Thanks for your reviews guys, you have no idea how happy it made me!(: I didn't expect them at all and I'm really greatful.

Now please excuse me if you don't like this chapter very much...I only had an hour to write it but I did my very best and I hope it won't bring too much disappointment. Grammar and punctuation in this article is left as an exercise for the reader q:

Disclaimer: Not mine yet but...working on it.

An Angel's Descent

Chapter Two: Hostile feeling

My mind was muddled since this morning's events.

James had taken off almost immediately after the car had sped off and didn't say where. Though I couldn't be sure, I was almost certain that he, and the guardian angels that followed, were going to try and locate the resistance headquarters themselves. That didn't sit well with me.

I was aware of James' capabilities; I knew he could defend himself. The problem lay in the fact that I didn't know the human's abilities, what they were capable of doing, if they could harm my guardian or not. Heck, I knew they could. They killed an angel, and that proved that they had no hesitation in hurting us.

I don't know why that would shock me though, if they killed themselves then what would be so wrong about killing others?

So, to abridge my feelings in short phrasing, I was worried sick. I knew I shouldn't be so distressed about James and about the other guardians. They were just doing their job to protect us, like they always did.

What I should be doing is paying attention to the lecture but, how could I? My guardian could get killed for angel's sake! And all I was doing to help was sit in a crowded classroom, listening to a human lecture us about how her race was misjudged and how we should see the good in them.

Somehow, I'm having a hard time doing that.

"-species capable of intelligent thought, with complex emotions that sometimes undermine our rational thought processes, but, nonetheless, we are a very devoted race. We believe in the ideal of life as being precious and special. The value of human life is beyond reckoning."

Do you hear this woman? They believe that life is precious? Give me a break.

"Human life is precious?" the sudden voice caught me off guard, it was feminine and carried a soft melody yet her tone was…dead, it neither felt nor showed emotion, it was unnerving to say the least. "It pains me to say that your argument is easy to refute, hundreds even thousands of your species die every day, the calculus of your insignificant human life is so commonplace that you don't even notice it."

The teacher clutched the papers in her hands as she stiffened. Her expression changed dramatically, her usual cheerfully wrinkled face went slack, mouth slightly opened and body unmoving as she stared wide eyed at the venting angel.

I turned around in my seat and was met by a fuming guardian. Her eyes were nearly black, consumed in anger. Her eyes flashed and closed into slits, her hands curled into fists on top of her desk. She was trying to contain herself, it reminded me of a volcano, just waiting to spew all of its pent up emotions into the darkness. She let out a long deep breath, I assumed to calm herself down, and stood; every pair of eyes watching her every move with caution. She tucked her curly brown hair between both ears, recollecting herself, before walking up to the front of the classroom.

She put her hand gently on the door handle and stood there, just staring at it. She looked back and I thought she was going to say something else to the human, but she raised her head at the last minute and looked directly at me; I was stunned. Her eyes, now their normal shade of brown, bore the deepest sorrow and grief I had ever seen. It broke my heart to see an angel this way; it wasn't in our nature to feel these things.

"I'm sorry my prince" she said before opening the door and leaving the classroom.

It didn't take long for me to excuse myself, in the nicest way possible of course, and leave the classroom; Carlos and Jett trailing closely behind.

I had a purpose, I had to find her. If only to make sure she'd be fine. This task was way easier than I thought, she wasn't hiding. In fact, to my surprise, she was sitting in front of my room. Her back to the door, her knees pulled up to her chest as her arms cradled her legs.

I cleared my throat and her head shot up quickly.

"Oh, my prince I-I" she stuttered as she clumsily tried to get up.

I gave her a sweet smile and extended my hand to help her up. She smiled and took it, pulling herself up.

"I believe you're wondering why I'm here in the first place I-I'm so ashamed" She trailed on, a pink hue dusting her cheeks.

"Actually, I was looking for you" I said matter-of-factly. Her head turned to look at me again; a look of surprise and confusion marred her features.


"Well yeah, I believe we have things to talk about" I said with a smile, opening the door to my room and gesturing for her to go in. She smiled and went inside, sitting on the edge of my bed. I gestured for my two guardians to wait outside, and stepped in…ignoring the shit eating grin on Jett's face.

I took some time to admire my room; I hadn't really paid attention this morning.

