Authors Note: So as some of you heard, Three Days got taken down by the admins of the site. They're checking into why it was deleted but for now I figured I would try another Caryl story. Hopefully you'll enjoy this one as much as you enjoyed Three Days.

He had come back. It was utter chaos and pure madness but he had returned to them. Carol stood with the others, covered in Axel's blood as Rick, Daryl and Merle tried to make their way through the walkers that covered the yard. Glenn and Maggie covered them as she watched him move through the field. It had been a week since he left to go with Merle. Rick had returned with a beaten Glenn and told her that he had decided to go with his brother instead of come back to the home they had built together. She couldn't deny that it broke her heart but what killed her most was that Glenn told her that Daryl thought she would understand. In a way, she did understand. Merle is his brother and there was no changing that. Daryl never stopped thinking about Merle during the time they were apart but she did get to know a different side of him. A side that was open and caring to those around him. He didn't seem hard and distant like he had when they had first met. He was liberated in Merle's absence but it didn't matter.

"Carol…Carol." Beth spoke up pulling her out of her trance and she put her hand to her head.

"Are you okay?" Beth asked concerned.

"I-I'm fine." Carol muttered feeling faint.

"Your arm is bleeding." Carl pointed out and Carol looked down at it feeling the searing pain.

"Looks like a bullet grazed you." Michonne walked over just as the three men made it through the gate.

"Is everyone okay?" Rick asked looking around.

"Carol's been hit." Beth said in a panic and Daryl's eyes went wide as he dropped his bow to run over to her. He saw the blood all over her neck and face and started to freak out.

"Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" He put his hand on her face and she pushed his hand away.

"I'm fine." She said shaking her head.

"You ain't fine, you're covered in blood." Daryl fought but Carol pushed his hands away more forcefully.

"I SAID I'M FINE!" He stood in front of her stunned as the others fell silent.

"Come on Carol, let's get you cleaned up and have a look at that arm." Hershel said making Daryl's eyes go to her arm.

"Were you hit?" He asked quietly and Carol chuckled.

"Does it matter to you? Did you come by for a visit or to collect your things?" Carol spat darkly making Daryl recoil. Beth put her arm around Carol and led her towards the prison as Daryl stood shocked. He heard Merle chuckling over his shoulder and clenched his fists.

"Tell me we didn't come back here for some tail. Come on baby brother!" Merle teased.

"Shut up Merle!" Both Glenn and Rick said. Maggie walked over to Daryl put a hand on his arm.

"It's good to have you back. Just give her some time, she'll come around." Maggie tried to reassure him but she'd never been so harsh to him before. She had every right to be but he didn't like that she was pushing him away like she was.

"Let's get inside and regroup. We've got a lot to figure out." Rick said shaking his head. Daryl followed the rest of them inside and the immediately put Merle in a separate area as they collected themselves. He didn't want Carol to snap at him again so he stood outside of Hershel's cell while he worked on her.

"You gonna give that boy the cold shoulder now that he's back? A few days ago you were asking me if it was silly to pray for him to come back." Hershel said making Daryl lean his head against the wall.

"I prayed for Sophia to come back to me and look where she ended up." Carol said plainly.

"That was a terrible tragedy but Daryl came back and he clearly cares about you. You should have seen his face when he caught sight of you covered in Axel's blood. Boy was terrified." Hershel said but Carol just sighed heavily.

"Daryl knew what losing Sophia did to me and yet he walked away like I didn't even matter, like we didn't even matter." Carol said making Daryl hit his head against the wall as he continued to listen. He could feel the pain in her words as she spoke.

"Merle is his kin." Hershel reminded her.

"Merle is Daryl's kryptonite and he knows it. He wants to go back to living in that shadow then he can but that's not the Daryl I know. The Daryl I care about never made it out of Woodbury." Carol sniffled and stood up abruptly.

"Do you need something for the pain?" Hershel asked.

"No I'll be in my cell if anyone needs me." Carol's feet moved quickly on the hard surface of the stairs and Daryl bit his lip before walking into Hershel's cell.

"How is she?" He grumbled.

"You were standing there, you tell me." Hershel said knowing that Daryl had been standing there. When he lowered his eyes Hershel stood up on his crutch.

"Most of the blood was Axel's but the graze on her arm wasn't too bad. I cleaned it up and bandaged it. It should be sore but as long as we take care of it then it won't get infected." Hershel explained and Daryl nodded.

"As far as how her heart's doing, I'm not too sure. I suppose we'll have to wait on that as well." He put a hand on Daryl's shoulder.

"It's good to have you back, son." Hershel welcomed him before crutching away to join the others. Daryl leaned against the wall thinking about what Carol had said. Had him leaving really ruined their relationship this badly? Was there any way he could possibly salvage it before all hell broke loose with the battle between them and Woodbury? Daryl pinched the bridge of his nose feeling a headache settle in.

"Good to be home." He mumbled to himself as he left Hershel's cell to go make sure Merle wasn't causing trouble.