire didn't like his parties so he didn't think to give him an invite.

He and Marshall weren't best friends like Fiona and Cake, but they had gotten over their idiotic verbal fights and shared a friendship, one that Gumball found he rather liked. Marshall was decent to him sometimes. Occasionally the vampire still liked to mess with him, but that was how Marshall was.

"Marshall," he greeted with a nod. "Come on inside." He walked back in, hearing the soft whispers in the air that indicated Marshall's following.

The vampire whistled. "You're place is a mess, Gum-Gum. What happened?"

"I'm sure you can tell, what with all the ice in the room."

"Yeah, I thought I heard something going on up here. Did Ice Queen try and make you her hubby again?"

Gumball waked about the room, resituating things before he had to go back downstairs and say goodbye to his guests in a half hour or so. "Actually, she put me in an ice prison and took the form of myself and tried to harm Fiona. But I assume that she was going to do that after, if Fiona hadn't saved me once again."

The ice prison, The Candy Prince thought and shuttered, his hands halting their movements of setting a vase back in the rightful place. The coldness of his imprisonment suddenly forced itself upon him. While in that retched block of ice, his mind was awake but his eyes shut off from the world. He couldn't hear anything aside from the beating of his blood through his veins in his ears, thrumming shrewdly. It was an annoying and frightening thing to only hear the constant bump-bumping of his heart. The coldness that surrounded him was more than just chilling, it made him nervous. The cold always did because of the Ice Queen. And the worst part was he didn't know how long he would be in there.

Warmth was placed upon his shoulder, shocking him from his fearful thoughts. He looked to see a blue pale hand folded over it, and then behind him to see Marshall with the most expressive look he'd ever seen upon the vampire's face. Usually it was all fun and games, or very serious—talking about the Ice Queen and his past—but this was different. Because it was him, Prince Gumball, who Marshall had that look of seriousness for. And a look of worry if that was even possible.

"You're out of there now, so what does it matter?" Marshall's tenor voice asked.

How did he know that Gumball was thinking of that? Was he secretly a mind reader? "It matters because…" He wouldn't say it. Gumball would not tell this vampire of his secret pains when he did not tell even his best friend. He was a Prince, and Prince's did not act this way. Certainly they were not weakened by bad dreams.

"Because…?" Marshall asked, his hand tightening on Gumball's shoulder.

The Prince huffed and pulled away, stepping around his bed to get away from the nosy vampire. "It matters not, is what I meant to say."

Marshall smiled. "I've been around longer than your Kingdom has, Gummy. I think I know what you meant to say."

Gumball crossed his arms. So what if he did? It wasn't his business anyway. He decided to say just that, but before he could Marshall floated over the large bed and landed on his feet in front of him again. "Marshall Lee—"

"For once, don't be a Prince, be a normal person. And a normal person has fears. I do."

"Really?" Gumball asked, his arms unfolding. The Vampire King had fears? He was immortal, what could he fear? Well, Gumball knew the term 'immortal' wasn't exactly correct, because Marshall still could be staked, and the sun would burn him to ashes if he stayed under it too long. But aside from that he pretty much was immortal.

"What could you possibly fear, Marshall?"

The vampire looked around the room and out the open balcony door. He turned back to Gumball with a sort of shy mien. "I fear…dying…alone."

Gumball was taken aback. "W-what?"

Marshall sighed and sat down on Gumball's bed. He looked up with wide eyes, almost afraid. "You can't tell anyone this, okay? It's not something I want going around."

He did look really frightened of this being spread, so Gumball would keep the vampire's secret safe. "I swear by my title, on my mother and father's grave, that I will not tell a single soul."

Marshall rolled his eyes, but gave a half smile. "Thanks, dude."

Gumball took a seat next to him. The vampire was actually sort of warm, not the frigid temperature he assumed that he would hold, giving his paleness. He never realized he hadn't been this close to Marshall before, probably because the vampire was always drifting about in the air.

"Why do you fear that? You've lived so long; I didn't think you would care about finding something like love."

"Yeah, it's hard to fall in love when you're immortal. I outlive everyone. Eventually new worlds come along and I just have to find my place again. In another few hundred years or so, this place might not even exist. Weird right?"

Gumball nodded. "New kingdoms rise and fall, but the people never change much."

Marshall scoffed. "Time flies and people change, more than you think. Trust me. They grow and change drastically, Gumball. And soon you will be an old man and I will be this," he said, gesturing to his self, "and I'm sure we won't be friends anymore." He didn't seem angry when he said this, more upset than angry.

"Marshall, do you think so little of me to throw away friends just because they look younger than I?" Gumball asked with a grin.

"Yes," Marshall said with his own grin.

Gumball smacked his arm and they chuckled. "Jerk." He smiled. "Marshall, you'll find love, if it's in a century or a few weeks, you will find it."

"And they'll die like all the others."