The room was neat and tidy, not one wrinkle covered the black satin covers, and the cushions looked soft and perfectly placed. The room had three walls; the back of the bed was pinned to a white wall and was flanked by two bed side tables. Across from the bed stood a glass covered window that took up the space of an entire wall, this gave the sunlight opportunity to flood into the room. There was not a single flaw in the organization, and the contrast the sunset was creating with the dark colours of the room was quite breath-taking.

I sat on the desk chair across from her and stayed quiet for a moment, watching as she fumbled nervously with her hands.

"Well… I'm Logan" I said with a chuckle.

'I know' she muttered with a smile, "I'm Camille"

"Well it's very nice to meet you Camille" I said sweetly

"I believe you want to explain what happened back there" I said gesturing with my hands to the door and she nodded in return.

"I have to shamelessly admit that I'm curious to see what brought upon such a dislike for the humans, but I'm far more interested in finding out what brought upon such… misery in your eyes" She flinched and down casted her gaze to the floor. I waited patiently for her to talk, whatever it was that had caused her this much pain had to be horrid.

"Well it's a long story" she replied

I nodded in understanding and said, "Start from the beginning"

She smiled and got up from the bed. She walked towards me and placed both of her hands gently on my forehead.

"Ready?" she questioned.

"Yes" I said confidently

I tried to make sense of where I was, why I was running…why I was being followed, but the feelings were overwhelming. I was frightened and I was hurting. I was hurting all over, my body ached. It was definitely feeling the pressure of trying to heal the wounds fast enough, but they seemed to be too deep, and it was taking time.

I knew I was being chased, and I was aware it was a threat. I was feeling concerned, afraid, but those feelings weren't for my own sake.

I had a purpose, I could see the floor covered with blood, but it wasn't mine. I was following that trace of blood; I had to get somewhere. No, I had to get to someone. The urge to go faster was so immense; it made my body physically hurt even more.

There was only one thought that crossed my mind over and over again, the image of a very young angel. She had brown hair that fell messily on top of her shoulders, framing her round face. She had blue eyes and thin lips that curled sweetly into an inviting smile.

"Leah" I heard myself mutter. The intensity of the emotions that came with saying the little girl's name was nearly overbearing.

"Camille!" I heard someone yell, panic welled up inside me and I ran faster. 'I have to see her, I have to save her.'

It was then I took the time to look around me, it was all covered in metal, metal doors, metal walls, and metal floors. Some doors had different names, Coronel Williams, Sargent Robinson and the names go on and on and on. It seemed like a military base, but where was it? Where could I find it? This could be the turning point to everything.

"Camille! Don't go in there!" I heard a man shout, but rational thinking was not an option right now. She was desperate, frustrated and filled with horror of what could be. Tears started pouring down her eyes, blurring my view. She angrily whipped them away and kept running. We were close, I could feel her anticipation; her anxiety. Her eyes were fixed on one particular door at the end of the hall. She didn't waste time and barged in.

A guttural and sharp scream startled me.

And there she was…

Her tiny form full of blood, full of opened cuts and bruises. Her body was limp and she made no movement and that was when I realized it, she was dying. Her figure was glowing with a white aura, something our body did when it was giving its last fight, its last attempt at curing our wounds, but they were too much and she was too weak. Her body was tired, it was giving up; the same aura began to turn red, a powerful red, it was consuming the entire medical room, and I had to cover my eyes to shield myself from its brightness; it was intolerable.

Then it was gone, just like that, it was gone…she was gone. The only remains were her little frail and lifeless body.

That was when I realized someone was holding her, it wasn't an angel. It was a human and his expression mirrored mine; he was horrified; he froze up to a point where you could hardly see him breathing. After what felt like hours but could hardly even be a minute, he abruptly let her limp body fall to the floor, rising up with a jolt. He raised his gaze from Leah and looked at me for the first time.

Anger radiated from me like a bulb, I was mad, no, I wasn't mad. I was furious. I could feel the hate in her body consuming me completely as I raised my gaze and forced myself to look up at him.

Then it all went black.

I sat there, paralyzed. I didn't know what to do. I knew I should react, say something comforting but I couldn't move. It was him. It was the same blonde I had encountered.

An unfamiliar emotion washed through me, it was forceful, like a permanent anger for something…or someone that just never died down, but only increased with each passing second. My heart rate sped up and I felt the temperature in my body heighten.

It took time for me to identify it because it was so foreign… but I finally did.

Remember when I said that it would be impossible for me to feel hatred?

Oh how wrong I was.

Well that's it! Please review, I'd love to hear what you think and if you see something I should change or if I'm doing something wrong please tell me(: Cause I'm a noob here lol :D

Have a good one,