It was a very depressing thought. Immortality seemed so amazing heard in tales and read in books, but in truth it was the epitome of loneliness. Gumball didn't know how to convey his sadness for Marshall, so he leaned his head against Marshall's shoulder with a sad sigh, and said with as much sincerity as he could, "I'm sorry you have to go through this. It makes my fears seem like rainbows and sunshine."

"Some people are afraid of rainbows," Marshall stated. "And I hate sunshine."

Gumball laughed, but Marshall kept quiet, though the Prince saw his twitching lips.

Gumball hummed. "It's strange, isn't it? You tried to make me feel better and instead our conversation just ended up making you upset."

Marshall let out a small puff of air, and said, "I'm not upset. I've learned to live with the fact that I will never find love."

"What kind of philosophy is that?"

"For a vampire, I'd say a good one."

Gumball was silent. Suddenly he said, "What if love finds you?"

Marshall put his hand on the top of Gumball's head. "I'd turn them away," he said with what sounded like great despair. "I don't…I don't want to ruin someone's chance at finding life-long happiness, and by life-long I don't mean my kind of life-long."

All the talk of love had him wondering. "Have you ever…?"

"Been in love?"

"Yes. Have you?"

Marshall's warmth was suddenly gone and Gumball had to steady himself, as he was putting his weight on Marshall's shoulder before. The vampire was floating in front of him now. His eyes glistened with pain. He looked so forlorn, even in the way he hovered above the floor, that Gumball regretted asking the question.

"Once. It was long before the Candy Kingdom was made. Right after the human's had their last war before almost complete extinction."

"What…" he stopped; afraid his question would upset Marshall. The vampire just nodded his head. "What was it like?"

Suddenly the pain vanished from Marshall's eyes. He gave a small smile, fangs overlapping his lips, and just overall seemed less upset. Gumball assumed talking about the good parts of his past made Marshall happier.

"It was one of the happiest times of my life. I just had a lot of fun being in that relationship and I wished it didn't have to end. But, I had to end it when people began to stare at us because of our age difference, and though I didn't care about that sort of thing…well, you get it. We were still friends after we broke apart and I was at the funeral, hidden in the shadows of course."

"I'm guessing she knew of your vampire status then?"

Marshall flashed a smirk. "Oh, yeah. I spilled the beans on the third date, but I had to do a little convincing because vampires weren't 'out' yet. He was fine with it."

Gumball blushed. "O-oh. I didn't know you were—"

"Gay? Homosexual? Well, I am." He shrugged, leaning back in the air to his casual laid back float. He turned his head sideways and opened one eye at Gumball. "Is that a problem?"

The Candy Prince smiled slowly. "Of course not. It would be strange if I had a problem with it as I happen to be homosexual."

"Are you really?" Marshall hummed, raising a brow. "Well, I thought you liked Fiona."

"No," he answered with a shake of the head. "I don't have any romantic feelings towards Fiona. I had thought she did, but earlier she stated she didn't want to date me."

"Harsh, man. Even if you don't like her like that it's still gotta hurt, huh?"

Gumball shrugged. "Not really. I'm glad she's happy being who she is."

Marshall rotated his body to stand. He narrowed his eyes at Gumball, who stared right back unmoving, curious as to why the vampire seemed to be assessing him with his eyes. "Yeah, I guess. But it's gotta be pretty hard to find someone who's a dude, what with your 'princely duties'. Don't Princes have to marry to become King?"

"Yes. Otherwise I'd already be one. I have until my 21st birthday, three more years. If I don't marry within that time then I think the next of the royal line becomes King or Queen. I'm not sure, but I think that's Princess Bubblegum, my cousin."

Marshall nodded. "Math, dude."

There was a knock on the door. "It's Peppermint, your highness. May I come in?"

Gumball stood up. "Come inside." He looked to Marshall with eyes that said 'behave'. Marshall and Peppermint didn't get along. Mostly because his trusted maid didn't like him hanging around with a vampire. Bad influence, she said. She wouldn't like seeing him in here at this time of night so he hoped the vampire didn't say anything to her, and vice-versa.

The door opened and in came the circular red and white stripped maid. She saw the ice and said with shock, "Good heavens, are you all right Prince Gumball?" She turned to see Marshall and grimaced. "Did the Ice Queen harm you; do you need me to call for help?"

Gumball smiled and shook his head. "I'm fine, Peppermint."

"Would you like for me to have the ice removed?"

"Yes, do so in the morning, please. I don't want to be bothered tonight."

She nodded. "I understand. The guests are about to leave, please come down to say goodbye." She eyed Marshall one more time with a dirty look and then shut the door behind her.

Gumball turned to Marshall. "I'll be downstairs for a few minutes. You can stay if you'd like."

Marshall shrugged. "I can hang for a while longer."

So how was it? Good or the worst thing you've ever read? I'm writing more of this right now but I'll probably put more if there are at least a few people reviewing, I don't want to put something here no one will read, you know?

Thanks for reading! :)